"When did I say I wouldn't come? I only said I would let Ling Chen come with you, I didn't say I wouldn't come." Jiang Xun smiled, her eyes that were watching Jiang Ya were gentle, like a caring, good sister. Seeing the two girls behind Jiang Ya, she quickly remembered who they were. She waved and greeted them, "You You and Yue'er are here too, long time no see."

Li You and Yang Yue'er were a little surprised when they heard her calling themselves. They didn't expect that she still remembered themselves, especially Li You, who ran over excitedly. "En en, hello Jiang Xun jie."

Initially, Jiang Ya was still very angry and felt as if she had been played by Jiang Xun. But at this time, Jiang Xun started exchanging small talk with her dorm mates, which made her feel guilty. She tried to change the subject and dragged her dorm mates away. "You You, didn't you just say you were hungry? ? How about we go over there and get some food?"

"Ah? No need, I'm not hungry." Li You shrugged her hand. Her eyes kept switching back and forth between Jiang Xun and Duan Qing Chu, "Jiang Xun jie jie, is this your boyfriend?"

Jiang Xun blinked. Then, she glanced at Ling Chen and saw his ugly expression. Instead, she smiled and said half-jokingly, "Does he look like it?"

Duan Qing Chu looked at Jiang Xun and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Yeah." Li You nodded vigorously as Yang Yue'er nudged her with her hand.

Just as Ling Chen wanted to speak, Jiang Xun added, "No, actually that one over there is my boyfriend."

Hearing Jiang Xun's words, Li You turned dumbfounded.

Jiang Ya's face turned blue and her complexion couldn't be worse.

"What? Him? Isn't he Ya Ya's..."

Yang Yue'er interrupted Li You before she finished speaking, "Let's head over and get something to eat, I'm so hungry. Jiang Xun jie jie, you guys talk first, please excuse us."

"But..." Once Li You got dragged away, she suddenly reacted. After all, she wasn't stupid, she was only a little slow. When done chatting with Yang Yue'er, her impression of Jiang Ya changed greatly.

Jiang Ya's eyes turned red as she stared at Jiang Xun aggrievedly, "Jie jie, why are you doing this?"

"What about me? Did I say anything wrong?" Jiang Xun smiled.

"Ling Chen ge ge, now my friends definitely misunderstood us!" Jiang Ya's eyes blurred with tears.

Jiang Xun reassuringly patted Jiang Ya's head. Her force was a little excessive, and Jiang Ya's brows wrinkled in pain, "Don't be sad, didn't you say you like to hang out with Ling Chen? Then I'll give him to you and let him accompany you."

Jiang Ya was stunned as she even forgot to continue crying.

Jiang Xun glanced at Duan Qing Chu, "Qing Chu, let's sit there for a while. Wearing these high heels is a bit tiring."

Shocked, Ling Chen called out, "Xiao Xun."

Jiang Xun left with Duan Qing Chu. Just as he was about to chase after her, he was grabbed by Jiang Ya.

When he turned around, he saw Jiang Ya's pitiful appearance.

"Ling Chen ge ge, don't go."

Ling Chen was a little annoyed by her appearance, he didn't understand what Jiang Xun meant. Why did she become so generous and actively let him accompany Jiang Ya? If this were before, she would be slightly bothered because of that. Could Duan Qing Chu be the reason?

That can't be it, they haven't even met much in the past. Yet... why would Qing Chu escort her this time? Didn't he say he disliked coming to such events with many girls the most?

Ling Chen was stumped while his depressed mood was all displayed on his face. Jiang Ya thought he was annoyed with herself and couldn't help feeling downcast. Her anger toward Jiang Xun built up even more in her heart.

"Don't pull on my clothes. It'll be misunderstood by others." Ling Chen tried his best to keep his voice mild.

"Oh, sorry, I just don't want to be alone." Jiang Ya nibbled her lower lip.

Ling Chen sighed, "I have some business with your sister. Go find your friends first."

Jiang Ya was stunned, and her tears that had just stopped flowed again, "Brother Ling Chen, my friends must have misunderstood what happened just now. Will you come with me to explain it? It'll just be a moment."

___ ___ ___

Jiang Xun released Duan Qing Chu's arm and sat down on the sofa in the corner. Every man she had passed couldn't tear their eyes off her, as if their eyes were stuck on her. Surprisingly, Duan Qing Chu noticed, and he helped Jiang Xun block some of them.

"Do you want a drink?" Jiang Xun took two glasses of champagne from the tray held by the passing waiter.

"I don't drink."

Jiang Xun smiled, "Alright, then I'll drink by myself. Help me hold this glass for now."

Jiang Xun's action was elegant and charming, especially when she tilted back her chin. Her slightly closed eyes were misty, and it made the lower abdomens of those who watched heat up.

When Duan Qing Chu glanced at her, he actually forgot to breathe for a split second.

After Jiang Xun finished one glass, she realized he had been staring at her. She chuckled, "Why are you looking at me? Am I beautiful?"

"En, I just didn't expect you to drink."

"There are still many things you don't expect to come." Jiang Xun said lightly. Then she took the other glass of wine from his hand, and handed him the empty glass.

"Like what? The relationship between Ling Chen and your sister?"

Jiang Xun smiled without answering.

She shook the glass. This time she drank very leisurely. After taking a sip, she suddenly enticed, "This wine is fairly good. Would you like to take a sip as well?"

The wine glass still had her lip prints on it. Duan Qing Chu stared at her, not knowing why, and nodded as if bewitched.

Jiang Xun handed the wine glass to his lips and gave him a sip.

This scene happened to be seen by Ling Chen, who had been looking over here. Ling Chen's expression changed. Without thinking, he pushed away Jiang Ya, who was pestering him, and hurried towards their direction.

Jiang Xun asked Duan Qing Chu, "How is it? Was it delicious?"

"En." Duan Qing Chu didn't know whether it was the wine that was good or it was just the wine she drank from was good. He only knew his heart was beating at a breaknecking fast speed.

Ling Chen came over to break up the ambiguous atmosphere, "What are you guys talking about?"

Jiang Xun glanced at him and looked away before lightly saying, "It's nothing."

Ling Chen awkwardly continued, "You're the one that asked me to accompany Jiang Ya, so why are you angry again?"

"How can I be angry, you misunderstood. She is my sister, how can I be angry?" Jiang Xun smiled.

Ling Chen's arguments were all blocked, making him at a loss about what to say. So he focused on Duan Qing Chu, "Qing Chu, I have something to tell you. Come here."

Duan Qing Chu nodded and left with Ling Chen.

After Jiang Xun was left alone, she was gawked at by many men. About four or five who were extremely confident came up to Jiang Xun to strike up a conversation, but were all indifferently dismissed by Jiang Xun. Despite that, there were still many people eager to try.

Jiang Xun couldn't help feeling bored. Since her goal for tonight was already achieved, she didn't want to stay any longer. Just as she stood up and was going to leave, she felt a sudden wave of dizziness, forcing her to sit back down. Now she thought about it, Jiang Xun never drank before, so this body was probably not used to alcohol.

She blinked and called her driver to pick herself up.

After the phone call, she strolled through the hotel's flower garden, trying to breath and sober up.

The breeze at the garden did make her feel better. At this time, Ling Chen called, but she didn't answer. He was probably trying to find her, since he didn't see her after coming back.

She was about to send a WeChat message to Duan Qing Chu informing him that she was leaving first, when the driver called to say he had arrived at the hotel's entrance.

Jiang Xun came out as soon as she finished speaking. The moment she raised her head, she could vaguely see a golden light in the distance.

That radiance was quite dazzling in the dark.

Jiang Xun blinked, thinking that she might be seeing things. When she double-checked, it turned out to be a concentrated aura of luck.

Her eyes widened: No way, how is it so thick? Was this the special son of heaven the system mentioned?

Seconds after Jiang Xun thought that, she heard the system say, [Yup, you were extremely lucky that you met him this early on. Hurry and go seize the opportunity!]

Jiang Xun walked over quickly and found the owner of the light had just walked out of the building across from the hotel, however she was too far away and couldn't see his appearance.

She only hesitated for two seconds before she decided to follow him.