Grandpa Shen's Manor

Shen Cheng looked at the lonely guy who was sitting by his side. He thought she was down because of the departure. So he asked her if she was fine.

After all, he lived with hem all her life, it's natural for her to feel bad about living them behind.

Shen Cheng saw how desperately the servants were crying when giving him farewell, every servants adored him very much and he also cared for them a lot.

He gave everyone little presents such as ornaments, candy etc. various things. They also gave her farewell present. 

"Xueran, Do you wish to live there with those people? Do you regret your decision now?"

Shen Xue was taken aback by his question so she looked at him properly . when she saw his anxious face, she knew what he was worried about. So she smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry, grandpa. I'm perfectly fine, I'm just thinking what a fool I was to live with them till now," Shen Xueran said with a sour face.

"But I do feel a little bad about leaving Butler Wu and others. They were very good to me when I was living there," Shen Xueran said with a bitter smile on her face.

Grandpa Shen's heart wavered when he saw the smile at her face. He must have been heartbroken because of this scourge.

"Then how about I take all these servants in my manor? How does it sound like?" Shen Cheng said only to see the surprised expression on her face.

"Really? Will you do it for me, Grandpa?" she looked at him with a lot of expectations. Even her eyes were shining like jewels, which made him dazed.

'This brat is so easy to satisfy! Why is he such a fool!' Grandpa Shen smiled at her.

"Don't worry, now that you are going to leave with Grandpa. This Grandpa will make sure to help you soar high in the sky. I made this decision to make you my successor. What do you think?"

Every good thing comes with a proper price...

Shen Xueran was indebted to him now. He took care of the previous owner as well, so it was reasonable for her to give him something in return.

But she didn't expect him to ask her to become his successor.

"You don't have to make the decision right away, take your time and think it through thoroughly. I don't want you to regret your decision afterwards," Grandpa Shen asked her with concern.

They didn't have any qualified successor in the Shen family. Also, her mother was one of the shareholders of this group. So it makes sense for her to become the heir .

"I need to think it through before I make any decision. Give me some time grandpa. I'll give you my answer after I make my decision," Shen Xueran answered him politely.

"Alright. take how much time you want, but I want a proper answer," Grandpa Shen was satisfied with this much for now.

They arrived at Grandpa Shen's residence. It's a grand one to live for people, and Shen Xue was going to live here from now on.

Grandpa Shen can't walk for a long time because of his knee pain. so as soon as he got inside the manor, his butler helped him to sit in a wheelchair. But Shen Xueran needed a guide to show the path to his new room.

So Grandpa Shen took help from some other servant to go in his room while he asked the butler to show Shen Xueran his room and to give him a tour in the whole mansion tomorrow morning. So Shen Xue followed the butler to her room. When she entered the room, she was stunned.

A grand lavish room like this was not what she expected. Everything she needed was present here.

The Butler knew that Shen Cheng cherished this grandson of his very much, so he also took extra care of Shen Xueran as he behaved politely.

The Butler also didn't delayed to hand her a card, "Master arranged this card especially for the Young Master. You can use it and spend how much you want. If you need anything, feel free to ask me," The butler explained to her with utmost politeness.

"The Young Master can fresh up and have his dinner downstairs. I'll show you around tomorrow morning. Is there anything else you need, Young Master?" he asked her politely.

"Ah, no. I don't need anything else for now. I'll ask you if I need," she said to assure him. The butler left after bowing at her silently, leaving her space to make herself easy here.

Shen Xue was dazed when she saw all of this arrangement. So grandpa was waiting for her to come and live here all this time.

Sure enough, Shen Xueran was so lucky to have such a generous grandfather like him. She really missed a good opportunity by acting immature. Even Shen Xue felt jealous of the previous owner.

Shen Xue will grab this opportunity to enjoy its fullest. And also if she does some work, she can use her Grandpa's power as her cover.

But she also missed her Mom very much, she will go back home very soon, she will live here temporarily for now.

While thinking about all this, she was able to sleep soundly at night.

The next day,

Shen Xueran happily went to school after having breakfast with her grandpa. But when she went to class, her mood shattered completely.

A/ N: Guess what happened to ruin her mood? :D