A hard decision


Aleeza's POV


I was so scared of what dadi would say after she saw me with Tarzan last night, but she just ignored me.

I got up early and left for the hospital, thankfully Danish didn't show up today, i hope he never returns

Whole day i was trying to talk with Ankita, but she was avoiding me. She is my only friend, now when she is upset with me, i feel so disheartened

What should I do, Ankita is not ready to listen to me, how should I convince her?

With such thoughts i entered the house, i have returned home very early today, phuppo called and told me to return home, my first thought went to dadi, but she assured that everyone is fine at home

"She's here" i heard a shriek, it was Arfa and Zara, they both were jumping like little kids

They held my hand and twirled me, making me feel dizzy

"You both look very excited" i commented

"We are very very very very excited" Arfa said cheerfully, i smiled looking at her happy face

"Really? And what is the reason behind it?" I asked

"We didn't know you were so good at hiding, you both are such good actors"  Arfa nudged my shoulder with hers

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Cut the acting now, we all know the truth" Zara laughed

"Stop beating around the bush, and please just tell me" i said growing irritated now

"Why did you hide it from us? You both just pretended to hate each other" zara asked, i frowned in confusion

"We know that you and Irteza Bhai are in love with each other" Arfa said, my eyes grew wide and mouth hung open

"I'm just a little sad that you both hid it from me, but it's ok, at least two of my most favourite people are together" she said

"Are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea what you are saying?" I spoke

"Why are you still acting? We told you that we know the truth that you love Irteza bhai" zara said loudly

"Hey, are you mad? Lower your volume, dadi will listen to you" i said.

"She knows already" Zara shrugged, fear ran in my body

"That reminds she said to send you in her room when you return, so you quickly go listen to her then come back, we have a lot to talk about" Arfa said

"We are waiting in your room" zara said and they both left

Ab yeh kya nayi musibat hai ya allah (what is this new issue, ya Allah?)

Oh shit, dadi must have misunderstood last night when she saw me with Irteza, i must go and clear her doubt

When i reached dadi's room i saw her sitting on her bed, she had some papers in her hands, i stood next to her  bed

I didn't know where to start, i thought the best would be to just come straight to the point

"Dadi, what you saw last night was not how it looked like" i spoke, she was not even looking at me, "Irteza and I...." Words died in my throat when she glared at me, she got up from her bed and came near me

"Dadi i....." I couldn't complete my sentence, because i received a slap from her, it was so hard that I stumbled and fell down, i put my hand on my cheek and looked at dadi

"I told you so many times that I don't ever want to hear about your involvement with any boy, but you didn't listen to me. And how could you dare Aleeza, you chose a boy from house only, you didn't think about me at all" she screamed at me

"This is not true, there is nothing between Irteza and me" I said

"When did you start lying so much? Is there any good left in you? You have put me down" she sat on the edge of the bed

"Hasan came to me" she said, and i frowned

"Bade papa?" I muttered



Third person's pov


Dadi was sitting in her room, she was thinking about Aleeza, she did not like what she saw, she was very angry at Aleeza, she has told her so many times to stay away from Irteza, but she won't listen

She was lost in her thought when she heard a knock on the door

"Come in" she said, the door opened revealing, Hasan with his wife, Rifat and mother, Noor

"Assalamualaikum" Hasan and Rifat said

"Walekumassalam, come sit" dadi said

All of them settled on the couch, dadi was little confused about their sudden arrival

"Noor, what brings you here?" Dadi asked her sister

Noor smiled and looked at Hasan

"So, you want to say, or should I do the honours?" She asked her son, he chuckled

"Amma it would be better if you talk" he replied

"What is happening?" Dadi asked

"If i ask you for something? Will you give it to me?" Noor asked dadi

"Ofcourse I would"  she nodded vigorously

"Khala, we are here to give a marriage proposal to Aleeza for our Irteza" rifat said in excitement, she was very happy, dadi's mouth hung open

"Marriage?" She said

"As you know i have always treated Aleeza as my real daughter, so it would be a matter of real honour if she becomes my daughter in actual by marrying my son" Hasan said

Dadi was very surprised by the sudden marriage proposal, she was unsure of what to do, she surely wants to get Aleeza married but not without her will

"Aapa what are you thinking so much? You don't like my Irteza?" Noor asked

"No no there's nothing like that, Irteza is a very nice boy. I was thinking let me just discuss with Aleeza, i can't say yes without her consent" dadi replied, Hasan chuckled

"I don't think Aleeza would have any objection" he said, dadi knitted her eyebrows together and looked at him

"What do you mean?" She asked

He told her how he got to know about them through some other doctor

"I was so surprised with what Dr Lubna told me, i thought of asking Aleeza about it, but i was not very comfortable in asking her about all this, so i thought of having a word with Irteza, so I called him to the hospital, but I didn't have to ask him because I saw him and Aleeza hand in hand making promises for life" he said smiling, but dadi was filled with anger with Aleeza

"I am so happy with their decision. Having Aleeza as my daughter-in-law is like getting your desire fulfilled " rifat said

"Bachcho ne jo karna tha kar liya, ab hum bado ka farz hai ke isse pehle baat aur phele hum bas jaldi se inki baat pakki kar dein (children had done what they wanted to do, but now it is our responsibility to get their marriage fixed before the word spreads)" Noor said

"I think we should get their engagement done" rifat suggested

"It would be great" Hasan said

"I agree" Noor smiled

Dadi was burning with rage, she was feeling ashamed of Aleeza, every moment she witnessed them together flashed infront of her eyes, she remembered how Irteza and Aleeza both were hugging last night, aleeza's giggles echoed in her ears

"There won't be any engagement" dadi said



Aleeza's POV


I was shocked to listen to all that, i didn't know just a small help from Irteza could lead to all this misunderstanding

"It is all just a misunderstanding" i said, dadi glared at me, her eyes were red, she was so mad at me.

"Is it true? Was everyone in your hospital talking about you and Irteza?" She asked, i nodded, she sighed, and raised her hand to slap me again, my hands shot up on my face to protect myself, she did not hit me, she sat on the bed and held her forehead

"What have you done Aleeza? You've put me down. Is this what you give me in return of your upbringing?" She looked defeated my heart ached

"I have not done anything, believe me there is nothing between me and Irteza" i pleaded

"You have just told me that everyone is talking about you and him"

"Yes everybody is talking, but that doesn't mean it's true" i tried reasoning, she narrowed her eyes at me

"I have taken a decision, and it is final" she said

I have a feeling whatever it is it is not in my favour, with shaky breath i asked her

"What is it?"

"Get ready, qazi sahab will be coming in the evening for your and irteza's nikah" she said and i froze, i was just staring at her with wide teary eyes

Is she really talking about my marriage with Irteza?

"I don't want to marry him" finally i found words

"I have not asked you for your opinion, i have given you my order, i don't want to hear anything now"

I dropped on my knees in front of her and joined my hands

"I will do whatever you will tell me to do, but please dont punish me like this, it is about my whole life, please don't spoil it" i begged

"Seriously Aleeza? You have lowered my head in shame, if you care about me even a little stop doing this drama and just get ready for the nikah"

"Please i beg you don't do this to me"

"I give you two choices, either you get married to Irteza, or i will take you back to Jaipur, get you married with someone there and you will have to say bye to your career. Choice is yours" she said blatantly, i had nothing left to argue, so i stayed quiet

Taking my silence as agreement dadi spoke

"Tonight is just nikah, after a week or two you will be shifted to irteza's room"

Irteza's room? My breath hitched thinking about it

"What's the rush? Please wait for some time" i said

"I can't wait anymore, ever since we've come here, i have been noticing you and Irteza, only i know how I've been controlling myself, but not anymore, you will get married tonight and that's final"

"Please dadi, don't do this"

"Enough Aleeza, you have already embarassed me enough, now if you say even a word i will go somewhere from here" she shouted

I knew that I could not argue with dadi anymore, I felt so helpless, there is nothing I could do to save myself from this nikah. Tears were running down my cheeks

Phuppo came running in the room, she must have heard dadi's shouting

"Amma i requested you to talk nicely with her" she said and hugged me

"After what she has done, how can you expect me to talk nicely" dadi retorted

"Aleeza you come with me, let's get you ready" phuppo said and took me to my room, she made me sit on my bed

I was just sitting quietly, i gave up on protesting, dadi was firm at her decision, so there's no point in hurting her now

"Beta don't feel about amma's words, she's just upset right now, her anger is speaking right now" phuppo tried comforting me , but my heart was badly broken

"When Amma told me about the nikah, i immediately went for shopping and got these dresses for you" she pointed towards my bed, i noticed there were many dresses scattered all over my bed

She picked a dress and opened it, it was an ankle length gown, then she opened another dress, it was a kurta, she put both on my shoulders to see which one suits me more

"You try both of these, whichever is more comfortable you wear for tonight" she smiled and kissed my head, "you change your clothes i will come in a while" i nodded, she got up and left

I sat like a statue for some time, i was just trying to wrap my head around on ongoing events

I removed both dresses from my shoulders, why are they so heavy? I was examining the dresses when the door of my room slammed open, i startled and turned to look at the intruder, i found very angry looking Irteza there..