The Dazzling appearance of Shen Xueran

The car arrived in front of the hotel gate. Shen Xueran got out of the car first before turning aside to help her mother to come out. She held her mothers hand and walked behind Grandpa Shen as planned, and went inside the hotel.

Shen Ming was already present there with Shen Mu and Shen Xin. Shen Ming introduced Shen Mu with others as he bragged about how brilliant his son was. Shen Mu was well acquainted with some other guys like him. So he went to join them while Shen Xin went towards the crowd of girls.

But the crowd of high class rich families were a different one, and none of them were able to get in there. Although Grandpa Shen was a man with high authority, Shen Mu and Shen Xin failed to get along with them because of their arrogance and haughty appearance.

The VIP seats on the Second floor were already filled with them, a tall figure stood at the balcony to see them as his eyes were looking for someone.

Luo Shaochen placed his hand on the guy's shoulder as he asked, "What's up, Brother? Looking for someone?"

"No, nothing," Luo Jingcheng replied to him before going back inside. He sat on the sofa lazily and took a glass of drinks in his hand.

Luo Shaochen observed his cousin deeply as he also went inside and sat beside him. After all these years of following him, Luo Shaochen knew his habits very well. He didn't drink but took the glass, twirling around in his hand.

This happened when he was in a deep thought about something. Because Luo Jingcheng took very few important things so seriously to get into such deep thoughts. He sat there and didn't disturbed him, because disturbing him now means getting kicked out of this room, and he didn't want this to happen.

Luo Jingcheng knew that Shen Xueran was going to come to today's party, and Old Master Shen informed him about this beforehand. So he was absorbed in his own imagination on how Shen Xueran will look like at today's party.

Just as he was going to ask him again, a commotion started to happen downstairs as they heard so much noise coming from down and the girls screaming could be heard. Luo Jingcheng's train of thought broke down by the screams, and he also went to the balcony to see what happened.

Shen Xueran came came inside right after Grandpa Shen. She wore a Black Suit which perfectly matched her aura, she looked like a Sovereign lord as she walked inside the hotel grandly. The pair of glasses in her eyes shined brightly as the lights reflected on them. She looked like a dazzling star that was walking on the red carpet.

Luo Jingcheng's heart beat faster as he saw her appearance.

My girl is truly gorgeous. How I wish to hide her away from everyone's eyes!

Luo Shaochen also came after him to see what was going on. When he saw Shen Xueran, he also felt that he was indeed the Young Master of the Shen, a true Heir with a strong temperament can only be like him .

"Wow. This Young Master of Shen's is truly handsome!" he complimented Shen Xueran, But Luo Jingcheng kept silent.

Everyone in the party knew the Shen Group leader will come to this party tonight, and the rumors of him bringing the future Heir to the Shen Group also spread widely by now. But when they saw that Shen Ming was already here with both Shen Mu and Shen Xin, they thought that was just a rumor and didn't think much about it.

But when Shen Cheng arrived, right behind him, Shen Xueran entered the party with an Elegant and Majestic aura, the whole room fell into chaos. Nobody here thought that Old Master Shen would actually bring his infamous grandson to this Charity function tonight.

What's more, today's Shen Xueran looked completely different from before. His handsomeness became the topic of discussion between girls that attended the party. But she remained calm as she stood by Grandpa Shen and greeted others.

Li Hua felt nervous when she felt so many people were looking at them, especially when her daughter took the limelight of the party. Too much attention was something dangerous for Shen Xueran, so she clutched on her sleeves to get attention.

Shen Xueran felt like someone was tugging at her hand, only to see her mother was looking at her with a nervous gaze.

"What is it, Mom? Are you feeling bad?" her mother looked somewhat pale, this made her worried.

"Ranran, so many people are looking at us, do you think it's alright?" Li Hua whispered in her ears, looking worried.

Shen Xueran already knew that her appearance would get a lot of attention before coming. Because the Shen Group was one of the biggest corporations in the whole country, the Heir with such a large responsibility will naturally get a lot of attention.

She already knew this was coming, but seeing her mother worried about her, Shen Xueran felt a lot better and relaxed than before.

"It's alright, Mom. don't forget that Grandpa is still here, he will take care of everything," She assured her mother that nothing bad was going to happen.

"Greetings, Master Shen! How have you been?"

"Old Master Shen is a very generous person to attend this party"

"We are honored to see you here today"

"Who is the boy by the side of Old Master Shen?"

A bunch of flatterers stood around Shen Cheng, flattering him to no end. But he knew them very well.

So he got out of the crowd after throwing a bomb inside.

"I have been very well. I won't thank you for the concern," Shen Cheng made himself clear without holding back.

"And this is my grandson, Shen Xueran. He accompanied me in today's party."

"I selected him as the future Heir to the Shen Group! And this is the final decision! And currently he is staying in my residence to take his lessons," Shen Cheng made his words clear for once and all.


The entire crowd went into deadly silence. The Old Master directly announced Shen Xueran as the Future Heir, which means the illegitimate son of Shen Ming didn't stand any chance for a competition. He directly made the decision on Shen Xueran.

Shen Ming felt as if a bolt of lightning striked on his head. His father was the head of the family, so he can't interfere on this matter.

Shen Mu clenched his hands tightly in rage. His grandfather actually made the decision on this, which means that he can't get his rightful position anymore. His face was ugly as a pig right now.

Shen Xueran spotted him right at the time when she entered here. The corner of her lips went upwards when she saw their ugly faces. A feeling of contentment flashed in her eyes as she stood by Shen Cheng respectfully with a gracious manner.


A sound of laughter came from upstairs, Shen Xueran looked up to see who was making fun of this situation, only to meet a very familiar pair of deep blue eyes.

A/N: Aiyoooo, what a romantic encounter , LOL