First Day..

I got out of the bus. I saw a huge building infront of me for sports. Students were coming out from practice. Everyone was drenched in sweat. At that time my eyes got caught attention towards one particular boy. He was well-built, mostly about 6ft tall, fair , looks like he is not from India. He looked cute. I was smiling without my knowledge.

Alter ego came up and said " Don't you have a class to attend? You look like a girl who have never seen a boy. Cut it and come back to senses."

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice but I didn't turn. That voice was approaching me..

"Hey Dumbo! You are late."

I just turned around and saw Mithun. Well, my bro!!

"What?? You were sleeping when I got out of home. How come you reach here before me??"I asked in a rather surprised tone.

"That's a talent Dumbo..You will never know.

Ok then, go to your class." he replied with a sass.

" Ok bye" I said.

"Well, I forgot one thing. You look ugly." he said with the same sass.

"I know that. We both have the same genes.. Can't help!" I replied back.

Then I entered into the main entrance. On my way I saw lot of students chatting, some studying , some simply didn't know what they were doing, some stared at me. Eventhough my eyes captured all these, my mind was still thinking about that boy I saw, and more than that I was thinking about how my bro called me ugly. Well, I'm 5ft 5 inches tall , fair, average built. I look good, I know that.

Then I saw my classroom 11A. It was totally empty. I was thinking, if it's some holiday for this class alone. Anyway, I got in. I took a seat in the middle row, I don't want to catch any attention nor wanted others to think I'm anti social. So, middle row seemed perfect.

As the class was about to start, I saw a bunch of students getting in. Let me rephrase, rushing in like black friday sales have just begun. Everyone took their seats. I saw a girl next to me. When I was looking at her, she suddenly turned and smiled at me. I just smiled back, I don't want her to think I was gawking at her.

The class started and the teacher asked me to introduce myself to the whole class as I was the only one new there. I was kinda terrified and I nervously gave my introduction. Everyone stared at me like I'm the new guinea pig, but the girl smiled at me again when I looked at her during my intro session.

Next the teacher opened physics book and started teaching. I can't say it's boring because I love physics. I saw lot of students trying to get a nap inbetween the session.

Rest of the morning sessions went without any issue apart from the intro session that I have to give whenever new session starts.

Then came the break time. Everyone rushed outside like they were pasted to their seats and now got released after a tough battle. I got out of my seat , suddenly the girl called me and said " Hey Meghna, I'm Priyanka. Wanna join for brunch?"

I was surprised and happy. "Yes, sure" I said.

Then we both went to the cafeteria to have some snacks and coffee. She asked me about my hobbies, family, future plans almost everything. While talking to her I felt an instant connection. She was so sweet and friendly. It felt like we have known eachother for years. I don't know how this happened.

Then we exchanged numbers and the rest of the class went smoothly. Before leaving we had another chat session till our buses were about to leave. We kinda became best friends.

It's crazy I know, but that's how girls are. I reached home, my mom was waiting for me with food ofcourse. She asked me about my class, friends, cafeteria literally everything, then she gave me a caution like most South Indian families do. " Be careful with boys. Just talk with girls."

My alter ego woke up, " Then why did your parents sent you to this school, they could have placed you at some girls only school. Seriously!"

I was tired, so I didn't bother to reply to any of them. I went back to my room without saying a word.

Priyanka texted me that night. It was fun to get a friend like her. Then I started feeling drowsy, suddenly the guy that I saw in the morning popped up in my mind, I just blushed for the first time and fell asleep..