After Itadori sliced off the monster's hand and began to run.

On running, he then heard leaves and trees branches shaking. Without knowing what it was, Itadori proceeded towards it with caution.

As he caught sight of what it was, he noticed that it was his Sensei. He then shouted at the top of his voice saying "Sensei wait up. I always knew that you wanted to get me killed". His Sensei then said on a low tone voice "shut up, do you want the Monsters to figure out where we are".

Itadori then said with a reduced voice "oh, sorry my bad. Why did you leave me all alone back there Sensei". His Sensei then replied "I had already told you that I wouldn't kill any more monsters for you". Itadori took a deep breath without saying a word and continued running.

They kept on running for 5 hours before his Sensei fell unconscious. Itadori then stopped with a surprised face panting before trying to catch his breath. Itadori then ran to his Sensei and said "Sensei, Sensei. Don't you dare fall unconscious because I ain't going to carry you home".

But then Itadori realized that he doesn't know his way back. With his Sensei asleep, Itadori began to wonder the forest, searching for a way home with the Monsters lurking at every corner.

Then suddenly, Itadori started hearing breathing on turned to see what it was. As he turned, he saw three Monsters starring at him. With his Sensei at his back and his sword in his hands began to move back slowly before trying to run away. While running, he looked back to see the Monsters. The Monsters had already started chasing him.

He then looked back to check how close the Monsters were. He noticed that the Monsters were approaching fast. He then wanted to look forward and continue his run, on looking forward he saw a monster in his front. He then said to himself with fear " where did this Monster come from, I just looked back for 5 seconds".

Itadori then stopped running, he looked left and right to find an opening to escape. But there was no opening. The Monsters began to circle Itadori. With his Sensei on his shoulders, he was unable to move freely. Itadori fear level began to rise. Then Itadori fell unconscious.

Suddenly, Itadori woke up with his head hurting facing a ceiling. He then said to himself "where am I". Still facing the ceiling said "oh yeah, this is the cabin. How did I get here". He was still lost in thoughts before it came to him. He then said with swift movements "Sensei Sensei where are you". He then stood up from his bed and ran towards the door leading outside the cabin.

As Itadori opened the door and looked outside, he then saw his Sensei sitting down and drinking tea. Itadori then stuttered with his words as he said "how.... buh . I thought you fell unconscious". His Sensei then replied with a smile on his face "well I just faked it just to check if you can survive your way back". Itadori then said with extreme seriousness "so it amuses you to see someone in distress". His Sensei replied with a straight face "YES!".

Itadori was short of words due to how cruel his Sensei was. His Sensei continued by saying "since I ended up carrying you back home and killing those monsters I promised not to kill. You have to perform your hundred pull ups". Itadori with a smile of his own then said "technically, you fell unconscious first sooo you have to perform a hundred push ups". His Sensei then replied "I wasn't unconscious I was faking". Itadori then said "but there is no proof".

His Sensei then said "ok then who saved your life from the Monsters when you fell unconscious". Itadori then replied laughing "Exactly, I don't know who saved OUR lives". His Sensei then said "oh I see what's going on here, you are trying to play smart. Ok since you carried me halfway and I carried you the remaining distance. Let's make a deal, both of us won't perform any push up".

Itadori then thought of benefits that deal be to him. He then smile and said "NO, we must both perform the push ups". With his Sensei looking confused asked "why did you pick that option, even coming from you that was pretty stupid". Itadori then said "Ouch, but still you have made me suffer alot so I want to see you suffer too". His Sensei then smiled a said "Well I guess we should begin".

They took their positions about to begin the exercise. As they began, Itadori's Sensei was so fast that Itadori had to stop and stare at him. It took him exactly 10 minutes to perform a hundred push ups without breaking a sweat or panting. Itadori's Sensei then said to Itadori "well what are you waiting for. Be quick and go make dinner". Itadori short of words quickly started his push ups and after minutes completed it and went to make dinner before going to bed.

The next morning, as usual Itadori came outside and saw his Sensei sitting down waiting for him. They both exchange greetings and after that they went to the starting point of the training. His Sensei then said "if I win this time you will perform a hundred pull ups, the reason you didn't do it last time was because the winner was not clear". Itadori then replied "Ok Sensei". The training then begun.

While running, Itadori noticed that his Sensei did not take the usual path and due to this, they encountered no monster. They ran for 5 hours before Itadori finally fell unconscious. When they arrived at home, Itadori's Sensei decided to wake Itadori by holding his nose and mouth shut from any breath process. Itadori began to shake before finally opening his eyes, then his Sensei left his nose and mouth. Itadori then performed his hundred pull ups.

This routine went on for 2 months, before the day that Itadori and his Sensei ran at top speed for 12 hours. Then his Sensei said he was now ready to infuse his energy.

With Itadori looking slightly buffed up and ready to begin his training, will he SUCCEED or will he FAIL.