I'm Not Her Father !!!

'W-what? Did-did this brother come to my rescue? for real?', the girl thought anxiously as she closed her eyes tightly.

'Did father send him, I hope so,' she prayed in her heart to gods for help.

For some reason, her heart told her to believe and rely on this brother. She wanted to act according to her heart for once more. Because he gave her a strong feeling of security the moment he came inside.

So she obediently closed her eyes and waited for him to rescue her. And she slowly fainted not long after. Because it has been three days since she went on strike, she didn't eat the food that was given to her by them. Because every time she eats the food, she will feel nausea and drowsiness.

So, she didn't eat anything afterwards, patiently waiting for her rescue. But now, there was someone who came to help her. She didn't need to hold back anymore. Being unable to get a hold of herself, she fainted.

The other man's were also looking in his direction. He bends down to pick up something, so their eyes naturally follow his movements, only to see him picking up an iron rod. The rod was very thick and heavy, but the way he started to sway it like a little stick, they already knew he wasn't any ordinary person.

"So… abducting and kidnapping little children is very fun, eh?"

They were already alert, but when they heard his voice, they became horrified. He gave off a dangerous aura, just same as that of a beast, and they were very sure that,

'He is going to beat us with that rod!'

'It's best to confess now before he did something abruptly'

"We didn't touch the child yet, someone wanted us to kidnap her and we received money for this. We were just doing what we were told to do. Nothing more…"

The leader of the gang spoke up first. He knew very well that this person was difficult to deal with, so he can turn the story. In this way, he wouldn't know their real purpose and would let them off after a light beating.

But before he even had the time to finish his words, there was a loud sound and he fell with his face down.


"Ha... do you think I'm gonna buy your bullshits?"

The other three looked at the person on the ground. He already stopped breathing or moving. They saw this was going to be the same for them as well.

"Don't beat us ,we will tell you everything!"

He only raised his eyebrows, not moving or talking.

"Our boss ordered us to kidnap that child, he wanted to gain something from the kid's father. So to force him to give in, he kidnapped this child."

"For what purpose?"

'Should we really sell out the boss?' they glanced at each other while pondering over this.

But when he looked at those ferocious eyes, he forgot about his boss completely. He gulped as he said, "For some military information."

Bang, Bang, Bang! 

He slowly moved forward, and freed her from the ropes. But the girl fell on his body, unconscious.  She clearly fainted and looks like she didn't ate anything these days, looking at how malnutritious her body was.

Anyway, the mission was complete, so he threw away the iron rod, blood was dripping from it.

Then he picked up the girl and departed from the dark room. Also, he left the four corpses all by themselves.

'They won't be able to find out what happened here for sometime,' he smirked as he walked out of the narrow road and walked up to the main road. He went towards the hospital slowly and walked in with a calm face.

A nurse was walking in a hurry when he went inside, so he called the nurse from behind.

"Hello, Ms. Can you take a look at this child here?"

The nurse looked back and saw a young man was standing behind her, holding a child in his arms.

She hurriedly went back and looked at the child's condition. She frowned as she said, "This child didn't eat sufficient food for her for days, now she fainted due to exhaustion."

"Where were you these days? Were you so busy that you didn't even look after your child?"


"Where is your wife? she doesn't have any sense of responsibility that she didn't took care of the child. Seriously, look at how pitiful she is. sigh..."


He was flustered as he coughed and cleared his throat, "You are wrong, Mrs. I am not this child's father. I'm her..."

Before he could even finish, the nurse interrupted him, "What do you mean by you are not her father? You don't want to take the responsibility for your child? Or did you abduct her?"

'Darn this woman!'

he cursed inwardly as he shouted out in frustration, "I'm only SEVENTEEN, SEVENTEEN. And I'm not her father, I'm her brother!"

The nurse, "..."

The people that was gossiping around, "..."


The nurse was flustered when she heard his yell, 'I got it all wrong!'

"AND THERE IS NO WOMAN, DID YOU UNDERSTOOD?" he was fuming in rage right now.

"I got it, got it. I was wrong. Now, you should take the child to see the doctor," the nurse quickly changed the topic.

The girl in his arms has also started to frown in pain, so he didn't take any more time and went to see the doctor.

"She experienced a bad time and got the signs of malnourishment, it would be good if you admitted her in the hospital for the time being," the doctor said after a check up on the girl.

"You said that you are her brother, how come you didn't even look after your sister? WHAT KIND OF BROTHER ARE YOU?" the doctor got mad as he started to yell at the guy sitting in front of him.


Why everyone was yelling at him? 

What did he do?

But he was rather calm as he explained to the doctor slowly, "I didn't took care of her because some days ago, she was kidnapped by some ba*tards."