Kayla Santino.
It's clear Carl has something that is not supposed to know. I look him dead in the eye and he stares blankly right back at me.
I glance at the gun in his hand for the last time and leave the cell without saying a word.
I know nothing about Carl, totally nothing and whatever he's hiding I will find out.
Even if it means befriending his best friend's boyfriend.
We have one thing in common, we both get what we want, and am gonna dig out his secrets one by one because he's not willing to open up.
I just can't blindly walk into a marriage with him without knowing everything about him.
I will have to know everything, all his dirty secrets before saying I do.
"Dad" I call out to my father when I reach the sitting room where he and other men are talking about whatever men talk about.
"Yes honey, you need anything?" he asks curiously bringing his attention to me.
"Am going out" I declare kissing him on the cheek
He appears sceptical but nods anyway" Take Thomas with you and be careful, okay?"
I nod" Okay father" I sign for Thomas to follow me who was readily waiting and we head for the door when Theo calls for me again.
" Please take this and give me a call if you change your mind" he hands me a note with his number written on it.
I sure will call him because I want to know what Carl is hiding, I silently tell myself.
"Sure" I assure him putting the paper in the back pocket of my shorts.
"Where is she going," Carl asks my dad looking between him and me.
"She's going out "dad simply answers switching between the stations on the tv.
"It's not safe for her Ace, she even got injured today "carl sighs shaking his head and I roll my eyes at that.
It was just a scratch and I have had worse than that.
"She'll be fine son, she has Thomas with her and I trust she can take care of herself " my father reasons, I love it when he has confidence in me.
"Am going with her" carl deadpans firmly and starts walking towards me.
Oh please. Am not a fucking kid carl. Better still a mistress in distress
"Am going to get a dress for the ball Carl, and Thomas is with me. I will be fine" I lie.
The main reason am going out is to meet dean, and maybe get a dress too now that I have mentioned it, also is not like I will be doing anything wrong.
He looks at Thomas for a second longer like he's trying to figure something out "I don't trust anyone angel and I can't let you walk out, especially after what happened earlier today" he looks at me softly, changing his cold demeanour.
"I will go with her boss," Theo says coming to us. They're acting like I can't take care of myself.
He contemplates for a moment before finally agreeing" If anything happens to her am having both of your heads " he threatens to point a finger at the both of them.
"Cops are outside," one of dad's men says entering.
We have no problems with cops because grandpa got that covered long ago.
What do you expect from a corrupt system?
"Let them in," dad says nonchalantly leaning his head back on the sofa
"Let's go," I tell my two supposed bodyguards leading the way. The two cops enter the house silently while we walk out.
They have been working for my dad for a long time now and I know they're here because of the shootouts.
Someone heard the gunshots and alerted the authorities.
Our house stands on its piece of land and we don't have immediate neighbours.
The main mafia mansion is the only nearest house to ours and it's a 10mins drive from here.
I get on my bike and the boys drive together in one of dad's black SUVs behind me.
The nearest mall comes to view and I like the fact that it holds most of my favourite stores.
I park my bike in an empty spot before getting into a Gucci store.
I start looking around with theo right on my side while Thomas keeps himself busy with whatever.
" Do you trust that guy?"Theo whispers next to me motioning to Thomas.
I look over at the referred guy who has been on his phone ever since we left home.
"Why do you ask?" I ask looking back at the questioningly
"I think he has been acting weird, more like he's hiding something".I have known
Thomas for not so long, maybe 3-4months and since then he's been around me most of the time.
He lives in our family house on security detail. But in this life, you don't just trust anyone blindly.
"I will keep a close eye on him" I whisper to them. With the threat notes appearing strangely in my room and no trace of where they're coming from, I can't take anything lightly.
Everyone is on my suspect list until I get the culprit.
"Are you good with tracking stuff?" I nudge his arm to grab his attention
"Yes, that's my speciality. I go on the field because of my boyfriend. Someone needs to cover for his ass and I don't trust anyone with that job" he says lovingly. Urgh
"We are putting a bug in his room and that phone when we get home" I whisper motioning to Thomas
"Brilliant idea, so are we besties now right?" he grins widely. Is he always this cheerful? The complete opposite of me.
"Let's just pick a dress am meeting someone after this" I ignore his question looking around the store uninterestedly.
I have a bunch of clothes I could choose from. That's why I hate lying.
"What kind of a dress do you want?" Since I might need to grab someone's attention with that ball, I need something eye-catching.
"Something red and maybe seductive" I mumbles looking at the mannequins blankly.
"Oh, my dear! you are seducing Carl?" What's wrong with this one? Fuck, he makes me want to jump a bridge. Why would I seduce carl in the first place?
I glare at him and he shuts up immediately " No, it's for a mission"
" But I thought we are picking a dress for the ball?"
Fuck. He's so annoying.
"What about that one" he points at a dress on the mannequin on our right and I follow his gaze.
It's very short and provoking.
That will be a good choice for clubbing and not a fucking ball.
" I want to look elegant not like a cheap hooker" I retort. He understands nothing about fashion.
I spot another gown. It's long and strapless with a high thigh slit. It's adorned with diamonds on the neckline and it's just what am looking for.
I have a bunch of heels to go with it and countless lingeries I haven't worn yet.
I made it a habit whenever I had nothing to do to spend the time shopping because it helped take my mind away from stuff, and right now I have a lot of stuff that I will probably not use in my entire lifetime.
From all types of clothing to shoes, handbags and ornaments. My closet is jammed.
I look at theo beside me and resolve to act friendly with him.
Since he seems to say too much, I will get the information from him.
"So Sam right?" I refer to his boyfriend and he nods enthusiastically " How long have you guys been together" I enquired.
"8 months, I used to work for the snake gang in Italy and one day during a collection we met and exchanged numbers, later he proposed if I could join the Italia family, you have no idea how happy I was" he finishes the explanation grinning.
They must be happy
"Is he always that serious and intimidating?" I wonder
" At least not to me, he can't be as serious as carl though"
"Any friends," I ask and his smile falters
"I had one but one day on a mission he didn't make it since then am always been by myself when sam is not around" Okay, am always alone too. It's not that bad
" Oh! sorry about that. And carl, what is he like?" I have to start from somewhere right? I need to know what that Russian was about to say.
"He's the most ruthless man I have ever seen. Trust me, the only time he acts nice is when he's talking to you"
"Does he have enemies or anything I should know about" he hesitates and laughs nervously. Something is up.
"He'll have my head if I tell you anything but am sure if you get to know him he'll tell you everything" There goes nothing, maybe I should get him to trust me first.
"Am meeting someone at McDonald's let's go" I mumble defeatedly
After having the attendant pack the dress, we leave the store with theo beside me and Tom following closely behind and still texting.
Now that I look at it, his behaviour is very suspicious.
" Hey Dean" I greet taking the seat opposite him. I excused myself from the boys and have them find their table.
" Princess, I wish you would call me even when you don't need my help" he never gives up, does he? he intertwines our pinkies and I don't move, that's far it goes.
He knows what happened and how I feel about contact.
"You know we can't dean" I slightly glare at him
"And I still don't see the reason why, you know how I feel about you Kay. I will still wait for you though " he looks at me hopefully
"Anything for me?"I change the topic. It's not the right time for hearing the tales of love. I don't believe in that shit.
"Yes, Alex and his family left the country yesterday to Germany for a vacation, probably for a week or two."
"Anything on Grayson?"
"He's not around either, his son River will be at a ball on Saturday.
I will just go for the son to find out about his father and Alex.
" I have another job for you but I need to find a contact first, by any chance do you have any idea where black roses are sold around here?" I whisper so no one apart from him could hear.
He thinks for a second before shaking his head no "I will ask around and let you know if I get anything"
"Thanks, dean, remember no important information on the phone calls or texts, okay?
" I know Kay" he assures. I have known dean for years, he used to be my friend while we were in high school but we fell apart when he started having feelings for me.
He helps me when I need information and he believes one day I will change my mind, also he blends well with every kind of crowd.
He is a biker. His dad owns a truck and he's like the champ in the world of bikers.
I learned riding from him, he taught me racing and I used to give him a run for his money. I miss the good old days.
He is blonde with grey eyes, tall and masculine but so fucking corky.
The kind of guy that believes he can have any girl on his palm without trying.
The complete turn-off for me but either way as long as he helps me, the rest can wait.
"We should catch up maybe on a drink later" he suggests looking at me expectantly. Persistent
"I don't know but I will call you" I don't want to give him false promises.
"Be careful okay?" he squeezes my hand lightly.
"Sure" he has no idea what my family do for a living and I would like to keep it that way.
The only thing he knows is that some men took advantage of me and escaped, so am trying to track them down.
I pull up in our garage and everything looks different from how we left them in the morning.
Like the number of luxurious cars in the garage and the more armed guards around.
Only one person likes that kind of lifestyle.
Mr Santino Senior is here.