Treat You Like Glass


Carina screamed.

“I’m right here baby are you okay? Let me get your doctor.”

Carina looked around and realized she was in a hospital, a human hospital. She saw Savage asleep in a chair with an equally asleep Kaiser drooling on his chest. She couldn’t help herself in pain and all she grabbed her phone and took a picture. It was so adorable, then the door opened and Gears walked in with the doctor. The doctor was short with a shock of white hair and a red nose. If his eyes hadn’t been so clear she would have thought that he was drunk his nose and face was so red. But, then she realized that he was just frightened, Gears sat down resting both arms on the bed next to her. Savage woke up adjusting a still sleeping Kaiser to his other shoulder and looking a little upset at the big drool stain on his Savage Creed T-shirt.

“Hello Mrs. Carina, you have had your husband and friend quite worried. They have been with you all night.”