[Bonus chapter]The Commotion Ends

"Yan, you are here. Did you bring what I told you?" Shen Cheng looked at Shen Yan with a satisfied face.

"Yes, father. Here are all the documents you wanted," he handed over the document's to Shen Cheng, then stood straight gracefully.

This adopted son of his was more filial than the real one!

Yes. Shen Yan was a street orphan who fell in front of Shen Cheng's car after living hungry for two days. Shen Cheng took him to the hospital and treated the latter. After that, he brought him home and adopted him to raise him as his own son.

Shen Xueran was only four when he brought the twelve years old Shen Yan home, and she liked to cling onto him. Later when her parents separated, Shen Yan was abroad at that time. So she wasn't able to say goodbye to him.

It's been a month since he came back to the country, but he was busy with other work. So they didn't meet. And now when she met him in the middle of a mess, she felt really ashamed to talk with him.

Shen Xueran was fidgeting with her hands nervously when both of their eyes met with each other. Shen Yan was the first one to retract his eyes from her and nodded towards her politely.

She blushed in shame as she did the same. Then she turned her eyes again to her grandfather as she secretly stole glances at him from time to time.

'Hmm… I have to admit that he is really handsome. No wonder the previous Shen Xueran liked him so much,' Shen Xue thought as she observed him.

From the upstairs,

Luo Jingcheng was gnashing his teeths in anger as if someone told him to drink a jar of Vinegar. The way Shen Xueran looked at the person and blushed like a shy newlywed made his blood boil.

He was glaring at a certain someone, but she didn't even glance at him, all her attention was on Shen Yan.

'This unfilial girl, she always becomes weak when she sees a beautiful man,' Luo Jingcheng cursed in annoyance. But he can't show up there now, or things will turn bad. Now he has to endure the pain of living in a sea of Vinegar.

Luo Shaochen was amused and shocked at the same time as he watched his cousin's reactions quietly from the side.

"Wow… I didn't know he had such a weird taste!' he thought while he saw the boy that his cousin had an eye on.

There is nothing much special about that boy, at least he wasn't able to find anything. But the back of the boy looked somehow familiar to him.

'Have I seen him somewhere before?' Luo Shaochen got immersed in his own thoughts.

On the other side,

Shen Cheng looked at all the documents in his hand one by one. No wonder Shen Xuearn did badly in every exam before.

"What are those things, father?" Shen Ming asked him cautiously.

"Shouldn't you ask your Mistress about it?" Grandpa Shen Asked him back.

"Wh-What do you mean, Mr. Shen? How would I know what these are?" Sun Qing said with her trembling voice while sweating.

"You really don't know?" Grandpa Shen raised his eyebrows to look at her.

"Fine, then. I will announce to the public about all your good deeds!" Grandpa Shen said with a hard and cold voice, which made Sun Qing tremble in fear.

He raised the papers and threw them in the middle of the air. The papers fell in the crowd of people, some of the curious people caught them to see what was written on them.

"All of them are your records of bullying my grandson! How you tortured him, how you brainwashed him, how you switched the exam papers, how you switched the results, how you cornered him so that he can't say anything to anyone, everything!" Shen Cheng said the words with extreme hate and disdain on his face.

Even Shen Ming went pale after hearing this. But he can not refute his words because he knew about Sun Qing beating Shen Xueran and locking him up as a punishment, but he didn't know the rest.

Sun Qing panicked as she took two steps back, "I didn't! I didn't do any of this! Mr. Shen is accusing me!" she was screaming in panic right now.

But Shen Cheng sneered when he heard her scream, "What do you think I'll get by framing a Mistress like you?"

It was true that Sun Qing didn't have anything special that Grandpa Shen was trying to take from her. So, all the things mentioned here indeed happened.

Li Hua's grip on Shen Xueran's hand tightened. She actually didn't know what happened every time after she came back, her mind and voice felt as if she was irritated by something. And she would lock herself up for two to three days before finally coming out of her room.

Shen Xueran never told her what happened in that Manor after she came back, even when Li Hua mentioned this, she would either change the topic or avoid it.

Li Hua's eyes were teary as she was on the verge of crying, but a soft hand reached out on her face to wipe the tears quickly.

"Don't cry, Mom. You'll ruin your makeup if you cry now, then all my hard work will go to waste!" Shen Xueran whispered in her ear.

Li Hua looked at Shen Xueran to see that she was pouting at her. This made Li Hua forget all her sorrows as she laughed out loud.

'Fortunately, Xueran is my daughter,' Li Hua thought as Shen Xueran was wiping her tears with a frown on her beautiful face.

Sun Qing was now cornered by Grandpa Shen with nowhere to hide. Even Shen Mu and Shen Xin didn't dare to come in front, because if they were to go there now, they would become a part of this ruckus as well.


"You old hag! You dared to abuse my son, now you dare to talk back to my father!" Shen Ming saw that the situation was not good. If he doesn't leave from here, he will get dragged into this mess as well. So he wanted to escape from here quickly.

"I'm sorry, father. For not teaching them manners. I will take them back right away to teach them things properly. Goodbye," Shen Ming curtsied the old man. After the smooth talk, Shen Ming took away the others and left.

But before leaving, he was giving death stair to both Mother and Son pair.

'Do you think you can scare me with those lousy eyes?' Shen Xueran stuck out her tongue at him, making him more irritated.

A/N: Hello readers!

Yesterday I got this, as my first book, signed ^^

So I'm planning on going Premium soon

Before that, I would like you guys to read more... so I released a bonus chapter

Thank you all who supported my book till now TT

Please help me to keep up and motivate me to work by vote, comments, reviews, and gifts!

Love you !!!