After day two of the training session to build Itadori's physique. And encountering a monster twice on different days but the same places. When they got back home from the training and his Sensei woke Itadori by showering him water. Itadori performed his punishment of a hundred push ups. Itadori then asked to have a conversation with his Sensei. While the conversation was going on, it lead to Itadori pointing a sword at his Sensei and accusing him and Itomi with valid point of trying to have him killed.

Then Itadori's Sensei said "don't be a fool and drop that sword. I can easily intercept the sword from you. Your stance is too poor". Itadori then replied "I would like to see you try".

Within a blink of an eye His Sensei tackled him collected the sword right from his hands. And then then placed it across Itadori's neck saying "who do you think you are James Bond, you are trying to kill a person with more than 20 years of experience when you got only few months of training. You claim I wanted to kill you?". Itadori looked into his Sensei's cold eyes and was unable to say a word. His Sensei continued by saying "If I wanted to kill you I could have just stabbed you in your sleep, let a monster eat you, left you while you were unconscious, let the monster that tried to kill you catch up to you and eat you, poison your food or still yet walk up to you and kill you. I can even kill you right here on spot".

Itadori then replied "then why did you lead me to a monster twice". His Sensei replied "when you encountered the monsters, Incase you didn't notice your speed increased. That was the whole idea".

Itadori then continued by saying "then why did you try to reach for your sword". His Sensei replied "in order for you not to attempt anything foolish, which you clearly did". Itadori then said then how can you explain Itomi, his Sensei replied by saying "Itomi is just naturally careless".

Itadori was then lost in thoughts thinking "Sensei maybe right". Then his Sensei stood up from Itadori and said "never approach a person if you don't have enough proof, if I were who you think I was, you would have been dead by now". Itadori then replied with a low voice "ok Sensei". His Sensei then said "just because you know that I deliberately bring you to monsters, doesn't mean that we would stop out training and that I wouldn't still deliberately bring you to the monsters.

His Sensei then continued by saying "it doesn't matter if you know, either way you will still perform your training. Actually it affects you negatively, because your fear level will be higher".His Sensei walking to were he sleeps said "go prepare for your training session tomorrow".

Next morning, Itadori woke up feeling rested. He then said to himself "I wonder what kind of training to expect, he might change some rules due to the stunt I pull yesterday". Itadori then continued by saying "his going to make me do something crazy. This man is a psycho, how did I end up with someone soo psychotic".

Finally, Itadori then went outside the cabin. On arrival he saw his Sensei sitting down looking at the sky and murmuring to himself. Itadori then said "Good Morning Sensei". His Sensei replied " Good Morning Itadori, how do you feeling about your self". Guilt struck Itadori as he replied "what do you mean". His Sensei then replied with a smile on his face "I mean how are you feeling".

Itadori then replied "I am feeling good and well rested. I am prepared may we begin our training". His Sensei said "ok since you are in such a hurry, let's begin, take your position". His Sensei continued by saying "Nothing will change, we must still encounter a monster. It is compulsory".

Itadori then said "Ok Sensei ". His Sensei then said "just as a reminder, if....when you lose today, you will be performing a hundred pull ups". Itadori then said "I know Sensei".

When they took their positions, ready to begin. Itadori's Sensei asked Itadori "I hope you brought your sword with you, because I ain't going to kill any more monsters for the time being". Itadori then replied "yes, I brought my sword along". His Sensei continued by saying "since there isn't any leaf ready to fall from a tree, look at that tree at our east, the top branch. There is a bird there right?". Itadori replied "yes Sensei". His Sensei went on by saying "once that bird flies out of the branch, the challenge begins". Itadori then replied "ok Sensei".

Suddenly, the bird flew away from the branch and the challenge begun. They both started running but Itadori's Sensei was still ahead of Itadori. His Sensei then said "Itadori stay focused we will soon approach a monster. Pull out your sword".

They both began to hear footsteps approaching them. His Sensei then said "I hope you are ready, I don't need to tell you what that is". Itadori then took a deep breath and continued running. But he notice that no matter the speed he uses, the monster will still catch up to him.

His Sensei ran far away from Itadori and the monster. When Itadori noticed that the monster was within the range to strike, he then looked back and saw that the monster had already raised his hand up to attack him. Itadori with no other option jumped and left himself vulnerable in mid air. The monster then tried to attack Itadori while his was in the air leaving Itadori with no where to go.

Then suddenly, with the monster's hand close to Itadori about to hit him. Itadori then swung his sword to cut the monster's hand before falling to the ground. The monster then roared due to the tremendous amount of pain. And without hesitation Itadori continued to run.

With Itadori unable to locate his Sensei and alone with the monsters of this forest. How would he survive this time.