Grandpa Shen Cheng

Shen Ming was scared shitless when he heard the angry voice.

'Omg, he's super angry now'

He gulped and turned back slowly, with a forced smile and weekly voice he asked," What brings you here, father?"

The old but strong man who was standing in front of the door and dared to yell at Shen Ming was none other than Shen Xueran's grandfather, Shen Cheng.

Shen Cheng was considered as a big boss in the business world. Everyone admired him because of his strong character and calm personality, also as the prodigy of the business empire in the whole world.

Even when he retired from his position, people came everyday from everywhere in the world just to meet him once.

But when he saw what his grandson was going through in the family, he wasn't able to keep his calm posture anymore. Shen Cheng's blood was boiling in anger at his son who bullied his feeble grandson.

He knew everything about Shen Xueran as well as the rumors. but to slander him and lock him up in every single word, this made him speechless.

He never knew his son was so cruel like this. Whenever Shen Xueran got bullied outside, he would take care of them from the shadows. But what should he do when he gets bullied by his own family and father?

"Shen Ming, answer me! How many times did you lock Xueran in a dark room? How dare you beat up my grandson?"

"Fa-Father, I was only teaching him to behave well. He was making trouble everywhere. I-" Sheng Ming became anxious.

"You dare to call this teaching manners? Let me ask you, have I taught you manners by locking you in a dungeon? you bastard!" Grandpa Shen yelled at Shen Ming even more angrily.

When Grandpa Shen was fuming in rage at his son, the person who was the reason for this ruckus, was watching the show from the side doing nothing.

'This is bad, I need to stop them or it'll get even worse,' Sun Qing was biting her nails anxiously trying to warn Shen Xueran to stop them.

But Shen Xueran didn't bat an eye on her, and let them continue the argument. The previous Shen Xueran was in a bad relationship with her grandpa because every time he tried to protect her, she denied his help and let them continue to bully her.

But this time, Shen Xue wouldn't buy their words. Having someone to back up is always good, she won't let this opportunity slide away from hand.

Sun Qing saw that Shen Xueran didn't have any intention to stop them. So she could only take the bait and come forward to talk.

"Father, listen to me. Actually Xueran is a child after all. So he was causing some problems at the school. I wanted to stop Ming, but he didn't listened to me."

"Yes, Grandpa. He was chasing after Young Master Fu. If we didn't inform dad, then this will cause a problem in the company. That's why he was scolding Shen Xueran," Shen Xin added to her mother's words quickly.

But Shen Cheng became furious again, "Who are you to meddle in my family affairs? Did I recognize you as the Mistress of Shen's?" Grandpa Shen's words Made Sun Qing flustered as if she was thrown into the fire pit.

"And don't call me grandpa arbitrarily. I didn't recognize you two as my grandchildren, so mind your manners," the siblings were also in a shock after hearing these words.

"Xueran, where is your test result? Hand it over," He asked her in a calm voice.

In front of Shen siblings' envious and angry gaze, Shen Xueran handed over the result sheet to Shen Cheng.

He started to see the result one by one. This time ,Shen Xueran secured a position from the top five students, so he was very impressed by the result.

He always took care of Shen Xueran in silence, so he knew Shen Xueran's character very well. If she works hard, she can do anything she wants. So this result was not much of a surprise for him. Protecting her from that useless sh*t was his first priority for now.

"This is the last time I warn you, don't ever touch Xueran, not even a strand of his hair," Grandpa Shen felt light in his heart after venting all of his anger. The whole time, Shen Xueran didn't ask him to stop once. Maybe, he finally realized how badly they were treating him.

"I have decided to take Xueran away from here. Xueran, do you want to go with grandpa?" Shen Cheng looked at him somewhat anxiously.

Shen Xue looked at the old man, his anxiety came from the fear that Shen Xueran would reject him and continue to leave here.

Shen Xueran smiled because her heart was warm. No matter how much Grandpa Shen ignored her, she was always present deep inside his heart. She felt gratitudeness coming from her heart as she walked towards her grandfather.

"Take me out of this hell, grandfather," Shen Xueran looked at him with deep eyes like she was begging to get out of here.

Shen Ming panicked at this change of Shen Xueran. If Shen Xueran were to go with his father, then his father will definitely make this bastard his successor. He couldn't let him do that, he needed to stop Shen Xueran from leaving.

"Wa-Wait, Xueran… father was wrong. Father will definitely make it up to you. Don't leave for something as little as this," Shen Ming started to persuade her.

Sun Qing also saw that the situation was bad. So she hurriedly started to pretend to be sorry, "Yes, yes, Xueran. Aunty didn't know things were actually like this, so aunty wronged you. Aunty is sorry, don't leave. I will make it up to you, okay?" Sun Qing forced a smile on her face.

Shen Xueran stood there like a stone without moving. Her eyes were fixed at her grandfather.

"Let's go grandpa. I don't want to live here anymore," she shook her head.

"Alright, it's settled then. Do you have anything you want to take?" Grandpa Shen was pleased with her decision, so he felt relieved.

"I don't, let's go," she picked up her school bag and her important documents and everything was already there.

Shen Ming wanted to stop him, but he stopped trying when he saw his father's glare.

Shen Xueran sat in the car beside her grandpa, and the car started to depart.

'Farewell,' She thought as the Shen manor disappeared from her sight.