"You already decided?" Xie Xuan looked at her calmly.

Xie Xuan wasn't surprised that Jiang Xun chose "Qing Mei 70% Sweet" at first glance. He had been preparing for this movie for a long time. He bought the copyright investment quite early on and went through a lot of trouble to invite Li Yun Tu to direct it. Many people already knew of this.

"En, this one." Jiang Xun nodded.

From the memory of the original owner, Ye Wei Wei had snatched the audition opportunity from another artist of the same company through her relationship with Xiao Sheng. On the day of the audition, she performed well in front of Li Yun Tu. And later, she gained Li Yun Tu's favor through hard work and perseverance, which successfully landed her the role of the female protagonist.

However, now Jiang Xun was here, she won't let this opportunity pass by her.

Xie Xuan looked at her faintly, without making a roundabout, and directly demanded, "Then how do you plan on pleasing me?"

Jiang Xun asked him to be her manager and even had a relationship with him. To put it bluntly, she just wanted him to help her rise to the top. The relationship between the two was nothing more than mutual benefiting. He believes she does have potential and was interested in her, so he agreed to contract her. But there are so many talented people, and Xie Xuan can't guarantee how long he can stay interested in her, after all, his taste will change.

Those who are savvy, like Yin Rou, can still remain at his side, while those who aren't will be directly cut off.

However, at the moment, just thinking of Jiang Xun's taste makes his heart excited, turned on and hot-blooded.

He's afraid he won't be getting bored for a while.

Jiang Xun batted her eyes and sat on his lap, making no secret of her ambition and confidence, "What do I want, I can take it myself. When is the audition?"

Xie Xuan raised his eyebrows and reached out to stroke her waist. Although his expression was cold, his hands kept rubbing her sensitive areas, "In two days."

"En, how many people are auditioning?" Jiang Xun held his hands. Her ambiguous posture caused the atmosphere to heat up.

"Not many, four including you." Xie Xuan reversed the situation by grabbing both her hands, leaned over and kissed her.

"Don't, you're going to eat my lipstick." Jiang Xun didn't want her elaborate makeup to be ruined. She reached out to block Xie Xuan and dodged to avoid getting kissed. What she didn't know in Xie Xuan's eyes, her actions looked especially sultry. Her refusal was just like a decoy of hers, playing hard to get , which made people want to conquer her.

Xie Xuan ignored her resistance and continued to kiss her relentlessly. Her lips were fragrant and sweet, like a juicy and delicious fruit, which was extremely memorable.

In the end, Jiang Xun couldn't push him away, so she instead just obediently enjoyed it . After all, Xie Xuan's kissing skills were rather decent, and could even make her weak with shivers.

A few minutes later, Xie Xuan let go of her, stood up to tidy up his suit, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll go discuss some business first. You, wait for me here and review the script while you're at it."

Jiang Xun looked at him, flushed red, and with a giggle, "Your mouth is all red now, and it's all my lipstick. Was I delicious?"

She stretched out her fingers and skimmed her fingertips on Xie Xuan's waist, slowly and lightly, obviously teasing him, as she smiled as if nothing was going on.

Xie Xuan's eyes gradually darkened, "En."

"En what?" Jiang Xun hooked his leg with her foot.

Xie Xuan grabbed her hand aggressively, and Jiang Xun fell into his arms. But his chest was awfully firm, causing Jiang Xun groaned in pain.

"You want it?"

Jiang Xun shook her head innocently, "Not at all, you just thinking too much."

Just as Xie Xuan was about to speak, the door was knocked again, and the secretary's voice rang outside the door, "President Xie."

He indeed had delayed for too long. Xie Xuan resisted the urge to press Jiang Xun on the sofa to teach her a lesson, and said, "Coming."

He whispered to Jiang Xun, "Stop being so wild."

Jiang Xun smiled cheekily. She winked at him, and threw him naughty looks with a hint of innocence.

"I'll punish you tonight." Xie Xuan said and left without looking back.

Jiang Xun coquettish replied, "I'm so scared."

Xie Xuan had to discuss with Li Yun Tu for a long time, but because he couldn't stop thinking about Jiang Xun and was afraid she wouldn't wait for him, he went back to the office midway into the discussion. Who knew Jiang Xun would no longer be there, and when he asked the secretary, the secretary said Miss Jiang left as soon as he was gone.

After sending away Li Yun Tu, Xie Xuan called Jiang Xun.

"Where are you?"

"Beautifying myself." Jiang Xun's voice was lazy, like she was getting a massage. Xie Xuan was taken back by her soft and feeble tone.

"Didn't I ask you to wait for me?" An image of Jiang Xun lying on the massage bed, with her back naked and her hair wet and sexy, appeared in Xie Xuan's mind.

"I was bored." Jiang Xun whined cutely, causing all of Xie Xuan's temper to deflate.

"Send me the address."

"You're coming over too?" Jiang Xun pretended to be shocked.

"En, I have arranged two assistants for you. If there's no problem, they'll be responsible for your work and life." Xie Xuan was very efficient and helped her arrange everything before signing the contract. Before he asked her to wait in the office, it was also for this matter, who knew she would quietly sneak off.

"Okay." Jiang Xun agreed with a smile, "Then I will send it to you on WeChat lo."

She fluttered her eyes with a grin, thinking about Yin Rou who she just met at the lobby. She was a little thrilled, because she didn't expect to meet her, she only heard that Yin Rou came here often and just wanted to try her luck.

The beauty club wasn't far from Xie Corporation, Xie Xuan only had to drive for ten minutes. Jiang Xun just finished the essential oil spa and asked Xie Xuan to wait for her by the door.

Jiang Xun ran into Yin Rou in the bathroom.

When she went in, Yin Rou was applying makeup in front of the mirror. When the two locked eyes, Yin Rou was stunned for a second, but soon calmed down.

Jiang Xun smiled brightly at her but didn't speak, and took a lipstick from her bag to apply it to her lips.

Her glamorous red lips complemented the beautifulness of her white skin, and her big wavy hair made her face seem small and dainty. Although the way Jiang Xun acted was mature, her skin was youthful and clear, while her facial features were exquisite. Instead, it made people think that she was even younger.

Yin Rou observed Jiang Xun in the mirror, and wasn't in a good mood. She didn't expect to meet her at the beauty club that she frequented. Rumors of Xie Xuan and Jiang Xun have spread throughout the entire company. Of course, she was the first to know about it. Many people in the company were waiting to see her downfall, after all, in the eyes of outsiders, she has always been Xie Xuan's undisclosed girlfriend.

Yin Rou didn't go questioning Xie Xuan. This is also her cleverness. Yin Rou was sure that if Xie Xuan really wanted to disclose his relationship with Jiang Xun, he'd definitely give her compensation. This was why she has been able to remain calm. .

However, Jiang Xun actually came here. This time as a straight up provocation to her. Was she trying to show off to her?

Yin Rou's eyes turned cold. Looking at Jiang Xun who was in a good mood, she couldn't help but say, "I haven't congratulated Miss Jiang for signing with Xie Corporation."

"Thank you." Jiang Xun looked at her lightly and nodded generously.

"Did Miss Jiang and A Xuan get all caught up?" Yin Rou held her handbag and watched her with a gentle smile.

"Who is A Xuan?" Jiang Xun didn't even turn her head, she kept looking at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair.

Jiang Xun's indifferent attitude gave Yin Rou a feeling of being looked down upon, although Jiang Xun did nothing and haven't even glance at her.

At this time, Yin Rou's friend came out of the cubicle after going to the toilet, "Rou'er...who's this?"

Yin Rou looked at her friend and said meaningfully, "She is the newly signed Miss Jiang from our company. She was a film queen many years ago, a senior."

Her friend uttered "Oh" in a comprehensive manner, "I might have seen her movie when I was in junior high school, but then I don't remember seeing her again."

Jiang Xun didn't let it affect her, as if she hadn't heard it at all. She smiled at Yin Rou, "You guys talk slowly. I'll be leaving first, my friend is waiting for me at the door."

She turned around gracefully, full of confidence, not paying attention to them at all.

___ ___ ___

"Damn, she's quite a capable faker. Who does she think she is, how shameless."

"Ignore her, it's not worth being angry for someone like her." Although Yin Rou was incredibly angry in her heart, she still pretended to be indifferent in front of her friend, smiling and patted the back of her friends' hands.

"Heng, I was doing it for you. Ai, you're too generous. If it was me, I would have scolded her a long time ago... Xie Xuan is clearly your boyfriend, and the woman is still seducing him. Isn't she married? ?"

"I heard that they divorced." Yin Rou said awkwardly, "Let's go too."

Her friend cursed angrily, but Yin Rou didn't feel relieved. The two took their things and were prepared to leave. Today, Yin Rou's assistant drove them over, and the assistant was still waiting in the car outside.

When they walked to the doorway, they saw Jiang Xun making a phone call, laughing happily. The wind was blowing in from outside, making her hair float, and the sun fell on her face, causing her to look like a heart-warming beauty.

Even though they hated Jiang Xun very much, they couldn't help but let out a sigh, how beautiful.

"Look at her smiling like that, how slutty." Yin Rou's friend recovered her senses and said in a disgusted tone.

"Don't worry about her." Yin Rou froze right as she finished.

She saw Xie Xuan walking openly towards Jiang Xun. His figure was tall and strong, a smile on his face, and the look in Xie Xuan's eyes was completely foreign to her.

Jiang Xun waved to Xie Xuan like a princess, "Not bad, you got here pretty quickly."

"Let's go."

Jiang Xun stepped forward and hugged Xie Xuan's arm, as if thinking of something, smiled and said to him, "I saw your little mistress."

"What little mistress?" Xie Xuan was taken aback.

Jiang Xun looked back, "Nuo, right there!"

After seeing Yin Rou, Xie Xuan frowned and asked Jiang Xun, "You did this on purpose?"

Jiang Xun giggled, "Guess."

Xie Xuan looked a little helpless when she saw her proud and brazen appearance, but he wasn't angry at all, and found it a bit funny, "Is this you being jealous?"

"Yeah, you are all mine now, how can you still be ambiguous with others." Jiang Xun said without hiding anything, with a little grievance.