Let's Begin..

"Get ready Meghna !! , Your school bus will be here soon." Mom shouted.

Argh!! New school New school !! Ok let's get this done. Oh sorry.. Let me introduce myself. I'm Meghna Krishna. Today is my first day at my new school. My dad got transferred. This is an International school in Chennai. I'm a typical South Indian girl. My dad is a bank employee. My mom is a house wife. Oh! I forgot. I have a brother too. Ok, It's ticking.. I need to leave now or else I wont be able to have my breakfast. Sorry, Food is much more important than introduction right now. Now, come with me...

"Here have this six dosas and then leave soon." Mom said.

[ My alter ego responding inside me , " I have barely 5 mins , you want me to eat six dosas.. Really? "

" Mom!! , I can't eat six dosas , I will get fat. Don't feed me like I'm some mini elephant." I responded.

"Stop talking, You are so thin. I can only barely see you from here. No flesh.. nothing.. You won't have the energy to do anything. You know a teenage girl must have energy. When I was at ur age, my mom....."

" Oh mom!! I get it. Please not again." I pleaded.

" Ok have then." Mom said in a disappointed tone.

[ My alter ego responding again. "Really? Six dosas? After eating this you won't be having energy even to stand up, let alone go to school."]

Me: "Shut up."

Bus arrives. I got in. I could hear mom saying " Eat everything. Be a good child."

While travelling, my mind was wandering. How will this day be? Will I get good friends? Will I be able to adapt to this new school and get good grades? Will I be proud of myself? Well, now I'm overthinking.. Let's keep fingers crossed. My old school was not the best, but who knows.. what's going to happen here...

As I was admiring everything I saw.. The trees, flowers , buildings, people rushing here and there. I gazed upon some small children as they were playing some games inside the bus.

Smile came with a hit of positive energy saying I'm ready...!