Chapter 49 Hatake Sakumo committed suicide

Back home, Ye Feng gave the pair of Three Tomoe Sharingan to Mikoto.

"Is this the Sharingan from Uchiha?"

Mikoto didn't refuse, and took over to absorb the pupil power of the pair of Three Tomoe Sharingan.

As for the origin of this pair of Three Tomoe Sharingan, Mikoto can only guess, it can only be repaired by Uchiha.

Because Ye Feng is not a good person, but he will never dig the eyes of the people who are loyal to him, it can only be the traitor Uchiha Xiu.

"That's right, that guy is dead, his Sharingan can't be wasted. Since he's a traitor, Uchiha has the right to take back his Sharingan."


Ye Feng asked Mikoto a question.

"I feel that the pupil strength has increased a little, but the increase is limited."

Mikoto has absorbed three pairs of Three Tomoe Sharingan, but the increased pupil power is not as much as expected, and the increased pupil power is less than one tenth.

"Quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes. Accumulate slowly. I will get you a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan when I have a chance to absorb the pupil power."

Mangekyō Sharingan is rare, but still available.

For example, the dead Uchiha Kagami, a Uchiha clan who was recognized and accepted as a disciple by Senju Tobirama, has a high possibility of opening the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Of course, Ye Feng can't be sure. After all, Ye Feng and Uchiha Kagami really haven't had much contact with each other. Although he is from the Uchiha clan, he doesn't communicate very closely with the clan.

But Ye Feng didn't count on him. He had been dead for so many years. Even if Mangekyō Sharingan was turned on, he might not keep it now.

If it's still there, it's probably at Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It is the eyes of Uchiha Kagami's descendant, Uchiha Shisui, that Ye Feng can make up his mind.

"Whether you want to gouge your eyes in the future depends on your choice."

If Uchiha Shisui's performance satisfied Ye Feng, Ye Feng would not attack Uchiha Shisui.

However, Ye Feng said that he is not optimistic about whether Uchiha Shisui will change in the future. Dogs can't change and eat shit, not to mention that people have inheritance.

If it really can't be changed, the contribution he can make to Uchiha is to contribute a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan.

In addition to Uchiha Shisui, there is also Uchiha Fugaku.

The reason why Uchiha Fugaku was not killed was actually because he expected Uchiha Fugaku to open Mangekyō Sharingan, and then he took action to dig it out.

As for whether Uchiha Fugaku, who opened Mangekyō Sharingan, could threaten him, Ye Feng never worried about this issue at all.

If even the mere Uchiha Fugaku is afraid, the future Six Paths Madara and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya will not have to face it.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed since Sarutobi Shinnosuke's death, and Sarutobi Hiruzen did not take any action during this period.

This disappointed some families in Konoha Village who wanted to see the fun.

In their opinion, even if Uchiha Xiu was a traitor to Uchiha's family and he killed Third Hokage's son, Third Hokage should not give up on Uchiha.

It is very likely that he will find an excuse to suppress Uchiha, but who would have thought that Third Hokage would not move at all, which makes some people feel that Hokage is a little too bullying.

But today, a big thing happened, Konoha's White Fangya Hatake Sakumo committed suicide at home.

"Sure enough, I still committed suicide. The butterfly effect I brought didn't save you."

After Ye Feng got the news, his reaction was very normal.

"Master Patriarch, Hatake Sakumo committed suicide, do you want to compete for Minister Anbu?" Uchiha Sota asked Ye Feng.

Although the Konoha Guard is quite powerful now, in terms of power, Minister Anbu has the highest power, and the power in Konoha Village definitely belongs to the top.

Hearing Uchiha Cangtai's words, Ye Feng frowned: "Be careful when you talk next time."

"Ah, is there anything wrong with what I said, Lord Patriarch? Could it be that Lord Ye Feng doesn't want to compete for the position of Minister Anbu."

Uchiha Sota still doesn't know where she went wrong.

Not only Uchiha Canta, but also Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Xin, and Uchiha Kai looked blank, which made Ye Feng feel tired.

He admitted that these people have good strength and are definitely the best among Elite Jōnin, but their brains don't seem to be very good, or their political sense is not good.

"Do you think you are strong enough to be able to compete for Anbu's minister?" Ye Feng looked at them disappointedly.

"Will Sarutobi Hiruzen allow me to be Minister Anbu? Will such an important power be given to us Uchiha? Do you think he will be at ease?"

Ye Feng asked several questions in a row, which made them understand.

Just thinking about fighting for power, they didn't think about it at all.

"Damn Third Hokage, has been targeting our Uchiha family, I almost thought we killed his father."

Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help cursing.

"You have to learn to use your brain in the future, you know?"

"Yes, the patriarch."

They looked ashamed.

"It's stupid that a dignified Kage-level powerhouse committed suicide."

Thinking of Hatake Sakumo's suicide, Ye Feng couldn't help but sneer.

"It's really stupid. It can't even solve some rumors."

Uchiha Sasuke and the others laughed at Hatake Sakumo, thinking that Hatake Sakumo was really stupid.

If it is their words, whoever dares to spread rumors and gossip will be arrested directly.

"Renshan is bullied by others, and Mashan is ridden by others."

If Hatake Sakumo had been tougher, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

Ye Feng wouldn't feel pity for Hatake Sakumo either, even if Hatake Sakumo died, Ye Feng had the idea to provoke a ninja war in advance.

So even if Hatake Sakumo did not commit suicide, Ye Feng would give him a ride by himself. Now that Hatake Sakumo committed suicide, Ye Feng would not do it.

Hatake Sakumo died, Konoha Village lost a Kage-level combat power, and other villages should be ready to move.

Maybe a Ninja Village dare not fight the idea of ​​Konoha Village, but if several Ninja Villages join forces, they will definitely have the courage to attack Konoha Village.

Of course, a Hatake Sakumo will not cause a war in the ninja world, it can only be said that it will make many ambitious people come up with this idea. *