Chapter 50 The Konoha meeting, collectively attack Ye Feng

"Hatake Sakumo committed suicide."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was ashen, he didn't expect Hatake Sakumo to commit suicide in the end.

He just wanted to suppress Hatake Sakumo, he didn't want to let Hatake Sakumo die, what good would Hatake Sakumo die for him.

The reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen ignored Hatake Sakumo's affairs and suspended his post, under the pretense of giving him a break, the main purpose was to suppress Hatake Sakumo's prestige.

Hatake Sakumo's suicide was a loss for Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Damn Shimura Danzō."

This incident is the ghost of Shimura Danzō, everything is Shimura Danzō's conspiracy.

"Facing Uchiha Ye Feng in the future, I will have no confidence."

Hatake Sakumo was also Sarutobi Hiruzen's card against Uchiha Ye Feng, but this card was not used, and he was scrapped.

At Hatake Sakumo's funeral, not many people attended.

The storm of scolding Hatake Sakumo before has not passed. No one feels guilty when Hatake Sakumo died, and even called Hatake Sakumo a coward.

"Tsk tsk, Konoha's White Fang, that's what happened."

Ye Feng shook his head, wondering if Hatake Sakumo Izumi knew, would he be angry and come alive and cut down all those people.

But even if Hatake Sakumo really came back to life, he certainly wouldn't do it, after all, Hatake Sakumo wasn't him.

The end of Konoha's White Fang is of course a bad thing for Konoha Village, but it is a good thing for the other four big ninja villages in the ninja world.

Especially Chiyo of Sunagakure, after getting the news, he immediately set off a few firecrackers with excitement.

Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law, the parents of Sasori of Akisha, both died at the hands of Konoha's White Fang Hatake Sakumo. If it wasn't for his incapacity, Chiyo would have come to kill White Fang long ago.

Two days after Hatake Sakumo's death, Sarutobi Hiruzen held a meeting in the Hokage building.

This sudden meeting was to discuss Minister Anbu's affairs.

The person who served as Minister of Anbu before was Hatake Sakumo, and now that Hatake Sakumo is dead, it is natural to elect a new Minister of Anbu.

The current Deputy Minister of Anbu has insufficient strength and prestige, so the major families have ideas about the position of this Minister of Anbu.

Ye Feng only wanted to say two words "naive", they also wanted to compete for the position of Minister of Anbu, don't they understand that Sarutobi Hiruzen will only hold this power in his own hands.

The former minister Hatake Sakumo was able to be stable mainly because he obeyed Sarutobi Hiruzen's words. Even so, Hatake Sakumo's excellent performance still caused Sarutobi Hiruzen's fear.

This is the end of the obedient people, not to mention those who are not so obedient, Sarutobi Hiruzen absolutely cannot make them Minister Anbu.

Ye Feng also came to participate in this meeting, and he is also qualified to participate.

The captain of the Konoha Guard might not say it well, but in fact, the Konoha Guard is also called the Konoha Guard Department, and Ye Feng can also be called the Minister.

Even without the identity of the captain, he can participate in this meeting just because he is the patriarch of the Uchiha family.

"The old guy Shimura Danzō didn't even show up."

Ye Feng was a little surprised that he didn't see Shimura Danzō, but two advisors, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, came.

"Why do you all look at me so unfriendly, is it because you look at me young, so you deliberately target me."

Feeling the hostile gazes, Ye Feng slowly stood up and looked down at everyone.

"I have a relatively straight personality. If you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can say whatever."

"Uchiha Ye Feng, when will your Uchiha guards release my Hyuga clan?"

Hyuga Hiashi took the lead to stand up and attack Ye Feng.

"And our Aburame clan."

"My people from the Inuzuka clan were also caught by the people of Uchiha."


The crowd stared at Ye Feng angrily, and it was not without reason that their eyes were full of hostility when they looked at Ye Feng.

Recently, Ye Feng's guards have found a reason to arrest many of their clansmen, and they have reached the limit of their patience.

To hold this meeting today, in addition to competing for the ministerial position of Anbu, there is also a challenge to Ye Feng.

When they attacked together, they did not believe that Uchiha Ye Feng refused to accept softness.

"Uchiha Ye Feng, your Uchiha family is so sinful."

The two advisors of Konoha Village also spoke up. The two old guys stared at Ye Feng badly, as if Ye Feng had killed their father.

Both Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu were disciples of Senju Tobirama, so they naturally didn't like Uchiha.

In the face of the collective attack, Ye Feng was very calm.

"We are doing things according to the rules. If your clansmen were arrested, it must be that your clansmen violated the public security regulations of Konoha Village."

"Could it be that just because you are a big clan, I will open up to you?"

Ye Feng's words caused the expression of the civilian ninjas present to fluctuate. Not only the patriarchs of the major families, but also the civilian ninjas of Konoha came to this meeting.

After all, the number of civilian ninjas still accounts for the majority.

"Does he have the confidence to offend so many families, or is he stupid?" Orochimaru stared at Ye Feng.

Aware of Orochimaru's gaze, Ye Feng looked over, looked at Orochimaru, and smiled.

Orochimaru was startled, and the look at him just now gave him a sense of danger.


Orochimaru didn't look away, but continued to stare at Uchiha Ye Feng to see how he handled the current situation.

Almost all the families in Konoha Village are attacking Ye Feng, even his teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen will feel a headache, how will he solve it.

Similar to Orochimaru, Jiraiya also looked like watching a play, but Jiraiya looked at Ye Feng with vigilance.

Knowing what Ye Feng did, he didn't think Uchiha Ye Feng was a good thing.

Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the old god above, did not stop the scene in front of him, he was eager to see such a scene, how could he stop it. *