Never have I ever


Irteza's POV


I was the first one to wake up in the morning, i thought of going to the gym, yesterday I had too oily food, i need to burn a lot of calories

I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine and got dressed to hit the gym.

When I returned in the room from the bathroom, i saw Aleeza praying namaz, i looked at the time, it was 7:30am, i wonder why she's praying at this hour

I took out a granola bar from my bag and ate it, then made myself a cup of black coffee, by the time i was done, she also completed her prayer, we both looked at each other, but didn't say a word

I just left the room and entered the elevator, gym was in the basement, i headed straight to it

I saw couple of people working out, i put my water bottle in the side and got on the treadmill.

After spending nearly an hour and a half doing cardio, i started weight lifting, after another hour, i was tired now. I sat on the bench and took my bottle, i drank almost half of it and pour the rest of the water on my face, i shook my head, water was splashing all around from my hair

"Hey handsome" i heard someone say, i turned around and found an extremely sexy girl standing there

"Hey babe" i replied smiling at her

"Do you mind if I?" She asked pointing at the bench i was sitting on

"Oh no" i said and scooted a little giving her space to sit

"What's your name? Where are you from?" I asked

"I'm Ashley from Seattle. nice to meet you"


"What about you?"

"My name is Irteza, I'm from Delhi. So, what brings you in India, Ashley?"

"Oh please just call me Ash. I have come here with my friends just for some relaxation time"

"Good choice" i said, she giggled

"So you live here?"

"No, I'm here with my cousins for the weekend"

She scooted closer to me, and put her hand on my shoulder

"You are very hot" she said bringing her face closer to mine, i chuckled

"You think so?" I asked, she nodded

Before we could talk more, my phone rang, it reminded me that i have spent too much time here and i must return to the room now

"I'll see you around" i said and got up from there

"Sure baby" she winked at me

I looked at my phone, it was Hamza's call

"Yeah?" I answered

"Where are you?" He asked

"I'm returning to the room now, order me some breakfast, I'm starving" i said and hung up the call

While I was in the elevator, i was checking my email and messages, i had plenty of messages from Hina, what should I do about her? Why can't I just get rid of her?

I put my phone in my pocket and returned in the room, everyone was awake now, except Arfa, i sat next to her and started tickling her, she laughed hard

"Stoooooop" she begged, i stopped

"Wake up now" i said to her

"Go take a shower, you are so sweaty, it's disgusting" she scrunched her nose, she laid back and closed her eyes

"Kiddo if you don't wake up right now, I am gonna hug you really tight" i threatened her, she got up like flash

"I'm up" she said

"You've come here to sleep? Let's do something fun" i said and went to take a bath

"Ok" Arfa groaned


It was afternoon now, we decided to spend some time in the swimming pool, the pool was so huge, all of us were as excited as little kids

"Zara, you'll stay in kid's section" i told her, she narrowed her eyes at me

"Why?" She asked

"Because you can't swim, and the water is deep" i shrugged

"But i also want to have fun" she pouted

"Don't worry, zara, you don't have to be in kid's side, I'll take care of you, you can lean on me" Anabelle said

"Oh hello madam, if you want to drown, you drown alone, don't drag my sister with you" i snapped at her

"Don't you really love underestimating me? For your information, i can swim better than you" she said with arrogance, i got annoyed

"Ok Ariel, show us your moves" i said, and pushed her hard, i tried to throw her in water, but she held my hand and we both fell in water together , it took us few seconds to come out of water

"You idiot, why did you push me?" She asked in angry

"You were claiming to be a mermaid, so i was just giving you a chance to prove it to us" i said coolly

"You are such a jerk Tarzan, God knows what you think of yourself" she asked

"You are getting upset over nothing" i said

"You are nothing, just get this in your head" she stood next to me, we both were eye to eye, nobody backing off

"Guys, calm down" Hamza said pushing us away from each other

When did he come here? I didn't realise.

"Try to enjoy, please" Arfa said to both of us

"I'm enjoying" i said, Anabelle rolled her eyes

"Aleeza, just let it go, please" Arfa pleaded

"Fine" she sighed

I didn't pay much attention on Anabelle after that, all of us were playing in water, there was loud music playing so we danced also

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist, i turned and found Ashley there, she leaned on me

"Found you" she giggled

"Hey hottie" i said

"Umm Irteza" Hamza said, i looked around and found all of them looking at me

"Guys this is Ashley, and Ashley, they are my cousins" i pointed at them

"Hello everyone, and Irteza i told you to call me Ash" she said

"How do you know my Bhai?" Arfa asked her

"We met at the gym this morning" she said

Some more girls came and Ashley introduced them to us. We decided to play some water games

We got in two teams and played, when I saw the ball coming towards me i hit it so hard that it went outside the pool

"I'll bring it" Ashley said and got out of the pool, i noticed she was wearing a bikini, i must admit she looked smoking hot

She returned with the ball and everyone resumed the game

"Can we get out of here" she whispered in my ear, i nodded

We got off the pool and went to the lawn area, we sat and chatted for some time

"I'm tired, I'll go to my room now" she said

"Sure, I'll see you later" i got up

"Can you drop me to my room?" She asked

"Ok, let's go" i nodded

The moment we entered the elevator, she threw her arms around my neck and came close to me

"You are so sexy, you have such beautiful green eyes" she said in my ear, my eyes went to the cctv camera put in the elevator, i pushed her lightly, and shook my head, trying to indicate that i don't want to get physical with her

Soon her floor came, she got off the elevator and dragged me with her, then we went to her room

She closed the door and started kissing me, she was kissing all over my face and neck, but i just stood numb, i could feel sensations in my body, but i didn't want to reciprocate, i just wanted her to stop kissing me

"Make love to me" she said, and my eyes grew wide, i gulped

"Ashley, no, i don't want to do it" i took a step back, "i gotta go" i left immediately.

I sighed in relief when i was out from there, i ran to my room and went to take a bath, luckily nobody returned till now

What a weird experience?



Aleeza's POV


Not gonna lie, today was actually a very rejuvenating day, i don't even remember when was the last time I had so much fun

After freshening up we returned to the pool side, the weather was so good i was feeling so light and refreshed

"Where has Bhai gone?" Arfa asked looking around

"He's here only" i said pointing at Hamza, she rolled her eyes

"No, not him, I'm talking about Irteza Bhai" she clarified

"He fled with that girl long time ago" zara said

No wonder the air feels so light, he has not been around, i hope the girl keeps him busy and he doesn't return

My wish didn't come true, he returned soon

"Why you guys are still here? Don't you have to take a bath? Chlorine is not good for the skin, just wash it off" he said

"We've already taken a bath, while you were gone" Arfa said making a sour face, he dropped next to her

"Are you upset with me?" He asked, Arfa remained quite

"You just disappeared yaar, she is right to get upset with you" Hamza said

"I will make it upto her" Irteza said and pulled Arfa close to him

"Well good luck with that, I'm going to check on the pizzas i ordered" Hamza said and got up

"I'll come with you" i said , and we both left from there

We told a waiter to check on our order

Danish has bombarded my phone, since yesterday, he's calling and messaging me non stop, i have to tell about him to Hamza, but how should I start

"What are you thinking?" He asked

"Umm about hospital" i shrugged

"Oh for once just forget about the hospital, i didn't know i needed this break so much, this weekend has been such a bliss for me, i feel lighter" he sighed deeply

I must not tell him about Danish right now, he will start worrying, i will tell him tomorrow, when we'll reach home

"Sir your order is ready, shall I bring it at pool side?" the waiter asked, Hamza nodded

We returned to pool side, the way Arfa and Tarzan were joking, i could tell she's not upset with him anymore

We sat in silence and finished our food, after we had filled our stomach, zara suggested to play a game named, "never have i ever"

In this game one by one we'll ask questions to each other, if we have not done it, we don't have to do anything, but if we have, we'll take a sip from our glass

All of us had our glasses of mocktails in our hand and we began the game

"I'll go first" zara said

"Ok go ahead" Arfa said

"Never have i ever used someone else's toothbrush" she said

I shuddered at her question

It was just Arfa who took a sip from her glass

"Really? you have?" I asked, she nodded

"Whose?" Zara asked

"I'd rather not say" Arfa shrugged

"Let's continue guys, I'll ask now" Hamza said

"Never have i ever regifted a gift" he asked, i laughed at his question

All of us took a sip, Hamza's eyes widened

"Heartless people" he yelled, we just laughed

Arfa was next

"Never have i ever received a lap dance" she laughed

"Arfa" her both brothers scolded her, she giggled

"Ok ok i was just kidding. So, never have i ever deleted a post on social media because it didn't get enough likes" she said

Only zara took a sip, it was irteza's turn now

"Never have i ever peed in a pool" he said, then he laughed, "actually i peed twice this afternoon"

"Yuck, why did you have to tell?" I grossed out

"That's disgusting Bhai" zara said

"It's ok" Arfa defended Tarzan

"Your turn Anabelle" he said, i rolled my eyes

"Never have i ever cheated in an exam" i said proudly, but they all laughed and took a sip from their glasses, i shook my head in disbelief

The game went by, it was my turn again, i was irritated with Tarzan now, so i deliberately spoke

"Never have i ever broken someone else's phone" i rose my eyebrows at him


Irteza's pov


I narrowed my eyes at her, she's definitely hinting about when I broke her phone, i took a sip from my glass

"Who's phone you broke?" Hamza asked

"Mine" Anabelle said

"Yours? Why?" He asked with wide eyes

"Oh don't play so innocent, you broke my laptop in revenge, so don't talk as if you are the victim here" i glared at her

"You made me do it" she shrugged

"Well atleast I got your phone repaired, my laptop was too damaged to be fixed"

"Don't cry, I'll buy you a new one" she said looking so relaxed

"New one? It was for five lakhs"

"So what? I'll still get it"

"How did you get so much money? Hey i hope you are not selling organs in my father's hospital, don't you dare spoil Papa's reputation"

"You are really insane"

"Can we continue playing the game?" Hamza asked

"Yes please" Anabelle said

After few rounds of questions, it was my turn again, i was seriously out of questions now, so i took some time in thinking

"What happened Tarzan? Nothing to speak?" Anabelle asked

"Never have i ever gotten scolded by my mom" i said the first thing came in my head

Everyone froze and looked at me, like i have grown another head

"What?" I asked

"Have you or you haven't?" I asked looking at Anabelle

"Excuse me" she got up and left from there

She must have gotten scolded that's why she ran off

"How could you do it Irteza?" Hamza asked, i frowned in confusion

"That was too bad Bhai seriously" zara added, they both got up and followed Aleeza

"What have I done?" I asked Arfa

"Bhai, you asked Aleeza about her mom" she said

"So?" I said, then it hit me that her mother passed away at the time of her birth

"Shit" i muttered under my breath

"It just slipped, i didn't ask to make her upset" i explained myself

"I know, you could never do it purposely"

"Thanks for believing me"

"But Aleeza is upset now, I'm going to her" she got up and left

Damn it. I didn't want to upset her, atleast not about her mother, that's just too insensitive, i must apologise to her.

When i came in the room, Hamza stopped me from talking to her, after a while we went to sleep.

Next morning also i was looking for an opportunity to apologize, but she kept on avoiding me, can't blame her, even though I didn't do it on purpose, but I really hit a sore point for her.

We reached back home, i tried talking to her but she just left from there, whole day she stayed in her room only

Arfa was upset with me, she told me that she will not talk with me till make things ok between me and Anabelle