Jiang Xun looked at him with a smile, "Let's sit down first."

Duan Qing Chu nodded and sat down opposite her.

"Would you like something to drink?" Jiang Xun called over the waiter.

"I'll have coffee then." Duan Qing Chu glanced at the waiter and said lightly, "A cup of latte."

The waiter was a young boy with a delicate appearance. When he came to take the order, he secretly peered at Jiang Xun several times. Jiang Xun felt his gaze and smiled at him, causing his face to turn red.

After the waiter left, Jiang Xun told him why she was looking for him, "Are you going to Cheng Bei Bei's engagement banquet? I want to ask you to be my male companion."

Duan Qing Chu looked at her questioningly, "What about Ling Chen?"

"He's going with somebody else." Jiang Xun shrugged helplessly, "That's why I came to find you."

Duan Qing Chu frowned, "What happened to you two?"

"Everything is fine, it's just... he has been acting weirdly lately. Maybe he wants to break up." Jiang Xun lowered her eyes. Her tone of voice gave away her sense of disappointment.

Duan Qing Chu froze as he saw Jiang Xun's sad look. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know what to say. Moreover, Ling Chen was his friend. It's not like he could say anything bad about him. For a second, he was silent before saying, "I'll go with you."

Originally, he hadn't plan on going tonight, since he didn't like crowded places and disliked having contact with the opposite sex. So usually, he never participated in such occasions. He didn't know himself why he promised Jiang Xun.

"Thank you." Jiang Xun looked at him gratefully. His heart pounding in response to her brilliant eyes.

"It's nothing much." Duan Qing Chu shifted his eyes away, with an unnatural rosiness on his stern face.

The two sat quietly for a while. Duan Qing Chu suddenly felt very comfortable hanging out with Jiang Xun. She didn't talk much and didn't stare at him like an infatuated admirer, besides she herself was quite pleasing to the eye.

All this time, Duan Qing Chu avoided getting a girlfriend, because he always found it troublesome. Hence, why he was still single, but now he thinks a relationship might work out if he can find a girlfriend like Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun held the cup and took a sip of milk tea. She giggled, "Would you like me to accompany you back to change your clothing later?"

Duan Qing Chu scanned his outfit today. It was rather informal, "I don't seem to have a proper suit in my house, either."

"Then, do you want me to assist you in finding one?" Jiang Xun said.

Duan Qing Chu hesitated for two seconds, then he nodded and said, "Please."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Jiang Xun stood up to walk to his side.

Duan Qing Chu was stupefied. He could smell a soothing and gentle scent, and sensitively caught a hint of sweetness in the woody refreshingness.

His heart trembled and couldn't help but hold his breath.

___ ___ ___

As Jiang Ya stepped out of a silver-white luxury car, Ling Chen stood by the car door and stretched out his hand towards her. Jiang Ya smiled sweetly and took Ling Chen's arm, "Ling Chen ge."

"En." Today, Ling Chen was a little bit distracted. He kept thinking about what Jiang Xun could be doing right now, since she didn't reply to a single Wechat message he sent today. She never did this before, at the latest she would reply back to him within an hour.

Currently, Jiang Ya was immersed in excitement and joy, so she didn't notice something was wrong with Ling Chen. Today, Ling Chen was dressed very formally. He appeared more handsome in a suit, seeming like a prince walking out of a fairy tale. Just looking at him made her happy and fireworks to go off in her heart.

"Ling Chen ge ge, do I look good tonight?" She pursed up her lips and leaned on Ling Chen shyly.

For this banquet, Jiang Ya was specially dressed up. Tonight, she was indeed very dazzling. The champagne pink dress makes her look sweeter and more charming. Her exposed white shoulders also add some sexiness. This was the first time Ling Chen has seen her like this, so he was a bit amazed.

"You look good." Ling Chen peered down at her face and was moved by the admiration in her eyes.

If he said he doesn't feel anything about Jiang Ya, it was definitely a lie. He was not a stranger to the way Jiang Ya looks at him, because the girls who admired him also had this look on their faces.

Jiang Ya bashfully lowered her head, "Let's go in, my friends have already arrived."

As soon as the two walked into the hotel lobby, they attracted a lot of attention. The duo of a handsome man and beautiful woman will always attract attention, not to mention that Ling Chen was a son of heaven. He was the focus wherever he went, meaning the Jiang Ya who was following him also received those gazes.

"Ling Chen ge ge, I see my friends. Would you please go over and greet them with me?" Jiang Ya playfully stuck out her tongue.

Ling Chen nonchalantly replied, "En."

Jiang Ya happily took Ling Chen to her friends and introduced, "You You, Xiao Yue, I said I will bring a male partner today. You guys lost."

"Hehe, then introduce us." Li You's eyes lit up after seeing Ling Chen.

Li You and Yang Yue'er are Jiang Ya's classmates and dorm mates. All of them were freshman students at the art department of S University.

Jiang Ya was three years younger than Jiang Xun. Because Jiang Xun attended S University, she also had to attend there. Although her grades are far from the required score, the Jiang family donated a building to the school to allow her to enter the arts department of S University through the back door.

Li You was a foreigner. Her female cousin brought her along to today's banquet. Sinceshe had only been in school for a few months, Li You had never seen Ling Chen, she only heard of his name.

But Yang Yue'er knew Ling Chen. Although the Yang family wasn't as good as the Ling family and Jiang family, she was a local, plus this circle was only so big. Of course, she would know Ling Chen. So when she saw the ge ge Jiang Ya liked was Ling Chen, she was extremely surprised. The fact that Ling Chen was with Jiang Xun had long been spread in their circle, and only outsiders like Li You didn't understand the situation.

"Ling Chen ge ge, these are my two dorm friends. You You, Xiao Yue, this is Ling Chen." Jiang Ya said with a grin.

"Hello." Ling Chen gently nodded to them in politement.

Li You pulled Jiang Ya aside, "Ya Ya, is he your boyfriend?"

Jiang Ya didn't say yes or no, she only sighed shyly.

Li You was naive and thought she tacitly agreed. Then she glanced at her enviously, and praised, "He's so handsome. Is he the campus hunk from our school, he also is called Ling Chen."

"En, that's him."

"Wow, Ya Ya."

Jiang Ya raised her chin proudly. He pretended to say calmly, "When did you guys come?"

Yang Yue'er said, "We have been here for a while... By the way, Ya Ya, isn't your sister coming today?"

Both Yang Yue'er and Li You had met the original owner before. When Jiang Ya first moved into the dorms, the original owner came along to help her and went to the dormitory that day.

"Yeah, where is Jiang Xun jie jie?" Li You had a good impression of the original owner. She remembered she was a beautiful and kind elder sister, and also knew she was the campus belle of S University.

For a moment, Jiang Ya's expression became embarrassed. However, she quickly smiled, "My sister had something that came up and couldn't come today. Besides, she doesn't like attending occasions like this."

Ling Chen thought of Jiang Xun. He couldn't resist taking out his phone to check WeChat. Jiang Xun still hasn't replied back to him.

"Oh... that's why." Li You nodded.

Jiang Ya quickly changed the subject to talk about Ling Chen.

While they were having a good chat, Li You suddenly widened her eyes and patted Jiang Ya on the shoulder, "Um, is that Jiang Xun jie jie? If I'm not mistaken, you said she wouldn't come. She looks so beautiful today. And the boy next to her! Yaya, do you recognize him? That boy must be mixed-blood, he's super handsome!"

"No way, she clearly said..." Jiang Ya's smile froze on her face. She looked back in disbelief.

"It really is Jiang Xun jie jie." Yang Yue'er said, "The one next to her is Duan Qing Chu, but why would he come here? I never seen him attend a party before."

Jiang Ya's face turned ugly.

Ling Chen was also very surprised. Why did Jiang Xun decide to come again, and why was Qing Chu with her? The two were even linking arms.

Compared with the attention on Jiang Ya and Ling Chen just now, the appearance of Jiang Xun and Duan Qing Chu aroused everyone's heated discussion.

Jiang Xun wore a black dress. The long dress with a sexy exposed back displayed her luscious figure to the fullest. She had never worn anything like this. Previously, she always appeared as a conservative lady in front of everyone. Today was simply an enormous transformation. She was so raving that almost none of the men present could look away from her.

Everyone exclaimed in their hearts, "Is that Jiang Xun? She's so gorgeous!"

Duan Qing Chu, who was next to her, also gave everyone a surprise. He wore a white suit, which really suited his noble and aloof temperament. The white color matches well with him and paired exceptionally well with Jiang Xun's black dress. When the two stood together, they seemed like the perfect couple.

Jiang Xun was holding onto Duan Qing Chu by his arm. Her gaze scanned around the hall, and soon saw Ling Chen and Jiang Ya.

Duan Qing Chu hadn't met Jiang Ya, so he lowered his head, "Who is the girl next to Ling Chen? Do you know her?"

Jiang Xun smiled. Even in heels, she was still shorter than Duan Qing Chu, so she had to stand on tiptoe to reach his ear, "You'll know later."

Her breath tickled his earlobe, making him stiffen his spine and straighten his back unconsciously.

Jiang Xun said, "Let's go over there."

"Oh." Duan Qing Chu's voice became hoarse.

Before they could walk over, Ling Chen came over and greeted them, "Xiao Xun, Qing Chu, why are you guys here together?"

Duan Qing Chu originally wanted to tell Ling Chen beforehand, but Jiang Xun asked to say anything. And he thought they would meet later, therefore he did as she told him.

"I didn't have a male partner, so I asked Qing Chu to help me out." Jiang Xun softly responded.

It was the first time she spoke so coyishly, Ling Chen was instantly overwhelmed by her tone. Not only him, but any other men would also feel just as stunned after hearing her, because Duan Qing Chu's expression was obviously a little unnatural after hearing her say his name like that.

Jiang Ya hurriedly rushed over. Since she was too shocked and angry, her tone wasn't friendly. "Jie jie, didn't say you wouldn't come?"