Luo Jingcheng

Today they are going to have a physical test, the thing she wanted to avoid the most.

And she needs to take the test in front of the person that she wants to avoid the most.

So Shen Xueran was feeling sour about this. But on the contrary, Mu Yanran seemed to be very cheerful and active. She was currently thinking about admiring Shen Xueran's body like a pervert.

She was wearing a light pink T-shirt that girls used for gym practice and to play in the field. Her body curves could be seen inside this thin cloth because of the sweat that made her clothes go transparent.

"Xueran, when are you going to take of your shirt?" Mu Yanran asked him innocently.

Shen Xueran also saw this, and she was completely speechless.

'Sorry for disappointing you, but I can't satisfy your perverted mind,' Shen Xueran thought as she sighed.

"You should go and change your own shirt, look at how you are sweating," Shen Xueran took of her Uniform to cover Mu Yanran with this so that other boys can't see her like a pervert anymore.

There was another T-shirt on her body, so no one can see her body curve. That's why she dared to take off her uniforms.

When the uniform dropped on her body, Mu Yanran finally came to her senses as she looked down to see herself, and blushed in shame.

"Th-Thanks. I'll go to change now!" she was ashamed after she made a fool of herself in front of Shen Xueran, so she ran off to change her outfit quickly.

Fu Jinyan already prepared himself for the test. The T-shirt he was wearing was like a piece of cloth, so it revealed most parts of his body.

The girls started to sequel at him when he took off his gym outfit. When he looked at Shen Xueran, he saw the fella was still wearing the trousers.

"Student Shen, why aren't you taking your clothes off?" He raised his eyebrows at Shen Xueran.

Shen Xueran knew this question was coming, but she had also prepared for this, so she was relaxed and stayed silent.

'Yes. Take your clothes off, Shen Xueran'

'You can't ran this whole track with clothes on'

'Take it of, take it of'

Other students, specially the girls also started to nag at her to do this, but she only looked at them. Her eyes were blurry, so they weren't able to read her expression.

Then she looked back at Fu Jinyan. He suddenly felt suffocated in front of her eyes. But he didn't know where the pressure was coming from.

When he looked at Shen Xueran, he saw that she was smiling so dazzlingly that made him almost go blind.

"Thanks senior for taking care, but I don't plan to take off my dress."

"If I do, I'm afraid of getting tan on my body, and I really don't want any tan on my precious body!"

"After all, I take care of my body so much, day and night. I don't want to have any flaw after taking this much care," Shen Xueran was literally sparkling so brightly that everyone's eyes almost went blind.

Fu Jinyan, "..."

Students, "..."

Can you stop boasting about your beauty?

Even Fu Jinyan was speechless after his declaration of war for not taking his clothes off.

'Sometime when he acts this way, I feel like he is hiding Something. But what can it be?' Fu Jinyan couldn't find a reason why Shen Xueran acted strangely when someone told him to take off his clothes.

'Is it because of the scars that he had while fighting?'

'That's it. This is the reason why he is hiding his body'

'If it's like this, then I don't need to force him to do something he doesn't like' Fu Jinyan suddenly felt like he discovered a big secret of Shen Xueran.

"Well, it's alright if you don't take your clothes off. Be sure not to get hurt when doing exercise later on," Fu Jinyan flushed when telling her this, so he looked away embarrassedly.

Shen Xueran looked at him as if she was looking at some weirdo.

'What's wrong with him? Did he hit his head over something or what?' anyway, she didn't pay much attention to him.

On the other hand, when Mu Yanran came back and saw this , she was fuming because of this. Her face darkened like a cloud in the sky.

'Why did Xueran listen to him? Don't tell me, they are doing something behind my back?' Mu Yanran became cautious all of a sudden.

'I won't let Fu Jinyan take my hubby away no matter what!' Mu Yanran was fuming as she dug a hole in Fu Jinyan's head with her eyes.

Fu Jinyan also felt the fiery eyes that were looking at him very fiercely. When he looked back, he saw the affectionate eyes of Mu Yanran, which made him feel proud and at ease.

'Ranran is looking at me so affectionately like this, she must be very infatuated with me,' Fu Jinyan thought very shyly as he looked forward again.

Shen Xueran was confused by this cat- dog fight.

'What's this? wasn't the female lead supposed to have a good relationship with male lead? Why do I feel like they are making a staring contest?' Shen Xueran was very confused when a voice awakened her fully.

"Hello students. Welcome to today's physical test. I'll be in charge of this test, My name is Luo Jingcheng.