Fu Yaoyao

"What did you say? She was kidnapped? Why are you saying that now?" the doctor was surprised. But he felt pressured too, he furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the guy.

'If that was the case, then the girls case was related to crime'

"Did you call the police yet? Did you inform your parents?" the doctor said with a serious expression.

"Umm… I did. They'll be here in no time. But give her a proper treatment first," the boy nodded his head and assured the doctor.

When the doctor treated the little girl's wound and gave her IV, she was gripping his hand tightly, not letting him go.

He looked at his hand silently, then looked at the girl before him. She definitely looked beautiful, but now she was in this condition after suffering so much.

"Well, if you are disappointed because your sister doesn't look well, then don't think too much. Dehydration made her look bad, just a few days after eating and sleeping properly, she will be healthy like before," the doctor saw the troubled look on his face and thought that he was worried for his sister, so he tried to assure him.

"Alright, thank you doctor," He smiled at the young doctor brightly, making his heart flutter.

'He is beautiful when he smiles'

'Wait! What am I thinking?' the young male doctor quickly snapped out of his imagination.

"A… ha ha, it's nothing. This is what I should do. No need to thank me," flustered, he quickly made an excuse.

The young man stood up slowly and carefully took out his hand from the hand of the little girl.

"Well then, please take care of my sister until she wakes up. I'm going to fetch my parents."

"Sure, sure. You can go, I'll take care of her," the doctor told him cheerfully.

He smiled. This doctor was a bright person, he could take care of the girl earnestly. So he walked out of the cabin and started to go down.

He stood in front of the hospital and called someone.

"Hello, is it Blue Rover?"


"The mission is successful, and the target is now living as a patient at the City Hospital. I registered her name as Yaoyao and she was admitted in room 503. You can come and pick her up."


"Also take something to eat, she didn't eat anything for a long time. I guess some porridge would be better."

"Roger that."

The call was cut. The young man looked up at the sky for sometime, he was immersed in thoughts. Then he slowly took off his mask, cap and sunglasses.

Shen Xueran finally breathed a sigh of relief. Her first mission was successful. So she wore her simple glasses and ruffled her hair. They have gotten quite long, but she let them be.

It was of course, because she wants to grow her hair again!

Shen Xue had the most beautiful and shiny, silky hair in her office. Everyone was very envious of her hair, she will even boast about how her fourteen generation passed down this beautiful hair through her. And she liked to keep them, if she didn't cross-over like this.

The previous Shen Xueran looked a lot like Shen Xue, and most of their habits were the same, so this was advantageous for Shen Xue to adapt here quickly.

Anyway, she went home happily as she still has to make a report on her mission.

As soon as she left, a dozen military cars came and stood in front of the hospital. The officers surrounded the hospital as a tall and handsome middle aged man came out of the front car and went inside the hospital.

He went towards the reception with long strides. The receptionist was a little nervous to see the commotion, but she stood there anyway.

But he didn't come to the reception and directly went towards the lift.


"Here, have some water," doctor Li poured some water for the little girl to drink.

It's been half an hour since her brother was gone, and she woke up a few minutes ago.

Since he was absent, he has to take care of her for the time being.

So he handed the water to the little girl and watched her as she slowly drank.

"How do you feel now?"

"Much better."

"What's your name?" he asked the girl while putting down the empty glass on the table by her side.

"My name is Fu Yaoyao," The girl hesitated, then answered him slowly.

Before he could ask something more, there was a huge sound at the door.


The door opened with a loud sound as a man walked in.


"Dad!" The girl jumped off of the bed and rushed towards the man. He hugged her tightly and took her in his embrace.

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry. Dad is late. This won't happen again in the future. I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the man's desperate voice could be heard in this silent room.

The girl patted his back with her small hands as she tried to calm him down, "It's alright, I'm all good now. Don't be like this, Dad. You're not supposed to break your cool," She pouted her face to make him happy.

"Okay, I won't do that again," he calmed down hearing her soothing voice.

He made her sit in the bed as he knelt down and asked her, "Did these b*stards do something to you?"

"Nope. I wonder if they are alive or not," she said as she pondered .

"Did you see the person who saved you?" he asked her cautiously.

"No. I fainted when he came. My vision was already blurry when he came. But this doctor uncle can tell," She pointed her finger at the third person who was standing there in disbelief and confusion.

'She was an high ranking officers daughter? Why he didn't tell me anything about this?'

'He… he is kneeling like this in front of his daughter! Should I leave or should I stay?' a lot of things were going on in his mind .

The person stood up as he asked him, 'Are you the doctor in charge?'

"Ye-Yes. I-I took care of her when her brother took her here," he was sweating.

"Did you see his face?"

"No. He was wearing sunglasses, a mask and a cap. I didn't see his face."

'What the h*ll! Wasn't he her brother? Why does he ask me?'

"Then, what happened today, keep this a secret. Can you do that?"

'Which part?' he wandered.

The person understood his meaning as he said, "All of it."

"Yes, Sir," he promised to keep it a secret .

Then the person took the girl and went out of the cabin, leaving the confused doctor behind.

A/N : Poor doctor OwO

A/N : Hello my lovely readers, sorry for the late update. This whole week I was Re-editing the story, so it took a long time then expected. I'll continue to update it. So don't forget me or my book !!!

Happy Reading!!!