Garreon Mountain Ridge

As soon as the carriage was out of the village with the road directly to the imperial city, he was embarrassed as he look at the cute night elf on the opposite side and hoping she didn't listen to yesterday nonsense he speak of, because it was really a useless suggestion when there where a fixed route to it, it just that there were no road marks on the map, sheera who was sitting besides katrina was showing an affectionate face, while looking at his uneasy look but her heart was beating faster and she was secretly blushing while looking at his charm, katrina who was looking outside the carriage seeing the terrain looks like in deep thought he seemed to be thinking about the organization that continued to terrorize the empire, edelina who was besides mark looks like having a good nap leaning on him, she seems comfortably sleeping.

They were entering garrion mountain ridge entrance with 4 guard riding there own trearse and hellias as a coachman, the wagon and the guards seems to entered the garrion ridge with some difficulty more or less they encounter wild magic beast ranging in tier 1-4 some are in group or even a lone beast, hellias took out some magic beast who are tier 4 to 3 and mark wanted to help the guards but he could only do little as his small body will only hindered them and push them back, so he stop the thought but looks like the two girls was helping the guards, sheera was a blacksmith so she wasn't suited in the battlefield, edelina was using his moonforce to cast few attack spell, and the night elf, katrina shot accurately with his elven long bow, mark couldn't use his training spear as it won't dealt damage to the enemy neither is his precious glaive, the short elven bow won't do as he barely could pull the strings of it the guards also did a good job taking care of their enemy.

Mark was feeling down as it seemed like he was the weakest one here, he vowed to hone his skill for the future when he will become a village chief, only did was to volunteer taking care of the carcasses of the magic beast and separate the useful, and not useful with a category sellable and not sellable, he threw the the non useful and was also non sellable away, he was already experienced to it as one of his vrgames also an almost reality world that needed to dismantle the carcasses of what they hunted to sell it at the game city.

At the end, when they leave the garrion mountain ridge, they got a total of 465 sellable beast parts like furs and 20 valuable items that was on one of the tier 3-4 beasts summing a total of more or less 7,000+ golden leaf excluding the valuable items its enough to support the 4 kids for 4 years on school if they spend money less, but it would take long before selling them all, the carriage seems to be full of stuff luckily the carriage was huge enough to store it and some valuable mark put it at his book of wordless world he ask the girls if they want this but sheera said while holding the big bag who was put at the top of the carriage one of the reason why she didn't help because if she didn't hold it, it might turn into a 150 kg weight item,

"i didn't do anything to help"

While katrina who helps them only said

"its yours, its the payment for letting me go with you"

Mark accepted her reason while edelina seems to spoke weirdly saying in a low yet sweet voice,

"it-it was the downry for our future wedding.... "

Mark didn't understand what she said as she was speaking in treansk language, even the night elf didn't, sheera who understood seems to be more determined to become his and the guards who understood also didn't care about it they only care about the kids safety, mark merely nodded and he ask hellias if he want some of it but hellias said,

"young master it will be useful for you in the future, the village chief told us to hunt some beast in the mountain ridge for you to have atleast money to support yourself at school.... Ohh i almost forgot your father gave me 5,000 gold leaf for your school fees"

Hellias took out the money from his hidden pouch and gave mark 5,000 gold leaf, mark just asked but he already earned a lot but he knew the path of ruling is costly so he wants to save as much money as he can, mark nodded at the coachman and was delighted because there 2 golems core! It was found in the tummy of a tier 4 devouring snake, a huge snake who were go hunting in sneak attacks and devour the prey whole it has red scale and 3 times larger than a normal snake, When he touched the grey orb the blue screen appeared.

(Golem operation core)

(blue G core)

(50 grams)

(command port:inactive)

(energy stored:0)


A gray core for storing magic elements, but it's exhausted and may not be used, once its powered up it could be place in an inanimated doll as a core and this core was replaceable and chargeable using mana.

Mark knew that only golem-masters could create a golems core and creating one was arduous and hard even for golem-masters, only golem-masters knew the secret in creating golems core because its related to their skills, but almost anyone could create a golems with many designs but a golem without a golems core was an empty shell, there are some alternatives but they sometimes explode or go berserk, mark wondered if there where really a golem-master in algareth continent, its possible because there were a lot of invaders of different races here.

Mark put it aside for later in his system Inventory and see the other items next to the list, he later found a dagger on one of the items he hold it but he sensed chilly aura emanating it he suddenly feels the cringeness of the aura, then a bluescreen appeared again with a new item description.

(haunted dagger)

(yellow F equipment )

(attack power:10 - 16)

(1 kg)



A one handed dagger that was used to be weilded by a grudgeful ghost, it was filled with chilling energy enough to make one cringe.

Mark put away the dagger into his inventory as he couldnt stand the chill on it and he might even vomit when he didn't did it, the chilling energy was enough to make him lightheaded the dagger was good but it seems unwieldable specially he was an elf that has an affinity to nature, but he will find a way to purify that thing, the dagger was got after they killed a dangerous tier 4 magic beast with an affinity of undead, it was the skeleton wolf and because of the sjeleton wolf who were supposedly tier 8, because it was an undead it was suppressed by the will of the forest and become a tier 4 dwelling in the garrion mountain ridge, it was a grudgeful dead wolf who died and was left to rot in the mountain it was awoken and become a skeleton and its emanating chill energy that decay the life energy, and the haunted dagger unbeknownst to appear at its back and was stabbed at its bones mark believed that it was the wolf who cursed it but that wasn't the case.

Mark then found an unusual object.... No a book? He look at it as if it was pretty similar to the book of magic he saw in the past and in the game, it has a dark-blue cover and has a red diamond shape pattern in it with writings language of magus.

(introductory principle of magic)

(+5 int and +5 magic for reading the whole book wholeheartedly)

A book of magic that firstly a manual of introduction and purpose to teach beginner mage, it teaches fundamental spell casting.

Mark was quite flabbergasted at his foundings this book still has used to him if he read it 'again' he would gain the blessings on the book though its much lesser than the book of wisdom, it was still a good thing, and his magic was still 1 so he needed to up it up to access new and powerful spell one way of leveling up magic was to expand the mana pool but he hasn't meditated yet so his manapool was only 1/4 of the current size of it, and the book can only be used once but can also be used by many people if he gave it to edelina he might could learn magic, but he put it at his inventory fearing the book might get eaten by the book of wordless world and he hasn't read it yet although in his previous life he already read it many times.