​Of course, Jiang Xun done it on purpose. She wanted to avenge the original owner.

The original owner and Yin Rou actually didn't have any conflicts. The two of them haven't even seen each other more than a few times, but Yin Rou publicly said it was her own fault for having an atrocious reputation and how miserable people deserve the hate they get after Jiang Xun's divorce. At that time, the original owner almost fainted in anger when she saw the interview video.

Yin Rou's aloof expression in front of the camera, as well as the regretful and contemptuous gaze when she mentioned her, were the most painful part of the original owner's memory. Jiang Xun took over the memory of the original owner, and naturally knew that the anger she had felt over that.

Therefore, Jiang Xun had already made up her mind to have this hypocritical woman have a taste of her own medicine.

However, Xie Xuan didn't know about this. He thought Jiang Xun was just being jealous, which made him very happy. He said, "How did I become yours?"

"I don't care, anyhow, I have to lay my claim." Jiang Xun looked at him righteously. Her alluring lips closed together, looking very enticing, "How about, you go over and greet her? That way you can also tell her, you're severing the relationship with her."

Xie Xuan looked at her with a smile that was not a real smile, "You want me to go over there?"

"Yeah, aren't I very understanding, gentle and considerate," Jiang Xun smiled, and fluttered her eyes, acting very well-behaved.

Xie Xuan chuckled silently. He didn't know what to say about her. He only thought Jiang Xun was even more adorable and fascinating this way, and he was more interested in her.

When Yin Rou saw the intimacy of the two of them, her nails dug into the flesh of her palms and her heart was burned with jealousy. The only reason she was able to endure it due to her pride and self-esteem, although she still had a reluctant smile on her face.

Her friend watched dumbfounded, exclaiming, "Is that Xie Xuan? Why is he here?"

Yin Rou didn't speak, but stared at Xie Xuan steadily, not knowing what she was expecting.

But Xie Xuan didn't come over to explain to her as she thought, but instead left with Jiang Xun.

Without saying a word, Yin Rou knew what it meant. She also knew that Xie Xuan also was sure she understood.

Yin Rou saw before Jiang Xun got into the car, she turned around to look at her; her eyes were smiling while her mouth curled up, and her smile was obviously radiant, but it made her feel like she was being mocked at.

"That's a just naked provocation and pure flaunting!" The friend said frantically, "Rou'er, why didn't you storm over there? How could you just let them leave?"

As Yin Rou looked at the car's retreating figure, her face grew unsightly.

The friend was still babbling without stopping. So Yin Rou gave her a chilly glare, she got startled, shrank back and fell silent.

Yin Rou secretly muttered Jiang Xun's name, and her eyes turned nefarious. But she calmed down quickly and took out her mobile phone to make a call.


Xie Xuan led Jiang Xun back to the company and settled the problem of the assistant, and then had dinner together.

The next thing was tacitly implied, but Jiang Xun didn't want to spend the night at Xie Xuan's place. There was no change of clothes, no makeup and no skin care, which was too inconvenient.

Xie Xuan looked at her stubbornness, a little helpless. He never spent the night in a woman's house. He was going to pass, but he really wanted to taste Jiang Xun again. After that one time, he seemed to be addicted. Whenever he recalls her taste, his body heats up.

What's more, during dinner, Jiang Xun drank some red wine. She looked slightly tipsy and a soft charm oozed from her body, made him want to screw her now. It's absolutely impossible to let her go like this.

So Xie Xuan had to compromise and drive to Jiang Xun's residence.

"Drive slowly ma." Jiang Xun sat in the passenger seat and glared at Xie Xuan dissatisfied.

After eating and drinking enough, she became drowsy, but because the car speed was too fast, she couldn't sleep peacefully.

"Can't slow down." Looking at her exposed shoulders, and the bewitching intoxicated Jiang Xun, Xie Xuan loathed that he couldn't fly to his destination.

"Red light ai, stop now."

After stopping at the red light, Xie Xuan stared at her and said, "Come here."

"Why?" Jiang Xun raised her eyes slightly to look at him.

"Let me kiss you."

"No, I don't want to. You kiss too hard." Jiang Xun refused without hesitation. "You bit my mouth just now when I was eating. It's swelling and still hurts now."

"I won't this time." Xie Xuan coaxed her while staring at the red light.

"I don't believe you." Jiang Xun looked for a comfortable posture, adjusted the seat back, hugged her legs while turning on her side, "Drive properly and I'll kiss you later."

She was like a gentle teacher, very patiently persuading her students and only giving him sweets when he was obedient. This was the first time he was spoken to like this since he became an adult.

But how could Xie Xuan listen to her? He took advantage of the last few seconds of the countdown before the red light turned to yellow, he reached out to grab Jiang Xun and pulled her closer, then kissed her lips, sampling and sucking her fragrance forcefully.

Although there were only a few seconds, it was better than nothing. Under the urging of the cars honking behind, Xie Xuan released her satisfied and started the car with a smile.

"You're a wolf!" Jiang Xun grumbled.

"Then are you a sheep?" Xie Xuan cooperated with her in a good mood.

"No, I am a little white rabbit!" Jiang Xun replied.


When getting out of the car, Jiang Xun was carried by Xie Xuan. She took off her shoes when she was in the car, so she didn't have her shoes on now. She struggled to get down from Xie Xuan's arms and walk by herself.

Xie Xuan was afraid of her making a huge fuss, so he had to let her go.

"You, help me get the shoes." Jiang Xun pointed to her high heels in the car, acting coy.

"It's like you have become my ancestor."

"No, I am your queen!" Jiang Xun smiled unceremoniously. Her arrogant and willful smile made people blinded from its brightness.

When she put on high heels, she was only half a head shorter than Xie Xuan, and she could kiss Xie Xuan's face if she stood on her tiptoe.

"Okay, Queen, you call the shots." Xie Xuan took her hand and kissed it.

"Let's go." Jiang Xun let him lead her.

The two walked into the elevator, and when the elevator door slowly closed, a tall man with a gloomy face came out from the corner.

He stared at the elevator door with vicious eyes, clenched his fists, and cursed, "Bastard man and woman."

He looked at the pictures taken on the phone, and there was an unnamed rage building up inside.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the battle in Jiang Xun's room was already over. She was so tired that she didn't even want to move her fingers. She was laid on the bed with a contented expression. She was picky and even she had to admit that Xie Xuan's skills were better than the last time.

"Xie Xuan." She called his name. At the present time, Jiang Xun's was extremely mesmerizing, just opening her mouth was literally like a crime.

Xie Xuan's lower abdomen tensed up, and the desire that had just faded had signs of a revival again, "En?"

Jiang Xun was lying next to him, with only the bed sheet covering her stomach. The rest of the scenery was in a panoramic view. Xie Xuan looked at her, stroking her with his slender fingers, and the smooth feeling made him groan.

"Give me a cigarette." Jiang Xun put her head on his chest.


"En." Jiang Xun confirmed.

Xie Xuan smiled, "You smoke after the deed?"

"Yeah, it means that you served me well." Jiang Xun admitted benevolently. When such vulgar words came out of her mouth, people actually thought she was cute.

Xie Xuan got up, took out a pack of cigarettes from the suit pocket on the ground, took out one to light it, and handed it to Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun didn't take it. She arched her eyebrows and looked at him, sensually, "You hold it for me, do the service properly ma."

Xie Xuan stared into her eyes, his deep eyes seemed to pull her in.

He took a whiff of the cigarette before bringing it to her mouth.

Jiang Xun opened her mouth, took a slow breath, and then exhaled the smoke. Her eyes were obscured in the vapor and her lips slightly opened, causing Xie Xuan's heart to beat faster.

He took a deep breath, but was unable to calm down at all. Then, as if giving up resisting altogether, he snubbed out the cigarette and threw it away, before biting Jiang Xun's lips and hugging her tightly for a deep kiss.

He invited her to dance with his tongue, and Jiang Xun couldn't push him away.

"Why are you going at it again?" Jiang Xun was startled.

"You can only blame yourself." Xie Xuan said bitterly, and he also despised his own self-control.

The sound of the music in the room rose and fell. If it weren't for the excellent insulation, you might still be able to hear their drastic bed creaking downstairs.

Xie Xuan only slept with her for a few hours and then left. If it weren't for the warm and fragrant body in his arms that made him reluctant to let go, he would have left after finishing. He wasn't used to staying elsewhere overnight. Or in other words, he never spent a night at a woman's residence, but Jiang Xun could always compel him to make an exception for her.

When Xie Xuan left, Jiang Xun was asleep, so she didn't hear Xie Xuan talking to her.

Xie Xuan hugged her and left a few more red marks on her neck. Jiang Xun was disturbed by his kiss. She raised her hand and gave him a slap. Although it wasn't strong, she still slapped Xie Xuan, which he couldn't believe. His face immediately changed, but Jiang Xun wasn't aware at all. She pouted, muttering, "You're so annoying, don't disturb me, I'm so sleepy."

Xie Xuan's face gradually softened. He sighed, and hurriedly left, fearing that he won't be able to resist her charms after looking at her any longer.

At the same time, a strong aura flowed into Jiang Xun's body, warming her. Jiang Xun's skin became more flawless, and her legs seemed even more slender.

The System reminded her that Xie Xuan's favorability increased, but she didn't hear it either.

After a while, Jiang Xun seemed to vaguely heard the doorbell, but she was too sluggish and tired, and didn't even bother to move.

The door was opened from the outside, and the visitor stood for a while in the living room, before slowly making their way toward the bedroom.