Party End

After getting dressed up, I went back downstairs and joined the party.



The people at the party who didn't even know me were giving me meaningful smirks and nodded their heads at me, while I passed by them.

"What the fuck is going on?" I grabbed myself a drink and asked Chris, who was standing next to me.

"Apparently, you got famous after having sex with one of most popular girls at school." Dimitri was the one who answered me as he joined the conversation. He looked at me seriously and patted on my shoulder, "I want to know how you did it."

I chuckled in response and laughed a little, "Come on, Dimitri, you'll know when the time comes." I answered by lightly slapping his back, "Now tell me, where are Sam and the other guys?"

"Oh, I saw her going to the lawn with Robby." Dimitri replied.

I chugged down the whole drink and got another cup, before I headed towards the lawn.

'Well, well, well.' I was surprised when I got there.

What I saw was Tory and Sam facing off each other by standing on stools with one leg and chugging down shots of Vodka, while everybody else around was cheering for them.

"You girls look like you're having fun." I said with a small laugh as I got near them and got a good look of the situation.

Apparently, calling out to them was not a good decision, because both of them turned to me with a stunned expression and fell off from their stools the next second.

"Wick!" Tory shouted by giving me a death stare.

"Alex!" Sam whined as she furiously glared at me.

"Oops." I said with a shameless grin and laughed at them.

"Tory, are you alright?" Miguel asked with a concerned look as he helped his girlfriend stand up.

I saw Robby doing the same with Sam, "Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.

"No, I am not." Sam replied as she stood up and glared at me, "But he would be soon."

"At least I can agree on one thing with this bitch." Tory growled as she glared at me as well.

"Hey, come on. What the fuck did I do?" I asked with an amused chuckle, "Keep me out of your catfight, okay? I have nothing to do with it."

I turned around and left the place while waving at them, before they actually start a fight at the party. As much as I would've liked to fight them both at once, I knew that this wasn't the time and place for a fight.

I went back to the party inside the house and spent the rest of the time eating food, drinking alcohol and getting wasted like any other teenager.

Moon had also joined the party back with her girlfriend, but I was astounded by the fact they were smiling and enjoying the party while holding each other's hands. I could not figure how they were still in a relationship after what happened earlier today, but I did not bother finding out.

"I wonder where the other guys are?" I chuckled to myself as I was slightly drunk by the alcohol.

Demitri, Chris and the other guys were in the party, even Robby was there, but Sam was nowhere to be found. I went out in the lawn to look for her and my eyes went wide when I saw what she was doing.

"Sam.. And Miguel?" I was in disbelief to see them together, arms in arms, and kissing.

I was even more astounded when I saw Tory was standing in the lawn as well, watching them with a quiet but furious stare.

"Tory." I said as I went next to her.

"Alex." She looked back at me and her gaze softened to a tired expression, "I am done with this Party. Can you drop me home?"

"On my bike?" I asked with a stupefied look, because I couldn't believe Tory was asking me to drop her on my bike, after what had happened on that midnight.

"I am not in the mood to argue." Tory looked at me with a mild, serious glare.

"Alright, I can at least do that for you." I nodded at her and we started walking out of the lawn, though Tory did take a moment as she had to make a call.

"I don't want you to pity me." Tory said as we reached the parking area.

"I don't pity you." I replied as I unlocked my Helmet from the Bike, "I already knew Miguel and you were not a good match." I said truthfully and sat on my bike.

"Then you should've said it to me earlier." Tory said as she sat on the bike, behind me.

I put on my Helmet and drove away from the Party, "You would've thought I was mocking your relationship with him. I don't do those kind of stuff, because I don't care who is dating whom."

"So you called the Cops." I said as we saw the police cars pass through us on the road and head towards the party.

"You're smart." Tory chuckled by leaning her chin on my shoulder, "They ruined my fun, so I ruin their party."

"Fair enough." I replied as I knew I would've done something along the same lines if I were in her position, "You sad?"

"A little." Tory quietly whispered in response, "It's not like Miguel was my first relationship or anything, but it's the first time someone cheated on me." Tory suddenly increased her grip around my waist, "That too with that Bitch." she grumbled frustratedly.

"To be honest, I agree with you." I sighed, "Sam shouldn't have kissed Miguel after she recently started dating Robby. I mean, they have been lovebirds of the Miyagi-Do for more than two weeks now."

"Speaking of Miyagi-Do." Tory suddenly wrapped her right arm around my neck, "You traitor." She furiously whispered into my ears.

"Hey, what do you mean by traitor?" I complaint in disbelief, "I had a choice, I made it. I wasn't going to stay at Cobra Kai and listen to that asshole's bullshit!"

"Which asshole?" Tory asked in a confused tone.

"Kreese." I replied, "He was the one who probably told Hawk to invade Miyagi-Do and cause a mess at the Dojo. Not only that, the old man had the gull to threaten me after what happened at the mall. I am not his little puppet to listen to his orders."

"I never knew this all happened between you and Kreese." Tory stated in a stunned voice, "Why didn't you tell any of us about this?"

"Tell whom, you?" I scoffed.

"I would've at least listened to you, asshole." Tory grumbled by pinching on my waist.

"Ouch, stop." I whined, "Stop or I am increasing the speed."

"Tch." Tory clicked her tongue and stopped pinching my waist, "After what happened today, that bitch is going to pay."

"I only hope you don't do anything stupid." I remarked in a nonchalant tone.

Tory snorted and chose to ignore me for the moment, "By the way, did you really bang that hotshot Moon?"

"Unlike you, I had a good time at the party." I replied in a smug tone and immediately felt the pinch on my waist.

"You peice of shit." Tory furiously shouted into my ears, "You scumbag, playboy, man-slut!" She twisted the pinch even more than before, so much, that my buttocks were raising up from the seat.

"Ou, Ou, Ou, ouch! Tory, stop, for Godsake!" I painfully yelled back at her, "It was the first time I met Moon, okay? Why do you even care? It was just casual sex between a young boy and a girl!"

"Yeah, why do I care." Tory snorted and released my waist from the pinch.

Thankfully, we reached at Tory's apartment complex before things could get more awkward between us.

"The school starts tomorrow, right?" I asked as Tory got off from my bike.

"Yes." she replied and curiously raised an eyebrow at me, "Why? Don't tell me you are joining our school."

"No way in hell." I scoffed even at thought of attending a school, "I just wanted to say, have a fun day at school tomorrow." I said with a small smile, "And please don't kill Sam."

"I won't." Tory grinned at me as she understood what I was trying to say, "Though, I am sure you don't mind if I give her a Scar or two, right?"

"Well, I am not her boyfriend." I shrugged in response, "I don't care what happens between you two. I am going to stay away from your cat fight."

"That's like a good boy." Tory said with a sweet smile, "Have a good night, Alex. Thanks for dropping me off."

"You too, have a good night." I nodded at her and drove away, heading towards my home.


AN: I am as Virgin as you guys are, so I don't know why some of you guys got hot-headed at the previous chapter.

(And for your kind information, I'm virgin by choice. I take pride in my masculine purity.)