Danger Everywhere

After one hour, Shen Xueran woke up with a severe headache. She could slowly remember what happened.

'I messed up again,' she really wanted to cry but lacked tears.

Shen Xueran sighed and looked at her side only to find out Mu Yanran was sleeping next to her.

'What is she doing here?' Shen Xueran seemed to recall something, then quickly looked at her shirt.

Other than being a little messy, there weren't any other traces, they didn't touch her or changed her shirt.

Shen Xueran let out a sigh of relief. Then she looked at Mu Yanran again.

'Hmm… Should I wake her up, or should I just let her be?' she started to pondering over this matter when Mu Yanran woke up by herself.

'Umm… You woke up already, Xueran? How do you feel now?' Mu Yanran asked her while she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

Shen Xueran felt like as if Mu Yanran was a cute little kitten when she woke up and rubbed her eyes, she smiled as she answered.

"I'm Alright now, no need to worry. It happens sometime, so it's alright," Shen Xueran smiled at her sheepishly.

"By the way, who brought me here? I don't remember anything," Shen Xueran really forgot everything, so she asked Mu Yanran to confirm the matter.

"Hmm… You are really lucky Xueran. But it's a shame that you don't remember anything. The one who brought you to the infirmary was Teacher Luo himself!" Mu Yanran's eyes were literary sparkling in excitement.

"Many girls dream of hitting on him, but they don't even have the opportunity to go near him. He even carried you all the way here to the infirmary, you are really lucky," Mu Yanran was blabbering about how Luo Jingcheng helped to take her into hospital.

"Ha ha, Is that so? I'm very grateful for the help. If someday when I see him again, I'll thank him for the help he did today," Shen Xueran smiled awkwardly.

At the same time, Shen Xueran was feeling as if her heart was going to explode and come out of her chest.

'To think he helped me, what the hell was he thinking?' Shen Xueran thought to herself.

'Thanks god that I bind my chest, or else I would've been almost exposed'

'But we didn't meet according to the novel. Then why did he help me?' Shen Xueran didn't have the answer even after thinking for a long time.

"Anyway, you should go back to class. I'll go home to rest, I won't be able to take any classes today," Shen Xue told her with an extremely sick look.

Her face was also pale because of exhaustion, so she really looked very weak.

Mu Yanran became worried to see the pale looking face of her Idol. So she hurriedly said, "Okay okay. Go back home and recuperate, Teacher Luo already talked with the teacher so you are free to leave at any time, so don't worry."

"Get well and come back to school, I'll wait for you," Mu Yanran smiled brightly at her.

Then she exited her room. The moment she left, Shen Xueran's face turned normal in an instant. A faint smile appeared on her charming face as she ruffled her hair back.

She stood up, packed her bag and straightened her clothes.

After sometime, Shen Xueran came out of the infirmary walking at a slow pace. After she saw the school disappeared behind her, Shen Xue lifted the hood up to her head then started to walk fast.


In a dark alley, an 8-9 years old girl was sitting on a chair inside a dark room. Her hands were bound behind tightly, and her mouth was also covered with a black cloth. This prevented her from talking or shouting for help.

The girl's curly black hair hid her beautiful blue eyes which were shining like stars sometime ago, but now there was a faint dull expression on them.

She sat there motionlessly, looking at the four men who were busy playing cards. It has been a week since she got kidnapped, but no one came to her rescue till now.

They kidnapped her but not for money, they had some other intention. But her father wouldn't agree to their request, she knew that very well.

Even so, she felt somewhat aggrieved, because no matter what they wanted, shouldn't he at least send someone to rescue her? When did he become so indifferent? Or is it that he doesn't love her anymore so he wouldn't rescue her?

The girls imagination went wild, thinking everything by herself and feeling aggrieved.

'Dad doesn't love me anymore…'

She wanted to cry, but looking at these people in front of her, she forced herself to swallow her cries.

'No, I won't cry. Dad will definitely send someone to help him, I need to be patient,' she thought and became silent again.

"I wonder when these people will send that thing. Or is it that they don't care for the girl?" said one of them.

"Don't worry. They will definitely send what we need, this girl is no ordinary girl. We need to be patient for a while more before we take another step."

"Cut the crap. We still have to play."

"Yeah, let's play."

They again started to play. But after a while, suddenly the door started to make noise. Everyone of them stood up with their weapons, ready to attack.

The door opened wide, and in front of the door a skinny guy was standing in front. He went inside slowly and closed the door.

They were not able to see his face because of his mask, but they guessed that he was not more than a highschool boy.

"Hey, who the hell are you to come here? What business do you have?"

But he didn't pay any attention to them. Instead he looked at the little girl behind them.

"Little girl, if you don't want to see blood, then close your eyes."