you are mine


Aleeza's POV


I entered the hospital and went straight to the locker's room. I opened my locker and took out all of my essential things

"Dr Aleeza" i heard someone, i turned around and found nurse khushi there

"Yes?" I asked

"Your patient's reports have come" she handed me the file

"Oh thank you" i said, she nodded her head and left

I was so engrossed in reading the reports, suddenly the file was snatched from my hand and was thrown on the floor

"What the hell?" I said and looked up, it was Zoya

"How could you do it with me?" She shouted

"What?" I frowned

"You couldn't bear it that other people are also getting a chance to prove themselves, you had to ruin it for me"

"What are you talking about?"

"Cut the drama, I know your real face,  you are so cunning, i won't leave you now"

"I think you need to see a doctor, you behave strangely some times"

"To hell with you" she pushed me, i was about to fall, but thankfully i steadied myself

"I will not forgive you" she yelled and just left from there

What is wrong with her? What did she mean by ruin the chance, i have to find out

A nurse came and informed me that Dr Lubna has called me in her room, so immediately i went to her, i knocked at the door

"Come" i heard her say, i entered the room

"Good morning" i said, she just nodded her head, she looked in hurry the way she was keeping things here and there 

"Dr Aleeza, get yourself ready, you have to assist Dr Hasan in the surgery in ten minutes" she said

I had mixed emotions to this, i was confused, excited, happy, nervous

"But wasn't it Dr Zoya who had to assist Dr Hasan" i inquired

"Dr Zoya's patient has to undergo an immediate surgery, so she and I are going to perform the surgery right now, since you were the second best of the week, so we decided to let you assist Dr Hasan" she explained

"But Dr Lubna..." I was saying, but she cut me

"Dr Aleeza, i think I have given you enough explaination, now would you just go and get ready for OT?" She yelled

"Yes ma'am" i said and left from there

So this is why Zoya was upset with me? She thought I have done something to get the opportunity. What a foolish girl.

Whatever happens, happens for the best, atleast i get to assist bade papa, I'm so happy

I quickly got in operation theatre's attire and went there, i found bade papa just outside the OT, he smiled at me

"Bade papa, can you believe it? See how great is Allah, he made me perform the surgery with you" i said excitedly

"Indeed he is the greatest. I also got quite ecstatic when I found you'd be with me" he said, "Ready, my child?"

"So ready" i said grinning ear to ear, he chuckled, and patted my head

"Chalo phir (let's go then)" he motioned towards the room, i nodded and walked towards the direction


"You are so lucky" Ankita said

"Yeah you are right" i replied

We both were at the cafe near the hospital, just two minutes walk away. we were discussing about the events happened today in the hospital

"Zoya is furious at you" she said

"What is my fault in it?"

"Absolutely nothing, but somehow she thinks that you have been given favours, i don't understand why can't she see your credibility"

"She really doesn't matter to me" i rolled my eyes, her phone rang, it was her boyfriend's call

"You attend your call, I'm going back to the hospital" i said and got up, she nodded and got busy instantly, i shook my head, i saw Zoya coming to the cafe, i immediately went outside, i didn't want her to see me and create a scene here

I was on my way to the hospital, when a guy came running to me,

"Excuse me, are you a doctor?" He asked looking down at my doctor's coat

"Yes i am" i replied

"You have to come with me, my wife is pregnant and she is in great pain, please help her" he was panicking

"Ok ok please calm down, I'll help you, where is she?"

"She is in the car" he replied, i nodded and called a ward boy to get a wheel chair

"Please hurry up, i will carry her, just come with me" his words were rushed, i should just go with him

We went in the hospital and got in the elevator, i was confused why he's taking me in an elevator

"Where is she?" I asked

"In the basement parking" he replied

But basement parking is only for doctors and their visitors, it is not for everyone

I looked at the guy his expressions were changed now, he looked relaxed, something is not right, i have seen this guy somewhere, but where?

"Where is your wife?" I asked again, he smirked

"God knows where she is, I'm yet to find her" he replied

I was scared now, why has he got me here, what the hell is happening? Elevator stopped, I tried running away, but he grabbed my hand

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" I yelled

He dragged me with him, i kept on shouting but he didn't leave me, there was no security also, as i was in the private area of the doctors

"Leave my hand" i shouted, suddenly he stopped walking, i looked at him, he threw me towards the front, i was about to fall, but somebody held me, i looked up, chill ran down my spine when i saw Danish there

"Hello sweetheart" he smiled

"You" i shouted and pulled back from him

"Thanks Rehan" he said to the guy who brought me here

"Anytime bro" the guy said and left, i recognised him now, he is the one who came with Danish to the hospital on that accident night

"Have you lost it? Do you realise what you are doing?" I screamed

"I called you so many times you did not answer, I left messages you did not reply, I could not come to the hospital because you told me that you didn't want me to meet you there, so what else was I supposed to do, I wanted to talk to you" he tried holding my hand, but i pulled back

"Why are you after me? I don't want to talk to you, I don't even want to see your face, why can't you just get it, that I don't want you anywhere around me"

I was leaving from there, but he held my hand tightly, his grip was so strong that it started to hurt, i yelped in pain, his eyes were full of fire, i was so damn scared now

"Enough Aleeza" he shouted and pulled me towards him, "I'm done being nice to you, i guess niceness is not the language you understand"

"Let me go" i begged, he grabbed my jaw forcefully

"I told you i love you, you did not get it, what did you think , you will lie about your marriage and i will believe you? You are mine, and right now I'm taking you away from here, so we can sit and talk" he said and started dragging me towards his car

"Danish please believe me, I'm getting married, my fiance would be so mad at me if he finds about all this" i was continuously begging him, but he did not stop

"I don't care, you are mine"

"Leave me, please leave me" i kept on pleading, someone held my free hand, and i stopped, and so did Danish, we both turned around to look at the person.


Irteza's pov


I was in my office doing my work, we were preparing for a project, if it works out i will have to go to Canada for a week or two

My team was working very hard on this, i am thinking of giving them a salary raise if this project works out

I was almost done for the day, I could leave office early today. I'm thinking of going to meet nana and nani, it's been some time since I've last met them.

I have to make amends by tonight with Aleeza also, i admit what I said must've hurt her, but that wasn't my intention, even though I hate her, but i still feel bad for her, Arfa is also after my life to apologize to Aleeza.

I sat in my car, and was about to drive when i got a call, it was from Hina, i screamed in frustration

This girl is just not leaving me alone, I'm so fed up with her, i unwillingly answered the call

"What do you want?" I shouted

"Did you talk to your father?" She asked

"No, i haven't" i replied straight

"I can't give you time anymore, you talk to him right now"

"Are you out of your mind? I will not do that" i told her

"Fine, then I will talk to him. I'm already on my way to your father's hospital, I'm going to meet Dr Hasan Mustafa" she said

"You wouldn't" i shouted, she was silent, "listen to me Hina" i called, but the line was dead

Damn it.. i smacked the steering wheel and speeded up, i made my way to the hospital, it's not really far from here

I was repeatedly calling Hina, but she did not answer, i must stop her, I'd be dead if she reaches papa before me, he anyways doesn't like me much

I reached hospital quickly, i went straight to car park, i got a call, i quickly turned to get my phone, i thought it was Hina, but it was just some random call, i got distracted and was about to hit someone, but thankfully i controlled the car

Once i parked it, i got off and started walking quickly, i heard someone screaming, i stopped and looked for the person, it was Aleeza, a guy was dragging her, i ran towards her

"Danish please believe me, I'm getting married, my fiance would be so mad at me if he finds about all this" she was pleading to the guy

The guy replied something, but i couldn't understand. I went and held aleeza's hand, they both stopped and turned towards me

I pulled Aleeza making the guy leave her, and made her stand behind me, she immediately held my arm and hid behind my back

"Oh hello, who are you? And why are you interfering in our personal matter?" The guy screamed

"Leave her alone" i said, he started laughing

"She's my girlfriend and I'm taking her from here" he said, i turned to look at Aleeza, she shook her head, i understood that this guy is a maniac

"She is not your girlfriend, get lost from here" i glared at him, he huffed and came forward, he tried pulling Aleeza, but i pushed him hard, he fell, he got up and dusted his clothes

"What is your problem? I know guys like you so well, you see a chance and you jump immediately to become a hero, i know you are trying to impress her" he launched a punch at me, but i held his fist in a swift move

Aleeza looked scared of him, i must do something to make him stop coming after her, i owe this to her for hurting her

"I really don't need to try to become a hero, because I am already a hero of aleeza's life" i said, the guy's eyes widened, i held aleeza's hand and pulled her making her stand with me

"I am her fiance, she is going to marry me. So you leave her alone, or else i will call the police. Now get lost" i screamed

The guy kept on staring at Aleeza, i stood infront of her

"Haven't you heard me?" I asked, he turned on his heel and left from there

I looked at Aleeza, her eyes were filled with fear, i thought of comforting her, but i couldn't find in me to say any soothing words to her, how can I? She's Anabelle. We just blankly stared at each other

She opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly i remembered that I was here to stop Hina

"Shit" i mumbled and ran from there, i hope she has not met papa already

I went straight to Papa's room, i was in so much hurry, that i was pushing people all around me

I opened the door and barge in the room, papa gasped looking up with wide eyed

"What is this behaviour Irteza?" He shouted

I was not sure which behaviour he was talking about, so i just gave him a dumb look

"Why are you here? Do you want something?" He asked

So he has not met Hina as yet, was she just bluffing me? I should still not take a chance. So, i sat on the chair infront of him

"I was just passing by the hospital, so i thought why not just pay you a visit?" I said it like a question, i was not sure what I was saying, he looked at me like i have grown two heads

"Are you ok? Why are you all sweaty and why are you panting?" He asked

"Because I took stairs" i shrugged, he looked suspiciously at me, "papa, can I sit here for some time?" i asked he looked at me for some time, then he nodded

After around ten minutes, Papa's landline phone rang, i immediately answered

"Hello" i said

"Sir, there's someone named Hina is here to meet you" the receptionist said, i cut the call

"What are you doing?" He asked, i immediately got up

"I have to go now" i said and left from there, i could hear him calling me, but i didn't stop

i saw Hina sitting in the waiting area, i looked around, i surely don't want to create a scene here, i went to waiting area and stood next to her, she saw me and got up

"Follow me" i ordered and turned to leave, she obliged

I took her to my car, i opened the door and settled in, she also got in my car, both of us were quite

Once we were outside the hospital, i made sure that no body was there to look at us, i stopped the car somewhere

"How dare you?" I shouted, she jumped, "you think you can threaten me?" I was so mad at her

"Somebody has to tell the truth to your father, if you can't then it is my responsibility"

"What truth? Do you know it yourself? Truth is I'm tired of you and i got nothing to do with you anymore, so don't ever contact me"

"Are you breaking up with me?" She asked

"Breaking up?" I laughed, "we were never in a relationship" i reminded her, she broke into tears

"Irteza please no, don't do this. We love each other"

"I have never loved you"

"You are lying" she yelled

"I'm so done with you now" i got off the car, opened the door of her side and pulled her out of my car, and got seated again

"Don't you ever try to reach my family again, i swear i will destroy you" i warned her and drove off.



Third person's pov


Zoya was going back to the hospital from the cafe, suddenly a car drove off so fast that it was about to hit her

"Are you blind?" She shouted, but the driver just drove away, "idiot i will teach you a lesson" she said in anger and ran after the car

The car parked, she was running towards the driver in anger, but her steps faltered when she saw him, there was a handsome man infront of her, she forgot to breathe, she was totally in awe of him

He disappeared from her eyes, she was looking around to find him, but when she saw him she felt so jealous

The handsome guy was standing infront of Aleeza like a protective shield, rug pulled out under her feet when she heard that he was aleeza's fiance

When she saw both of them looking in each other's eyes, she could not take it, she was burning in jealousy, she walked away from there

She was going to the intern's room, when someone ran past her, that someone pushed a ward boy, he fell down, she ran to help him

She saw it was aleeza's fiance who ran like that, she followed him, she stopped when he barged in Dr Hasan's room, she was shocked at the audacity of the guy

"Look at that guy, he is so daring, you saw how courageously he went in Dr Hasan's room" she said to the receptionist

"Ofcourse he can do that"

"Why do you say that?" Zoya asked

"It's his father's room, he can go however he likes" receptionist shrugged

"That man is Dr Hasan's son?" She asked in disbelief

"His name is Irteza, and yes he is Dr Hasan's son" she replied

She was shocked to know that Aleeza is engaged to Dr Hasan's son, she thought Aleeza gets all the favours from Dr Hasan himself

"I will expose you Aleeza" she muttered under her breath