will you marry me?


Irteza's pov


The moment i found about the nikah i ran to aleeza's room, I kicked the door with force, causing it to open with loud noise, i saw her standing at the center of her room, there were clothes all around the room and she had two dresses in her hands as if making a choice which one to wear, looking at this my anger got worsened

"So, which one are you going to wear?" I asked as sarcastically as possible, she jumped

"You are one disgusting thankless soul" I spat

"Listen to me..." She tried explaining, but i was in no mood to listen to her crap

"You listen to me, i went against my nature and helped you, but what did you do, you went and told everyone that we are in a relationship? Is this how you have repaid me?"

"I have not told anything to anyone..." She lied

"Don't tell me your lover boy went and told papa"

"No, it was Zoya, she heard..." she was telling another lie, but i was so mad at her by now

"Just shut up Aleeza" I shouted, "now i understand, it was all your plan, to get me stuck with you. Who was that boy? Your boyfriend?"

"Don't accuse me"

"I'm not accusing you, now I know the real you, i understood now your game plan, since childhood you have been drooling over Papa's hospital, so you thought why not use me to become the owner of the hospital" i said, she gasped

"Is this what you think about me?" She asked, i scoffed

"I don't think about you at all"

"Irteza, don't get me wrong, I have no interest in marrying you, dadi is forcing me to do so"

"And how did badi dadi find out? And what did you say, You have no interest in marrying me?" I asked and looked at the dresses she was preparing to wear, "i can see that, how much interested you are" i said, she was just quite

"I will never forgive you Aleeza, you think my life is a game which you can play with. I curse the moment i thought of helping you, i didn't know it would cost me so much"

"Why are you not understanding that even I am stuck in all this mess"

"Is that so? Then go get rid of it" i said, she looked at me, "go and tell everyone that you are not interested in marrying me" i said and again she was quiet

"Why are you quiet now? Go, tell it to everyone"

"I can't do it" she said in a whisper

"Ofcourse you wouldn't, it will ruin your masterplan"

"It's not like that, you think i wanted to be in this situation?" She asked, before i could say anything more the door opened and rabiya chachi entered along with Hamza

"Arey Irteza, what are you doing here?" She asked with a hint of tease in her voice, i looked at Hamza he was glaring at me

Without saying anything i left from there, I will not let this nikah happen i will do everything in my power to stop it

"Irteza wait" Hamza shouted, i stopped

"What?" I shouted back, I was in no mood to entertain him

He looked around, then he held my hand and dragged me to his room

"What the hell is happening man?" He asked once we were alone

"Why you asking me? Go ask your sweet innocent Aleeza" i said

"I can never believe that you and Aleeza are in a relationship" he glared at me

"You know what, right now i don't care what you believe and what you don't believe, i got too much on my plate already" i said with irritation and was about to leave, but he held my hand

"I want to hear it from you, do you love Aleeza?" He asked and i lost it

"Have you gone crazy? How can you even think like that? Don't you know how much i dislike her? I can't even tolerate a single glance of hers, and you are asking me if i love her?"

"Just tell me, yes or no"

"Ofcourse not you dimwit" i yelled

"Then why this marriage is happening?"

"I told you, you ask her, stop irritating me"

"I will not let this marriage happen" he said narrowing his eyes at me

"Oh yes, you love Aleeza, you have feelings for her. in all this stress it slipped off my head, but now i remembered, you should marry her, not me" i said, he rolled his eyes

"You always say that i have feelings for her and i never reply to this, but the truth is that, yes i have feelings for her, but it's not love, i feel protective over her, i feel as if she is my responsibility"

"So you are saying you can't marry her?"

"Ofcourse I can and one day i will, she is my mother's choice for me, she have always wanted me to marry her" he said, i was just quietly listening to him

"I can't let this nikah happen, you are not a good choice for Aleeza, you both hate each other, she can never be happy with you"

"Tell me something i don't know"

"Nani is not willing to talk,i really need to do something to stop this nikah, but how?"

"Tum ek kaam karo yahan khade sochte raho, mai nikah k time mana karne wala hun (you do one thing, you keep standing here, i am not going to give my consent at the time of nikah)"

"Bade papa will get angry at you" he said

As if he is ever happy with me

"I don't care, i am ready to take any punishment, but i can't marry her, over my dead body"

"Are you sure?"

"Ofcourse I am"


Hamza's pov


What I was doing was very mean of me, but i can't let Aleeza marry Irteza, he will spoil her life and i could never let that happen

I was thinking of how to stop the nikah when Irteza said he will refuse at the time of nikah

I thought it was a very good idea, so i encouraged him to go ahead with it, he gave me assurance that no marriage is happening tonight

"Thanks yaar" i said

"Why are you saying thanks, i am not doing anything for you, I'm just saving myself from Anabelle" he shrugged, "I'll go now" he said, i nodded, he left

I was so relieved now, when i got to know about the marriage i was totally freaked out, but thankfully its sorted now, i must go and tell mom about it

I reached mom's room, i stopped just outside when i heard mom and Arfa talking

"So what is the big deal?" Arfa said

I wonder what they were talking about

"Aleeza for me is like my own child" mom said

"I know that, but why are you getting so emotional over it, you should feel happy for Aleeza" Arfa patted mom's back

"I wanted Aleeza to marry Hamza, i have always dreamt about it" mom said, i felt pinching in my heart when i heard the sadness in my mom's voice, i should just tell her, i was about to step in the room when i heard Arfa

"Aleeza? And Hamza Bhai?" She was laughing like a maniac "they would never make a good pair, they would be very boring together" she said

"Arfa, stop laughing" mom scolded her

"Aleeza and Irteza Bhai are meant to be, i have seen the way they talk with each other, it's like whole world disappeared only they are there. If Bhai is fire, she is ice, they are totally different but they are their best when they are together" she explained, but mom was still silent

"I wanted Aleeza to stay infront of my eyes forever" mom spoke

"So that can happen even now, even after marrying bhai she will be here only. And don't you take Irteza bhai as your own son?"

"Ofcourse I do, he is as dear to me as Hamza and Hammad" mom nodded

"So stop worrying, bhai is the best choice for Aleeza, she will be very happy with him, she would have never been that much happy with Hamza bhai" Arfa hugged mom and said, i turned around and left from there

I will not tell them now, they will know at nikah time only. And this Arfa will see her "Irteza bhai" when he will refuse. Now i don't have to do anything just sit back and watch


Aleeza's POV


Everyone was gathered around me, i was just sitting quietly, i was ignoring all the hustle and bustle around me.

Is this really happening? Am i really getting married? That too with Tarzan, how will I live my life after the marriage?

"Aleeza, wear this one" zara said passing a piece of jewelry to me

"No, that's not nice at all" Arfa took it away

They both were here to get me ready, honestly they would dress me like a clown right now and I wouldn't mind

I didn't stop them from doing my make up or my hair, i let them do whatever they wanted because I was feeling lifeless, what dadi is doing with me is not fair and i know she will make my life miserable if i don't get married right now

Things irteza said to me have hurt me deeply, but I still don't blame him, i know he hates me, it was his helplessness talking

"Is everything done? Qazi sahab is on the way" badi mummy entered the room

"She is ready" Arfa said

"Ohho what have you guys done?" Badi mummy said looking at me

"Her makeup" zara shrugged

"It's too much, it's a small ceremony, only few family members are going to be there, go outside both of you, let me get her ready" she ordered them they both left, i could heard them bickering

"They have done too much make up" she took a tissue box and started wiping my face

"You know i am very happy today, today is my son's nikah. I have dreamt a lot about this day" she said

"I always used to think i will have a huge celebration on irteza's wedding, i have been planning that day in my head for so long"

"Then why this nikah is happening like this?" I couldn't stop myself from asking, she gave me a soft smile

"An engagement would have been better than nikah, don't you think?" I asked

"I was also interested in engagement only, but khala insisted for nikah, and to be honest if i think now, nikah really seems like a wonderful idea. When Hasan told me about you and Irteza, i got so excited, considering that i think khala is absolutely right"

My face fell listening to her reply

"But don't be disheartened it is just nikah, we will do all other functions also" she said

Door of my room opened and Irteza entered

"Mummy i want to talk to you" he said

"You shouldn't be here, go outside i am getting Aleeza ready" she sent him off

"I know he is just looking for excuses to look at you" she giggled, i inwardly rolled my eyes

She got me ready, she looked very satisfied with her work with the way she was smiling at me

"Aleeza, dadi is calling you" Zara opened the door, informed me and left immediately

"Go beta, i will also go and call irteza's khala and nana to check where they have reached, qazi sahab would reach shortly" she got up and left, i also went to dadi

"Yes dadi?" I asked entering her room, she was talking on phone, looking at me she removed it from her ear and tapped on it, then she turned it to my side, she motioned me to speak

"Hello" i said

"Leezu" it was Saif bhai's voice, tears formed in my eyes hearing him

"Bhai" i sighed

"What is this happening? Why all of a sudden this nikah? Why was I not told earlier? And why Irteza?" He bombarded me with questions, i couldn't say anything, i just cried silently

"Listen to me leezu, I'm applying for leave and booking my tickets for India as soon as possible, you don't have to get this nikah done tonight, I'm coming soon, we'll sit and talk" he said, i looked at dadi

"Saif, i told you that she has chosen Irteza, then why are you talking like this" dadi spoke

"I'm talking to her not you dadi, you cannot force her to get married, if she has become a burden on you i will come and bring her to Canada with me" he said, dadi gasped

"How dare you to talk like that with me?" Dadi shouted in anger

"I'm sorry dadi, but i can't see anything wrong happening with my baby sister"

"Your sister has brought this on her" she glared at me, "if you don't believe me, ask her yourself"

"Leezu, tell me honestly, do you really like Irteza? Do you really want this nikah?" He asked

"Tell him" dadi mouthed to me, i sighed in defeat

"Yes bhai, i really like him, and i want this nikah" i managed to speak, he was quite for some time, then he spoke

"Even if you like him, don't get married, let me come there first" he said, but dadi turned off the speaker and pressed the phone back on her ear

"I am also her well wisher, why are you talking like that? As if i am intentionally pushing her in a well" She spoke on phone

I got up and left from there, leaving dadi alone to talk with bhai, i returned to my room


i was sitting alone in my room, my phone rang it was a call from an unknown number, i answered it

"Hello" i said, there were only muffled sounds coming from the other side, i couldn't understand anything

"Who is this?" I asked

"Hjbj..hi.....haya..njnn" the voice said

"Haya?" I asked

Arfa came running in my room, she was panting

"Come, you have been summoned, qazi sahab is here" she said

My heartbeat skyrocketed, it's really happening, ya Allah please make the best decision for me

With shaky legs i got up and walked towards her

"Atleast take off your glasses now" she commented, i glared at her, "ok fine, don't take out" she said and we both made our way to the living room

I couldn't lift up my gaze when i reached, i was feeling like a culprit who has been given a punishment

With every passing second my anxiety was increasing, my legs were felt as if they have turned into jelly, it was so hard to even stand, I was feeling dizzy, i was about to fall when someone held me, i looked up, it was Hamza

"It's ok, don't worry, everything will be alright" he whispered to me

"Hamza make her sit next to Irteza" chhoti dadi said, he obliged

This huge living room felt so small, i was feeling suffocated, i could hear many voices talking to me, many hands patting my head, but nothing was registering to me

Dadi tapped on my shoulder, i looked at her, she had her eyes narrowed at me

"Beta qazi sahab has asked you something, answer him" she said chewing every word

He asked? Already? I wondered

"Aleeza Ahmed, do you take Irteza Hasan as your husband?" He asked

I wish he was asking me "do you want to die?" Giving my consent for that would have been easier

I felt dadi nudging her elbow on my stomach

"Yes" i said in a voice above whisper

I heard everyone cheering, it felt so hurtful to my ears and my heart

A bunch of papers were placed on my lap, and i was asked to sign them, i did what I was told.

Now the attention was shifted to Irteza

"Irteza, do you take Aleeza Ahmed as your wife?" Qazi sahab asked him, he stayed quite, that made qazi sahab repeat his question, he was still quiet, i looked at him, our eyes connected, I could see an emotion in his eyes which i couldn't decipher

"Do you take Aleeza Ahmed as your wife?" Qazi sahab said, this time he was quite loud

"Yes i do" he said with a deep sigh

Breath knocked out of me, it really happened, Tarzan has really become my husband.. my eyes began watering, i looked down.

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