
Although she knew the Luo families people will come to this party, Shen Xueran didn't expect to meet Luo Jingcheng here. Of course she knew that the Luo family often attended parties like this. But what was he doing here?

She quickly lowered her eyes, the mocking expression is also gone, she stood there expressionlessly, avoiding his gaze.

Well, this is what usually happens when you are attending a place with your teacher!

When Luo Jingcheng saw the change of expression, he wanted to burst into laughter, he forced himself to stop before he went inside to hold out his laughter.

How can she be so cute? Does she think I didn't see her expression from before?

Even Luo Shaochen was amused to see him laugh like this. It was a rare scene for him to see his cousin laugh so heartily. Luo Jingcheng laughs often, but these are actually fake smiles, which he put on his face to do business. Sometimes he will laugh like a maniac when he is dealing with underground prisoners, and that smile is so cold to the point of freezing people in fear.

But this time, his laughter was actually a warm one, just like a normal person.

Even so, what was so funny downstairs for him to laugh till his stomach hurts?

Luo Shaochen saw nothing out of the ordinary. But he was quite surprised to hear that Old Master Shen actually announced the boy chaser Shen Xueran as the future Heir to the Shen group.

Is that why he was laughing so much?

But as far as he knows, Luo Jingcheng had quite a good relationship with Old Master Shen. Then why would he laugh over a decision that was made by him?

Luo Shaochen only thought about the Old Master Shen, so his eyes escaped Shen Xueran's change of expressions.

Luo Jingcheng clutched his stomach with both hands as he slowly calmed down and stopped laughing.


After suffering a huge blow, Shen Ming finally came to his senses. Shen Mu is the son that he raised carefully, he is intelligent and talented. Why would his father appoint put him aside and announce Shen Xueran that ba*tard as the Heir? He is definitely going to oppose it!

"Father, I disagree with this decision! Shen Xueran can't become the Heir for our company. He will destroy the image and reputation of our company."

"And who are you to give a disagree in my decision?" Grandpa Shen raised an eyebrow as he looked at his son lightly.

"That ba*tard is ruining our reputation. He is running after boys all day long! He doesn't have any good marks in result. He is an utter image of failure! He will bring down our company along with himself! That ba*tard…" Shen Ming was furious. All the people around them started whispering to each other.

Shen Xueran stood by side, watching the drama quietly. Today, Grandpa Shen will take care of everything. So, she doesn't need to worry about anything.

"Presumptuous!" Shen Cheng angrily raised the stick on his hand and stomped it on the ground angrily as he shouted, this immediately shut down Shen Ming's mouth.

Shen Cheng was disturbed by this attitude of his son.

"What do you know about my grandson for you to speak like that! All your life, do you think I don't know what you did with my grandson?" Shen Cheng threatened him with the abuse he did to Shen Xueran.

"All of them are just some rumors. My boy Xueran is a healthy and strong minded person with a brilliant result. He has the ability to take my company to the next level. He is the only rightful person who has the authority in this family to take over the company as the first wife's son," Sure enough, Shen Cheng knew all the dirty deeds of Sun Qing.

That vile woman always framed his grandson in order to win his stupid son's favor. So that she can make her own son take over the power. But after a thorough investigation, Shen Cheng found out about all of her schemes. Sure enough, he will never let that vile woman's son take over the authority.

Sun Qing was busy talking with other rich ladies, so she didn't notice the commotion at first. But when another lady rushed here to gossip about what was happening there, she rushed there to see that Grandpa Shen was here with Shen Xueran and Li Hua.

Shen Cheng never recognised her as a member of the Shen family. This is also the reason she didn't rise from her position as Shen Ming's Mistress.

She hates this old man to begin with, and now, he was trying to take away her last hope?

Sun Qing came and held Shen Ming on his shoulder, pretending to sooth him. Then she looked at Shen Cheng with teary eyes, pretending to be pitiful.

"Father ,please calm down. Shen…"

Shen Cheng glared at her, "I didn't recognise you as a family, who are you calling father?"

"Sorry, Mr. Shen," she greeted her teeth. He was clearly reminding her about her position.

"I don't know what Xueran told you but Ming treated him very well. It was just that he was misbehaving a little and was doing bad at his exams, that's why he got punished a little," Sun Qing forcibly put a fake smile on her face. In front of this old man, even putting on a fake smile was hard to do.

Shen Cheng glanced lightly at her. Then he calmly said, "Oh, you are saying that my grandson misbehaved and did badly in the exams? I almost forgot the main topic, you did a good job by reminding me about this," Shen Cheng lightly glanced at Shen Xueran. She was standing obediently by his side till now.

"But how come I don't see anything wrong about my grandson?"

"Well, I have to make sure whether he is a good or bad student right? Then I'll bring it on," Shen Cheng looked at Sun Qing, she was already sweating.

'Did he find out something?' Sun Qing will get exposed if Shen Cheng were to gain the evidence of what she did all these years. But she pretended to be calm although her forehead was all sweaty.

At the same time, a person's appearance stunned everyone once again. He always lived a quiet life, so he didn't make many public appearances. But today after his appearance, there was a huge uproar in the crowd.

Shen Yan walked straight and calmly walked towards his father with a file in his hand. Even Shen Xueran was dazzled by his looks.

'Wow… What a handsome young man! It's a pity that I have to call him uncle,' Shen Xue thought, feeling a little disappointed.

"Father," Shen Yan greeted Shen Cheng.

A/N: Hello sweeties!

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