Jiang Ya opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything. Even she knew that her thoughts couldn't be this easily spread out.

"Why aren't you speaking? Should I say it for you?" Jiang Xun smiled coyly.

Her seemingly inhuman flawless face made Jiang Ya incredibly jealous.

Jiang Ya snorted with a bad attitude, "No need."

"How can you talk to your elder sister like that, stop being ill-mannered." Father Jiang wasn't able to catch on as quickly as Mother Jiang did. He didn't see the tension between the two daughters. He glanced at Ling Chen and saw his expression wasn't pretty. Not wanting Ling Chen to see a family joke, he loudly scolded Jiang Ya.

However, Jiang Ya didn't understand Father Jiang's thoughts. She thought Father Jiang was berating her for Jiang Xun. Since she already felt aggrieved, now she couldn't hold back her emotions. Her eyes immediately turned red.

"Fine, you guys can all side with her. I'm not hungry anymore." Jiang Ya slammed down her chopsticks.

"Yaya, what's the matter with you? Why are you becoming more and more willful?" Father Jiang was also peeved.

Jiang Ya flushed red with anger, "I can't even not eat now ah. You guys are all bullying me."

Jiang Xun smiled, "How did we bullied you?"

"You did. Last night, you clearly agreed to let Ling Chen ge ge to accompany me, but then you came too, which made me lose face. Today, Ling Chen ge ge must have been forced to act like this by you. You're simply too much." Jiang Ya blamed resentfully.

"Then go ask him if I forced him. He's the one that doesn't want to answer you, what can I do." Jiang Xun shrugged.

"That's not possible, he wasn't like this before." Jiang Ya didn't believe her.

"You mean it's normal for him to have his time occupied by you like this? How about I let him be your boyfriend instead? What do you think?"

Father Jiang frowned as there was something weird about how Jiang Xun phrased her words. However, Mother Jiang's expression instantly changed and glanced at Jiang Xun disapprovingly.

"What? Did I say something wrong? Why are you all looking at me like this?" Jiang Xun asked

At this time, the Auntie brought the Rock Candy Snow Pear Soup to the table. Jiang Xun served herself a small bowl and slowly took a few sips. It moisturized her throat, and the sweet taste made her feel better.

"Xiao Xun." Ling Chen was extremely embarrassed. He didn't know what was going on with Jiang Xun or why she was acting like a different person today.

Just as Ling Chen wanted to ask her to stop being absurd, Jiang Ya probed suspiciously with a hint of excitement, "You're telling the truth? Are you really willing to hand over Ling Chen to me?"

Jiang Xun smirked sarcastically in her heart: she was actually this stupid and impatient.

She glanced at Jiang Ya, slowly uttering, "What do you think? Of course it's fake. You want me to step down this bad?"

"You, you tricked me!" Jiang Ya's face turned ugly.

Jiang Xun faced Father and Mother Jiang, "Dad, mom, haven't you realized it yet? Jiang Ya seems to desperately want to replace me as Ling Chen's girlfriend? How about it, do you think that's appropriate?"

Even Jiang Ya didn't expect Jiang Xun to expose her thoughts in front of their parents. She became a little flustered, but once she thought she would no longer have to go on pretending her true feelings, a sort of relief rushed through her. Since a long time ago, she wanted to do this, so it's fine that Jiang Xun did it for her

Therefore, she just threw herself out there, "Older sister, since you know everything, I'll cut straight to the chase. I really like Ling Chen ge ge, even more than you, please allow me to have him."

Her words shocked both the Jiang parents and Ling Chen.

Ling Chen looked at Jiang Ya with an alarmed expression on his face. Seeing her attitude, he knew she was bound to cause him a bunch of headaches later on.

"Yaya, what nonsense are you speaking?" Father Jiang couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I'm serious!"

"Yaya, sit down and stop messing around. Xiao Xun, Ling Chen, don't listen to her nonsense..." Jiang Mu attempted to calm her down.

Jiang Xun watched the farce in front of her as she picked up the bowl calmly and took a sip of the soup. Then she helplessly said, "But what should I do? Just now, Ling Chen told me that you can't bother him anymore in the future. He has no feelings for you and doesn't want to waste his time."

Once she finished, Jiang Xun looked at Ling Chen for confirmation, "Ling Chen, isn't that right?"

Jiang Ya seemed dumbfounded, but soon she angrily denied it, "You're lying, that can't be possible!"

"Then ask him yourself." Jiang Xun wasn't affected at all.

The current situation made Ling Chen's head big. He glanced back and forth between Jiang Xun, Jiang Ya, and Father and Mother Jiang, who were also staring at him and waiting for him to speak.

He struggled for a while before finally saying, "Yaya, I only treat you as my sister. The person that I like is Xiao Xun, I can't be with you."

Jiang Xun smiled coldly, Ling Chen's answer was within her expectation.

While both Father and Mother Jiang let out a sigh of relief, they continued to observe Jiang Ya nervously.

Obviously, Jiang Ya couldn't accept the results. She instantly burst into tears. Her speed was jaw-dropping, "I don't believe it, that can't be true. You were clearly okay with it yesterday and even kissed me. You like me."

"What?" Father Jiang sprang up, "What the hell is going on with you two?"

"I..." Ling Chen didn't expect Jiang Ya would say he kissed her. She was the one who took the initiative to fall into his embrace, apologizing that she was dizzy from drinking. Then she kissed him while he was supporting her. At the time, he was also under the influence of alcohol, so he didn't push her away.

But that was it. Soon after, he dropped her off at school. How could she say he kissed her because he liked her!

"I didn't." Ling Chen quickly explained to Jiang Xun, "Xiao Xun, you believe me, I didn't do it. You're the only one I like."

The restaurant was filled with Jiang Ya's aggrieved crying, Ling Chen's anxious explanation, and the Jiang parents' questioning.

Jiang Ya held Ling Chen's arm and refused to let go, while Father Jiang interrogated Ling Chen if he had kissed Jiang Ya.

Jiang Xun said nothing, as if what they were arguing had nothing to do with her. Although she caused this situation, she acted like an outsider and allowed them to quarrel as they pleased.

In the end under pressure, Ling Chen admitted he had kissed Jiang Ya. But he didn't initiate it, nor did he want to be with Jiang Ya either.

Now, things have become awkward. Who knows what Jiang Ya was thinking, she actually cried and held tight onto Jiang Xun, "Older sister, I'm begging you, please hand over Ling Chen to me, I really do love him. As long as you promise me , I can give you anything."

"Give me anything? Then let me ask you, what can you give me?" Jiang Xun looked at her emotionlessly. She was waiting for her to say this.

From the original owner's memory, Jiang Ya said these words roughly three times, which made the original owner miserable and uncomfortable. The original owner couldn't bear to see her younger sister like this, nor did she want to leave Ling Chen as well as the difficult position her parents put her in almost caused her to break down.

But this won't happen to Jiang Xun. Since the original owner won't teach her sister and the Jiang parent won't stop spoiling their daughter, let her take revenge for the original owner.

"What part of you can compare to me? In academics, you're inferior to me, even your acceptance in university was bought by our parents using money. Both your appearance and talents can't compare to me. Once something comes up, you'll just start crying. Even then, our parents are still partial toward you. Isn't that enough? Now, you want to snatch my boyfriend. You want me to give Ling Chen to you, then tell me, based on what? Can you give me a reason?"

Jiang Xun's words were like a series of thunder crashing onto Jiang Ya's head, making her stupefied as her crying stopped. Father and Mother Jiang's expressions also changed. This was the first time they had heard such words from their elder daughter and realized that they had neglected her so much.

After Jiang Xun finished speaking, she slammed her bowl down before picking up her purse and leaving.

Ling Chen hurriedly chased it out. Just as he stepped out the door, his phone suddenly rang. He was about to hang up. But after scanning the contact name on the screen, he was stunned and quickly answered.

"Dad." Ling Chen cautiously uttered.

"Now? I have something... Okay, I understand. I'll be back soon."

Once the phone ended, Ling Chen furrowed his brows and looked at the phone with an expression of doubt. What could Ling Kong Leng want with him? Moreover, it sounds like he was in a bad mood.

When he recovered, Jiang Xun was already gone. He looked back at Jiang family's villa, thinking he'll have to avoid the Jiang house in the future. This Jiang Ya was simply crazy.


After Jiang Xun left the villa, she just happened to catch a taxi. She got out of the car halfway down the road and called Duan Qing Chu.

"Can you… come pick me up?" Jiang Xun's crying voice was enough to move any man.

"Where are you? What happened?" Duan Qing Chu's voice was tense.

Jiang Xun examined her surroundings and said the name of the place. Duan Qing Chu replied he will arrive soon.

Half an hour later, Jiang Xun was about to freeze. Her small face and lips were both paler than normal. She was sitting on the side of the road while her face was covered with tears and her hair was messily scattered, but it didn't affect her at all. On the contrary, her fragile beauty made people want to reach out and embrace her in their arms and give her a good pampering.

She was wearing a white dress, clean and pure. Her high heels were put aside by her, so she hugged her knees barefooted, curling into a ball. Her whole body seemed to glow, like a magical elf.

People passing by couldn't help but glancing sideways at her, showing their distressed eyes.

Duan Qing Chu immediately saw her. That pitiful but soft and feminine appearance made his heartbeat slowed by half a beat.

Since he was studying filming, he always had a camera in his car. He couldn't resist quickly taking a few pictures when he saw such a palpable beauty.

This was the first time Duan Qing Chu saw Jiang Xun like this, something must have happened.

He took two pictures before immediately getting out of the car and sprinting towards her quickly.

"Jiang Xun." Duan Qing Chu shouted when she was still five steps away.

Jiang Xun slowly raised her head to look at him. Her delicate little face was still sullen like she wanted to continue crying. When she saw him, she abruptly stood up and ran toward him.

"Why did you only come now?... It was so cold, I almost froze to death." She opened her arms and ran to him barefooted. Right before leaping into his arms, she retracted her stretched out arms.

Duan Qing Chu really wanted to pull her into his embrace.

"I hurried over as soon as possible." Duan Qing Chu whispered.

He didn't say he had to speed past two red lights just now.

"What happened to you?"

The author has something to say:

Ling Kong Leng: What should I do, my son's girlfriend is mine now? Waiting on line...extremely anxious

Ling Chen: Why is my dad looking for me? Did I do something wrong?

Jiang Xun: Why isn't my boyfriend's father finding me yet? When will I become a stepmother?