
Shen Xueran went home after school. Just When she entered the living room, she heard a familiar voice coming from there. Both Grandpa Shen and Li Hua were laughing with each other.

"Mom!" Shen Xueran was surprised.

When she entered the room, Li Hua already noticed someone's arrival. She looked back only to see Shen Xueran entering the living room. Her heart was instantly filled with happiness. She stood up and ran towards Shen Xueran.


Both of them hugged each other as they welcomed each other warmly. After coming into this world, Li Hua was the only one who cared for her more than anyone else. Even Shen Xue felt guilty to accept this love that was meant for Shen Xueran, not Shen Xue.

But she became greedy for this affection so much that she wasn't able to create a distance with her mother. And even now, when she saw her worried face, and the joy of happiness in her eyes when Shen Xueran came back, all of this made her feel even more guilty.

Shen Xueran forced herself to break free from this affectionate hug as she started to talk with her.

"How have you been, Mom? When did you come?" Shen Xueran tried to ease the tension.

"I'm doing well. A'che is taking care of the apartment. I came after the launch," Li Hua explained to her.

"Your Grandpa invited me to attend an auction party," Li Hua was fidgeting with both her hands, Shen Xueran understood that her mother was nervous.

She looked at Grandpa Shen, he was a man of words. Of course, he kept his words to curry favor with Shen Xueran.

"I see. Is it today?" she nodded her head because she already knew the details. So she asked Grandpa Shen if she needed to get prepared for the function looking at him.

"You're right. We will depart at 8 o'clock. So get ready by then," Grandpa Shen assured her about the date.

"Then, Mommy is going with us, right?" Shen Xueran asked him to make sure that Li Hua would not be left behind.

"Do whatever you want," Grandpa Shen didn't make any difference about Li Hua. Because she was his daughter-in-law after all.

"Alright then," Shen Xueran was happy. So she tugged at her mother's clothes like a child as she said, "Let's go, Mommy."

Li Hua got dragged away by Shen Xueran in her room. Grandpa Shen saw them from behind as he smiled.

'Sure enough. That guy is still like a child, contented with such little things'

Butler Wu was standing behind Grandpa Shen. After they were gone, he saw how the Old Master was smiling by looking at them.

'Sure enough. Old Master treasures Young Master Shen very much'

"Let's go. I have to get ready for the auction as well," Grandpa Shen returned to his usual stone face again.

"Yes Master," Butler Wu Bowed as he started to take Grandpa back to his room by pushing the wheelchair again.

Inside Shen Xueran's room,

"How did you manage to live here, Ranran? Did anyone pick at you? Does anyone know about your secrets?" Li Hua said with a panicked expression.

"No Mom. Nothing much happened in particular. No one suspected anything. You know I'm good at hiding things," Shen Xueran assured her mother that nothing major happened.

But Li Hua felt heartache for her daughter after what she said. It was not something uncommon that Shen Xueran was good at hiding things. But along with everything, she also hid her deepest scars inside her heart, never revealing anything to anyone.

Li Hua knew her daughter had gone through a lot since a little age. But she was only able to see the physical wounds that can be shown, not the wounds of her heart. She disclosed herself from everyone, including her own mother.

Even so, Li Hua couldn't bear to see her only daughter get herself in the middle of such a turbulent fight for the successor. It was dangerous to begin with, and now with the sudden interference of Old Master Shen Has made it more difficult.

When Li Hua arrived, she talked with Old Master Shen to let Shen Xueran step down. But the Old Man refused and insisted on remaining firm on his decision. Li Hua can completely see Grandpa Shen's eyes blazing like the sun was full of confidence when she asked him .

"I believe in my grandson. He can do this," his voice was full of pride as he spoke, which made her stunned.

"Tonight, you will witness the capability of Xueran. I believe him, because he is my, Shen Cheng's, only Recognized grandson, and the Future Heir to the Shen Group."

Li Hua looked at him with both disbelief and happiness, because he recognized her daughter as the future Heir and his grandson, and put all his belief in him.

So she was anxious whether Shen Xueran can live up to the old man's expectations.

"Ranran, can you really do this? Your life is now hanging up to your Grandpa's decision. Do you understand what I mean?"

Shen Xueran felt grateful towards her mother again for caring about her. But Shen Xueran really didn't care about the old man's money or power.

In this world, there is no one who can decide her destiny.

'Only I can write my own destiny, no one else is able to control my fate!'

But she didn't say anything to her mother about that. Instead, she assured her with firm words.

"It's alright, Mom. I understand."

"I took the gamble after all, so let me finish it on my own. I'll do it well. Just put all your trust on me for the last time," Shen Xueran kneeled down in front of her mother and grasped her hands, smiling.

Li Hua felt convinced after she saw the firm look in her eyes, "You don't have to say that. Mommy always believed you, and will do it even in the future."

"Umm… then let me sleep like this for a little," Shen Xueran put her head on her mother's lap, acting all childish and cute.

"Alright. But you have to go to the party. Remember that," Li Hua brushed her hair as she looked at Shen Xueran's face.

Upon looking close, anyone could tell that Shen Xueran was very tired, Li Hua also noticed it very well, so she didn't disturbed her and let her rest.

'Rest well, sweety,' Li Hua sighed silently.

The room fell silent, only two people's breathing filled the entire room with a hint of loneliness.

Authors corner:

Shen Xueran : 'Only I can write my own destiny , no one else is able to control my fate!'

Author : Um... but, Shen Xueran , your destiny was being written by someone else *_*

Shen Xueran (With a gun in hand) : Who the hell are you? >_<

Author: He he, no one, no one. You can continue ^^'