New Journey

While some elves riding their trearse when hunting in the garrion mountain ridge, some was still on foot, the scerary of a fresh morning in green and blue, there were some birds chirping, and the trearse neighing,

Mark woke up feeling refreshed as he sleep the night easily, he then opened his cabinet, saw a big bag made of leaf and put the things he needed inside, including some leaf books, his wood slips, some clothing and the strange staff who was leaf behind by glenda to him besides the book of wisdom, he was also given a staff, the staff has a green orb as a core in its head and a blue crystal on its end that seems has a crack, both core has a cracks on it as if it's needed repair

(?? Staff- broken state)

(?? )

(?? )



(unknown affinity)

An unknown staff that has a connection on twillight sanctuary, couldn't know its origin, find the missing part and reconstruct it.

"twillight? What's that? And how come this staff has a lot of question mark..and missing part? What could it be... "

He shrugged as he don't know and there where still no system to answer his call, he then put the broken staff at his inventory instead on the book and the bag on his book, he continue his way to the door as soon as he finished packing up, he tried a glimpse on the room for the last time in few seconds, and opened the door out of the room with a creaky sound, he saw in the living room was edelina sitting with a big wooden box and a bag made of leaf in here she seems to be writing something in the table sitting on the chair she seems to be wearing the usual green robe , and the door in the empty room seemed to coincidentally opened, a silhoutte of a young night elf comes out, katrina was wearing the black cloak from last time.

"good morning katrina! "

"good morning"

Katrina replied and the one who was in the table was surprised by the unfamiliar girl, he then stood up and confront the two with a sense of slight jelousy saying

"march who is she? "

"e-edelina g-good morning actually i want to introduce her to you yesterday night but you were not there so please don't misunderstanding we were just friend"

Mark refute as he was sweating profusely, he only want katrina to come along despite the girls jelousy because of her own marksmanship and natural assassin though he hasn't seen it but he still believed what he said yesterday, atleast someone could guard his back sheera was a blacksmith she mainly craft weapon while edelina was a druid though she hasn't learn transformation yet he could still command treant and cast spell who will guard march's back if they encounter enemy? Since katrina want to come along he would not worry about him who was worried about no one could protect him but he doesn't know that they won't be alone in this journey as his father send 5 guards and a wagon with a trearse.

Then edelina wanted to reply angrily but look like someone knocking the door mark hurriedly said,

"i-ill go open the door"

Mark walk to the door and the two girls started to talk to each other, mark sigh in relief and opened the door of the treehouse, as soon as the door opened he saw sheera carrying a large bag which seems to contained heavy stuff, she then talk to mark joyfully,

"good morning march! "

"ehh, good morning.... Aren't that heavy? "

"nope it isn't you want to try? "

Sheera dropped the big leaf bag which was durably created, and it created a slightly loud thud, but the two girls inside seems to not notice it and continued to debate inside, neither did sheera notice them arguing inside as she didn't even seen who it was and she was just focus on march charming face.

Mark who seen the loud drop of the bag gulps,

as he tried his strength, but he couldn't lift it no matter how hard he tried he could not lift it before putting it and he wasn't even gone to imperial city yet and he just got woke up yet he physically exhauste himself luckyly he seems has a lot of energy to continue going to the capital, he then ask himself while looking at sheera's affectionate face, 'how could a kid lift such a heavy bag?' mark let go of the bag, wiped his sweat in embarrassment saying

"sorry im not strong enough "

"that's ok i know you can't lift it" said with a smile,

'if you know i can't lift it why did you have to made me lift it?!' mark thought embarassly but he didn't say anything, then a late pop up bluescreen then appeared at his front,

( normal large leaf bag)

(green G container)

(cap: 200 kg maximum based on the stored item weight)

(normal weight:100 grams)

(current weight:10/200kg)

A big leaf made bag purposely made to store heavy object, for those who are weak to lift it, please refrain from lifting it in case of injury.

Mark felt the description was mocking him but he had no evidence, when he saw the 10 kg, it seems like the item contained on the bag was like thor's hammer it wouldn't let someone other than the owner lift it and its seems quite a big equipment that only a big bag could fit, mark then spoke with sweat drip at his temple.

"it seems quite heavy isn't it? "

"not at all"

"ok then.... Come in"

When mark entered, the two seems sitting together at the couch made with beast fur and some weird plant leaf, the two seems has reconciled, mark didn't give it at thought he was just happy he has a guard who can detect somone from stabbing his back, but of how was there debate? It was girls talk, so he literally no idea how the conversation went, but he was glad that it was over, mark spoke to them

"um sheera was here"

Then the two women sheera and edelina hugged each other as if they were two a bestfriend but in fact it is true, the two talk and mark was out of it as if he was already ignored, he wanted to introduced the young night elf to sheera but it seems the three chatting he couldn't bother and instead he started to familiarize the map on his mind, he was in his apathetic state for a few minutes, and he snapped back and ask the girls,

"its time we should get going"

The three stopped talking and noddedly following him each carry there own things, mark opened the door and goes down the staircase his house was on the first floor of residence area in the tree of house, the four kids goes down and mark saw a wagon with a trearse in it, with a 5 elven guards, mark questioned one of the guards who look handsomely but the skillful one and was bowing his head respectfully confusedly,

"what is this for? "

"your father has order us to guard you on your way to the imperial city, young master"

Mark gazed shift to the trearse,

"and what was that wood like horse? "

"young master that was a trearse, it was a common mount in the algareth continent"

"i see, so where is father? "

"he was on his office at the hall"

"who are you then"

"im hellias at your service young master if you want to ask anything on our journey feel free to ask me"

Mark was delighted that he had someone to ask, and he seemed to be an experienced adult knight, hellias was currently 206 years old, when he was 50 years old he followed prince berlian ever since, he was a loyal knight that has a lot of experience in terms of swordsmanship he was tasked to protect mark today since he was the one of the most loyal knights of berlian of course didn't know it.

Then he hop in the carriage followed by the 3 girls, the guards was seems to had their own mount, and hellias has a mount who had water reserve in its stomach, the carriage was now entering the village street that will lead to the hardwood wall's gate on the left side leading to the garrion mountain ridge entrance directly to the imperial city, the right side of the village gate was connected to garrion mountain ridge with a path directly go to arden city, people in arden city may use elriden village as a shortcut since using the other road took very much time to arrive, the street seems bustling with people who was surrounding the carriage as if a young star has paraded but they still made way for it, mark was embarrassed if it wasn't march's first time, then mark does, until they reached the gate the people was getting less and less to appear.

Berlian who was one the floor had heard his son has left the village, and he was only hoping his son will thread the path of his choice.