"You are going soft Ace and I don't like it one bit" a familiar voice scolds my father harshly
"Am not soft okay, I just wanted to be there for her. She needs me dad" my father tries to make him understand
" Why are Grayson and his men still alive? he should be gone already. You didn't even tell me, I had to find out from Marcello" the voice becomes exaggeratedly louder
"Because I knew what you would have done father, it was a wrong time to start a war and that's what you would have done"
" There is never a wrong or right time for war Ace, as long as that person messes with my princess" grandpa argues
"It's a wrong time for me when my daughter needs me. I will always choose her before war father"
"Don't worry am here to do your job for you, you should have just told me when it happened" he sighs lowering his voice.
Grandfather has always been so hard on my father. Always expect too much from him and I hate how he pushes him around.
I love my dad so much because he's the best thing in my life and I don't like it when grandpa talks to him however he wants.
I make my presence known followed closely by the two guys carrying my shopping bags, and his attention switches from my dad to me.
"And there she is, my favourite princess" he exclaims with open arms before pulling me in a tight suffocating hug.
" How you grow so fast I can't explain it, you were just a baby when I last visited" I glance at my father behind grandpa's back who only rolls his eyes at how dramatic this old man is.
" Last time you saw me I was nineteen grandpas, not any near to being a baby," I say holding him back as tight
" Well, look at you" he pulls back and looks at me up and down" you've become a very beautiful young lady. Where is Carlos?" he asks looking at the two men behind me with raised eyebrows.
Why is everyone so interested in Carl?
" I have no idea," I say as I take a seat on the same couch my father is sitting on, making sure grandpa catches on the boredom in my tone.
" You should see how girls drool over his half-naked pictures on the billboards in Rome, did you know he models for Calvin Klein? " the snickers beside me and I send him a glare and he shuts right away.
"That boy got everyone talking except for my granddaughter, of course, he's on every gossip page in the magazines and every girl seeks his attention
"Another Carl's fun. Am I supposed to drool over him because every thirsty girl gawks at him?
"How is grandma papa" I change the topic from Carlos before he talks my ears out.
"Oh! my girl is sexy as ever, it's been years but she still has that hot ass"
"You should visit her soon." dad groans when he mentions grandma's ass. That's how grandpa is, blunt and he loves his wife"
"Sometimes I feel bad for my dad, I keep telling him to find someone for himself but he thinks it'll make me uncomfortable.
Maybe I should just take matters into my own hands.
" Oh, dear did do still remember how we met," he asks. I hate his boring corky stories.
"Si papa you told me that story countless times, how will I forget "I frantically nod before he starts talking.
It was like a bedtime story and I got sick of it.
He dismisses me with his hand and continues anyways "
That girl got me hooked, you should have seen her and she never gave a single glance at me no matter how much I tried, Kay was hot as fuck" dad groans and chuckles again. He's only encouraging him.
Oh! and I was named after my grandmother.
" Dad please, that's my mother you're talking about" my dad complains to the deaf ears of his father.
" I was the hottest man in town and I could get everything I wanted except for one person.
You know what I did?" he looks at me waiting for an answer. Of course, I know what he did but he'll still explain even if I say yes so I shake my head no.
"I took her to my house and showed her how amazing I was, the girl couldn't resist these abs" he gestures at his stomach covered with a black buttoned-up shirt ", you should have seen me, you still have my pics right?" he looks at me expectantly and I nod
" Yes, all of them plus grandma's, "I tell him.
"See" he points at me " that's why you are my favourite," he says handing me a box of cookies that have been on the glass table beside his couch" your grandma made this for you, she misses you" I look at my favourite delicacies and smile from inside.
I miss her too. She's the closest thing I have to a mother and I love her so much.
Too bad they live in another country.
Our family is from Italy. My great-grandpa came to America for business and when he retired he went back home handing it over to grandpa, and grandpa did the same when dad took over.
But my dad said he prefers sticking around so I wouldn't be left alone.
We have a couple of businesses there ranging from hotels, clubs and real estate.
Dad calls them investments after retirement though the amount of money our family owns is enough to carter for a hundred generations.
That's why my grandfather prefers to live a lavish lifestyle.
The only person who doesn't care is me.
"And don't worry about the girls lusting over your man I have been spreading the word that the great Carl Moreno found his bride," he says with so much enthusiasm like it's an achievement, maybe the old age is getting to him.
"Dad, that's why I don't tell you anything " my dad complains unamused by his sentence.
"You like keeping secrets from everyone son and it upsets me"
"You know what I mean dad, it's not safe"
"Shit," he says like he just remembered something "they don't know who she is though, you worry too much"
"Did you bring my gift?" I ask before the fighting goes any further.
"Of course honey, how could I forget? Vincente " he calls one of his boys who is standing stiffly beside him " bring the package " he instructs and the Vincente guy disappears into one of the guestrooms and comes back with a long slim box.
I'm curious
Grandpa takes the box from him and opens it to a shining gold double-edged sword.
"Now, my lady I present to you 'The slayer' " he says dramatically handing over the sharp blade to me.
Wow! it's beautiful and the words slayer encrypted on its handle.
The blade is made of pure gold and the thing is damn sharp.No one will survive her deadly cruel strike.
"The blade belonged to my father back in the day" grandpa narrates " He was the most ruthless don ever known and people called him The slayer because all his victims were ended by that blade" he gestures to the blade in my hands and I look at it admirably. Bad bitch
" It was one of his most priced possessions and instead of guns or other weapons, he only specialised in that"
" He named it after his nickname slayer and when he died, I kept it safe until I remembered my best person" he wiggles his eyebrows at me grinning widely.
Yep, the old age is catching up with him.
"Now my dear, since you're going to be the queen of both American and Italian families, I want you to have it," he says with so much pride. "I will train you on how to use it starting from tomorrow " he sadly sighs
" You have to promise me, honey, that the first person you are using that blade on is Greyson, I understand this is your fight but you have to make it quick before I lose my patience okay?"
I smirk, lightly tracing the sharp edge of the blade with my index finger. " You have my word grandfather, I will make you proud," I say softly as I imagine the look on Grayson's face when I finally end his shit with 'slayer'.
"See that Ace?" grandpa chirps grinning at my dad
" That's what am talking about, she's just like me and I knew she was the right person to own that blade" my father shakes his head smiling at me with pride and amusement in his eyes.
" Thank you, grandpa, I love your gift. Now if you excuse me I have something to do " I get up with my new bitch securely held in my hand.
"Don't worry honey, your old man is here whenever you need me, let Carlos know I want to see him"
"Come on," I tell Theo as I head to my room, it's time to put our little mission into action, he follows closely behind me carrying the bags.
" Did you see how he eyed that sword " he whispers for only my ears?
"No, I didn't" my attention was solely on the blade that I didn't notice people around me. A little distraction could cost you
"His eyes were all over it.
Suspicious if you ask me."
"Princess, you forgot this" we turn around to see Thomas holding the box of cookies grandpa brought me.
I take them from him without saying anything and we proceed to my room.
"We need to plant the bugs sooner theo, and I don't want my dad to know about this yet" I whisper.
I don't want to stress him again. I want him happy and not worrying about me
"Yeah, I will go bring what's needed meanwhile keep an eye on him, and be careful," he says placing the bags on my bed.
" Okay, don't take long and keep this between us, remember don't mention it to your boyfriend "I warn and he nods
Theo leaves the room and I take the bags to my closet so I will unpack later.
I get back to the room and open the box of cookies ready to munch on my goodies until a note on the top stops me.
"You know why I love black roses? No.Because they're beautiful yet dark and deadly.Just like you princess.
Enjoy your cookies