The intruder pinches his chin, and his eyes widen. “Is that right? Do you really think I'm mistaken? You talk tough for such a small girl. Why don’t you come here and show me what you’re made of, Barbie.”
LeAnn looks at me. I motion for her not to do it. She looks at the gun in my hand and then back at me.
LeAnn scowls as she slowly makes her way to the man. I crouch down low enough to see what’s going to happen next.
This is going to end badly! I just know it.
I will shoot him to give her leverage when I have the opportunity. When she looked at the gun in my hand, I knew it was what she meant. I know he isn’t going to kill me. Max wants me alive! I’m just afraid for LeAnn.
I take a deep breath and silently pray for Ryder, my parents, and LeAnn.
If I had blinked, I would not have been able to see it!