WebNovelHARMONY 117.07%


Rᴇʙᴇᴋᴀʜ'ᴤ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ ᴏғ ᴠɪᴇᴡ:

The next two days are just the usual—going to school and coming back. I haven't seen Jordan since Wednesday, same with Seth, not like I wanted to see them or anything. I'm just glad it's finally weekend, I can wake up whatever time I want. Thursday I went to the gym and Yesterday I went to my singing classes luckily Bernita didn't come, the best class I've had this month so far.

I stretch myself on the bed and look over to my window, where the sun's rays shines through my sheer curtains. I don't have much planned except going to the gym at 5pm. I put my blanket back over my head and try to fall asleep—again.

"Hey," says a male voice in my room, I gasp and immediately my heart starts to beat fast. The voice sounds familiar, but I prefer to keep my blanket over my head.

"Oh, come on, scaredy-cat. It's just poor, harmless, Jordan " he teases me

I slowly remove my blanket from my face, and I spot Jordan standing close to the edge of my bed. I quickly sit up.

"What on earth are you doing here?!" I thunder. He takes a seat at the bed end and runs his hand through his hair pushing it back.

"looks like you don't have any plans today," he says

" I do have plans today," I irritatedly look at him.

" Get up, take a shower and get dressed, we are going somewhere," he commands.

"You can't come into my bedroom and boss me around," I tell him, " I'm not going anywhere with you, by the way," I cross my arms over my chest with a straight face.

"well then, I'll just have to ask your mom," he slightly smiles with a mischievous look on his face, he intimidates me. I know if he asks my mom she will just say, yes.

"Okay then, let me go and ask," he gets up from the bed. I think, and think, and decide.

"Wait!" I stop him with my right hand stretched out in his direction. He stops and looks my way. I drop my hand on the blanket.

"I will go with you," I glare at him while resting my arm on my thigh with my chin on my hand.

"Good girl" he smiles

"Can you please give me some privacy?" I annoyedly look away

"What needs privacy?"

"seriously?" Irritatedly I look at him and he chuckles

"Fine I'll leave. And wear something suitable for hiking" he walks away.

"We're going hiking?" I ask


"Why do you always have to go through the window" I suspiciously ask

"Oh, you want me to come out of the room and answer your mom what I am doing here or how I got in?" he sarcastically asks. I roll my eyes.

"Never mind"

"Exactly," he leaves.

I get up from my bed and slowly walk to the bathroom while stretching and yawning. I enter the bathroom and start by brushing my teeth. While brushing, I hear soft knocking downstairs.

Today my mom is home, maybe she'll open for whoever it is—she is already downstairs anyway.

I continue and finish brushing my teeth, after that, I walk into the shower.

One thing about me is that, I don't take long in the shower, I only require 5 minutes.

I come out and now I just have to go find something to wear. He said something good for hiking.

I grab my two options from the closet, black leggings and baby blue leggings.

"Black absorbs heat," I put back the black leggings then I try to find the matching top for the blue leggings. I put the clothes on the bed and grab my Nike air takkie.

After I get dressed, I grab my hiking backpack and head downstairs. I find Jordan standing by the door talking with my mom and he notices me.

"why does he always have to look at me from head to toe?"

I walk to the kitchen and pack two water bottles.

"Can I make breakfast? I'm hungry," I shout from the kitchen

"I'll get you something on the way," he responds.

I close the bag and put it on my back.

"I'm so glad you asked Jordan to take you out today, it's a beautiful day," my mom says with a big smile on her face as I walk towards them.

"I didn't ask him to take me anywhere," I look at them in confusion.

"She's shy," Jordan says. I exhale and contain my rage.

"Yeah," I force a smile on my face

"oh come on, you I don't have a problem with that," my mom reminds.

"Yeah, I know,"

" We should get going," he says

" Yes you guys should get going" she nods

" Okay mom, I will see you," Jordan grabs my hand

"Bye Mrs Stevenson," he smiles at her

"Have fun you too,"

" Yeah, we will," I assure her

We walk out of the door while Jordan is holding my hand with his fingers in-between mine—like a gentleman. As we arrive outside the car, he lets go of my hand and opens the door for me.

" thank you," I say as I get in

"At least he knows how to open the door for a lady"

He closes it and gets in the driver's seat, I wave at my mom goodbye.

"Where are we going" I look at him

"Wherever the road leads us" he tilts his head slightly to the side with his eyes fixed on the road, and drive off.

"I thought you knew where we are going," I start to get concerned.

"Of course I know," he says and I roll my eyes

"You are such a pain," I say and he laughs, "I need my breakfast by the way,"

"Tell me if you spot any place where I can get you breakfast," he instructs

"And what if we don't find it?" I ask

"Then you can have me for breakfast," he offers

"Keep dreaming,"


Jordan and I are inside this café on the side of the road. I chose a cup of coffee and donuts, he said he already had something to eat so…he's just watching me as I take the last sip.

"Are you okay or do you need another cup?" he asks

"I'm stuffed," I say

"let's go then," he says and I climb off the chair.


"Jordan, what are you doing?!" I freak out, "that was a red light," I ask

"So?…" He asks with no care in the world, "time is not on our side sweetheart,"

"If I get arrested because of you-"

"Calm down before you get arrest in the emergency room,"

"Is that supposed to be a joke?"

"Well, your panicking is really unnecessary," he comments

"Erh," I roll my eyes. "How far is this place anyway? We have been driving for like 30 minutes already," I nag

"there's probably 30 minutes left," he says

"Are you serious!? That's absurd!" I say

"Its worth it. This is the best hiking trail I could found," he says

"Where's that?" I ask

"Chillicothe," he responds

"Take me back home then,"

"Oh come one, it's fun, we will have alot of bonding time together while slowly getting closer to our destination," he says

"Argh," I roll my eyes and sit back with my arms crossed. "Bonding time," I imitate.


C͜͡O͜͡L͜͡U͜͡M͜͡B͜͡U͜͡S͜͡, O͜͡H͜͡I͜͡O͜͡, E͜͡A͜͡R͜͡T͜͡H͜͡

R͠E͠B͠E͠K͠A͠H͠'S͠ H͠O͠U͠S͠E͠

Sᴇʀᴀ'ᴤ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ ᴏғ ᴠɪᴇᴡ:

Yesterday I sent Rebekah I message that Micah and I would come to her house today at eleven o'clock, I have a plan for us to go somewhere— just us girls, eat and have fun.

My mom just dropped us outside her house. Micah excitedly goes ahead and knocks on the door, while I follow behind.

"Who is it!? Asks Rebekah's mom

"It's us, Micah and Sera!" I reply and immediately she comes to open the door. The door opens wide and she stand at the door.

"Hello girls," she welcomes us

"Morning miss Stevenson" Micah and I greet her, "we came to fetch Rebekah, I'm sure she must have told you that we're going somewhere today" I smile

"Oh, no she didn't," she says, " Rebekah left an hour ago," she informs

"oh, with who?" I ask in confusion

"with Jordan," she says. I'm puzzled. Who's Jordan?


F͠O͠R͠E͠S͠T͠ T͠R͠A͠I͠L͠

Rᴇʙᴇᴋᴀʜ'ᴤ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ ᴏғ ᴠɪᴇᴡ:

"Come on, we are here," Jordan wakes me up

"Did you bring any food?" I inquire

"You know...I wonder how you don't get fat,"

"Are you saying I eat a lot?"

"Never mind," he chuckles. " I brought food yes,"

"I hope you're not laughing at me," I walk out of the car with my backpack in my hands. Jordan walks to the boot which is in front of the ca while I put my bag on my back.

"Did you bring water?" he asks while I look around the area. All I see is a huge forest.

"yeah," I respond. He takes out a big red and black backpack with water bottles on the sides.

"You really like red, huh?" I ask

"Red is fire, fire is hot, hot is romantic," he says

"Wow…" I fold my arms while shifting my weight to my left leg looking a little impressed.