Chapter 38: Cockroaches

Despite what the newcomers said the landscape was exactly how I imagined it would be. Most buildings lay in ruins while the streets were deserted. There wasn't even a bird in the sky. Richard and Rebecca had already made their way out of the trunk and we're seated at the front. No one was surprised by their presence. We were headed west but we managed to get a glimpse of the sunrise in our rearview mirror, unwilling to make unnecessary stops.

Everyone, including our respective drivers, held their weapons in hand. We were yet to assess the severity of our situation and as such we opted to remain prepared. We had initially thought of dropping the men on the way but the group unanimously disagreed. They knew where our home was an there was nothing to prevent them from going back. Despite offering no futher resistance, they remained tied up. We could not afford to give any more chances especially when nothing was know. Therefore Marcus, Charles and Kevin accompanied the bound men.