
"Hey, Alex." One of the students who had followed after me, called me out when I was heading towards my bike.

I looked at him with a confused scowl and waited for a response. I remember he was one of the guys who was with Hawks the other day.

"We know you're going to Miyagi-Do."

"So?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Can you ask them if we could join." He said by shameful lowering his head, "We are not sure if they would accept us, especially after how I've been treating Demitri."

"What's your name again?" I asked with a confused scowl, because I had never talked to him before.

"Bro you kicked my ass yesterday.." He said with an dumbfounded look on his face, while the other students chuckled behind him.

"Whatever, my name is Chris." He stated with an tired expression.

"Look, Chris." I pursed my lips as I called out to him, "I am going to change and go to the Miyagi-Do right now. If you want to come, it's the time. You heard what Mr. Larusso had said, right?"

"Yes." Chris and the others nodded at me.

"So, change out of your Gi's and meet me at the Gas station near the mall in half an hour." I stated by heading towards my bike and hoping on, "Its better if we go there together."

They all nodded in agreement and I drove away to my home. There was no way I was heading to Miyagi-Do while dressed in Cobra Kai Gi. It would be like asking for a bad impression.


Half an hour later,

I had changed into my casual clothes and was waiting at the gas station for the other guys to arrive. Thankfully, they all eventually showed up on thier bicycles and we headed to the Miyagi-Do together.

We parked outside the Miyagi-Do when we reached there and I led the way inside. When I saw the condition of the place, I understood what Daniel meant by Destruction and Disrespect earlier.

"Hey, is this the Miyagi-Do?" I asked as I saw Daniel and his students in the lawn like place behind the house, which was being used as an Dojo.

"Yeah." Daniel was the one to respond as he heard my call.

"Alex!" I heard a cheerful voice call out to me and I was surprised to see him here.

"Demitri?" I chuckled in confusion as I stepped into the lawn and went to him.

"Have you guys come here for another beating?" A guy, probably Daniel's student, rushed towards Chris with a furious look on his face.

"Hey, Robby." Daniel quickly rushed and stopped his short tempered student from starting a possible fight, "Robby, stop."

"This is one of the guys who was beating on Demitri." He reasoned to his Sensei, "Probably helped trash the Dojo as well."

"We didn't have anything to do with that." Chris quickly defended himself from getting blamed, "But I am sorry about what happened at the mall." Chris apologised to Demitri.

Demitri scoffed and looked away.

"We left Cobra Kai to join Miyagi-Do." I said by stepping in front of Daniel, "Actually, it was me who left first. They just followed after me."

"I'd be careful about this Mr. L." Demitri interjected before Daniel could say anything, "I can assure you that Alex is a nice guy, but you should be wary of those snakes. It's like letting the wildlings behind the wall with Jon Snow."

"Didn't the Wildlings help Jon Snow win the battle of the Bastards?" Daniel countered back with a wise smile.

"Should've picked a different analogy." Demitri clicked his tongue and looked away.

"We're happy to have you." Daniel looked at me and shook my hand, "Daniel Larusso."

"Alexander Wick." I replied with a nod and left Daniel to get introductions from the other students.

"Samantha Larusso." I heard a girl's voice next to me as I was looking around the messed up Dojo.

I looked at her and she continued to speak, "We saw your fight yesterday, you're good." She complimented me with a smile, "Thanks for helping Demitri and standing up to those Bullies."

"I did what I thought was correct." I replied with a nonchalant shrug, "Alexander Wick, by the way. You can call me Alex, but never call me Wick."

"I'll remember that." Sam nodded at me with a cheerful smile. She gave me the impression of a bubbly girl, who is good at fighting and was spoiled a lot by her parents.

"Robby Keene." The Short tempered guy came to us and introduced himself to me, "How long did you stay at Cobra Kai?"

"Today was ninth day." I replied, "Probably wasted my money by paying for a month, because I don't think I'll be getting refund."

Sam chuckled at my words, while Robby simply smirked at me.

Daniel called us out and we gathered around him in the open lawn Dojo. He told us to help them clean the Dojo, since we were now part of Miyagi-Do as well. Nobody argued back, because everyone knew what he was saying was right.

Not to mention, it was just a simple chore.

"Having trouble with that boulder?" I asked as I saw Demitri and Chris struggling to lift a boulder back to its place.

"Yeah, kinda heavy, specially since my former bully is not cooperating with me." Demitri replied while breathing heavily after a lot of tries.

"Sounds like a challenge." I smirked and gestured them to move away. I stood before the boulder and decided to do it through brute strength.

"Hey, what's going on?" Sam asked as everybody gathered around us, including Daniel.

"Alex is trying out the Boulder by himself." Demitri answered Sam with an excited look, "Come on, Alex! I know you can do this!" He cheered for me.

"Oh, come on. You know how heavy that boulder is." Robby scoffed, "Even we all with Mr. Larusso's help were not able to lift it."

"Then you might be surprised." Chris stated in a serious tone, "Alex might not be experienced at Karate, but everyone at Cobra Kai knew that he was the strongest."

I placed my both hands under the head of the boulder and positioned my legs on the ground to hold a strong grip. With a slight push of my fingers, I understood how heavy the boulder was, 'Around 400 pounds. I can do this.'

I started applying the pressure through my Torso and slowly shifted that strength into my arms, "The trick here is how well you know your own body." I explained as I slowly lifted the boulder up and turned back to them, "And Chris, no one becomes a Karate champ in a week, okay? Cut me some slack."

"Yeah, right." Chris scoffed with a smile, "As if you need Karate to kick someone's ass."

"At least we can agree on one thing." Demitri smirked as he looked at Chris.

"That was impressive." Daniel complimented by patting on my back, "I did not know we had such a strong guy in All Valley."

"Well, I did transfer here just a month ago." I shrugged in response, "Let's clean up this place."

Daniel agreed with a nod and everyone went back to the task.

Although after a while, Daniel rounded us up in a room, because Demitri and some of the former students of Cobra Kai still had a lot of tension between them.

Daniel told us the story of how he was once Cobra Kai as well, which was a surprise even to his daughter, and sorted out the differences between his old and new students.

After the Dojo was finally cleaned up, the lessons of Miyagi-Do Karate finally began.


AN: I know the quality of the chapters are not good, but I also don't have the energy and time to rewrite them. Please cut me some slack on this one.