Cooking Test

My thoughts were interrupted when Sadhan came and escorted us all to Kitchen for our next contest.

I started to think what am going to make, Sam already started to making some dish on her own,

Maybe I'll make some sweets because looks like everyone is making spicy dishes, So I started to make "Kheer Pudding" which is milk based dish.

Its taken only 30minutes to finish my whole Pudding and after that I've placed on test tables which is going to examine by our Prince. Sam also done she came and placed her dish near me. its really looking beautiful dish, I think she's good at everything.

After Everyone finishes, we were waiting for Prince anxiously.

Prince with his Best friend Aniruth both were entered with Sadhan, as always Aniruth smiled at me have a assured look but Radhika noticed this, she gave me a weird look and turned away.

Atharva : Hello Ladies, I think everyone finished your work successfully, so let's not waste our time

With that Prince getting ready to examine the dishes one by one but before that he said,

Atharva : I know you all want me to taste your dishes but as a Prince I can't eat that fast because you are all strangers to me, So as a rule the cook needs to taste the Dishes first, If there's no risk I can test, Please come up one by one and taste the dishes you've made.

Everyone started to taste their dishes and Prince also tasted one by one, Sam's also finished and I can see that Prince really liked Sam's dish. Even Radhika also made good dish I think, Lastly he came near my dish with Aniruth.

Atharva : Can you check your dish for me ?

Avanthika : Sure Prince, its my Pleasure!

With that I've tasted my Gheer not going lie, its taste pretty good, After tasting Prince grabbed my spoon which I've tasted but before that Aniruth grabbed it from Prince and said

Aniruth : I know Prince you need to check the taste but before that can I check, because the dish looks little suspicious!

My heart hurt by his talk, Radhika also gave a mocking look at me, I just glared at him and moved away from him, Aniruth grabbed spoonful of my Pudding and tasted it, after that he smiled at me in which I ignored . Now He allowed Prince to taste.

Prince also tasted it and gave me a warm smile, Finally this round got finished and we all are waiting for the announcement of results.

We were waiting in Dining hall, Prince came with Aniruth and Sadhan. But Aniruth looks Pale and really tired, His whole face looks red. I felt little worried about him.

This time also Aniruth gave me a weak smile but I didn't respond to him looked away, He hurt my Pride, I really felt uncomfortable by his behavior at that time.

Atharva : Thank you so much for your effort, I really enjoyed all of your dishes and its really tasty, So now its time for the results. only 5 candidates is going to enter into next round, Which is Samantha, Radhika, Avanthika, Jennifer and Vishaka. Congratulations to the 5 ladies who's entering into next round and remaining 5 ladies am really sorry for your lose but I really enjoyed all of your dishes, Thank you for coming here.

I am really happy, now I'll get a chance talk to Prince easily about my dream.