"I'm upset...I don't know where I can go." Jiang Xun raised her head and looked into Duan Qing Chu's eyes. Her tear-stained appearance like raindrops on a pear blossom was simply breathtaking.

At any rate, she was a country-harming demon vixen. It was simply too easy for her to seduce ordinary men. Although Duan Qing Chu was an iceberg, he was melted by her in the end.

Jiang Xun's face was pale. Her lips were frozen into a bloodless pink color. Duan Qing Chu felt a little distress and wanted to pull her into his arms.

Duan Qing Chu furrowed his brows, "Why were you on the road waiting with those thin clothes? Don't you know how to wait indoors instead?"

His tone was a bit strong. Jiang Xun felt aggrieved when she heard him as the corners of her eyes appeared slightly red.

"Don't snap at me, I'm still sad."

Duan Qing Chu was taken aback. He replied a little guilty, "I didn't snap at you."

Jiang Xun lowered her head and remained silent.

"Okay okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have snapped at you." Duan Qing Chu said nervously. "Then can you tell me what happened?" Duan Qing Chu asked.

Jiang Xun shook her head while biting her bottom lip. "Can I stay over at your house for one night?"

Duan Qing Chu frozed, "Sure."

"Thank you!" Jiang Xun shuddered as she finished speaking and shrank in on herself.

"Let's get in the car first, it's quite cold outside."

Jiang Xun gave a soft "en" and followed him into the car. In no time, Jiang Xun had fallen asleep in the passenger seat.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the small community where Duan Qing Chu lived. It was a rented deluxe suit near the school, where he normally lived.

Duan Qing Chu parked the car inside his garage. He was about to get off when he saw Jiang Xun's charming and cute sleeping face. Duan Qing Chu felt reluctant to disturb her, so he could only sit on the side and wait for her to wake up.

Of course Jiang Xun wasn't really asleep. Although her eyes were closed, she could still feel Duan Qing Chu watching her.

She seemed to be having a nightmare, since she kept wrinkling her brows.

Duan Qing Chu's eyes turned profound. He couldn't help but reach out and smoothen her brows.

Just as he was about to touch her soft skin, he forcefully held himself back.

However at this exact moment, Jiang Xun opened her eyes.

"Qing Chu." Her sleepy appearance paired with her glutinous soft and feeble voice made people feel heartache for her.

"Awake now?" Duan Qing Chu looked off to the side and said gently.

"En." Jiang Xun nodded. Her small face was flushed from regaining warmth, but her eyes were still dazed as if she was half asleep.

After getting out of the car, Jiang Xun took two steps before swaying like she was about to fall.

"What's wrong?" Duan Qing Chu asked worriedly.

"My feet are numb, it hurts."

Before Duan Qing Chu could react, Jiang Xun took the initiative to reach out and support her body with his arm, pressing half her body on him.

Duan Qing Chu's expression became complex as his back tightened and a red cloud appeared on his cheeks. For a second, he hesitated. Then he stretched out his hand to assist her moving forward step by step.

This entire journey was considered a sweet torture for Duan Qing Chu.

After entering the house, Duan Qing Chu helped her down onto the sofa. Once he released her, Duan Qing Chu let out a sigh of relief, even though he was a bit disappointed.

"I'll go pour you a glass of water." Duan Qing Chu quickly headed into the kitchen.

Jiang Xun scanned the room and thought, sure enough it was decorated in a cold style. The decoration style was the same as the personality of the house's owner.

Jiang Xun drank the hot water and warmed up. The two sat in silence for a while until Duan Qing Chu said, "Now can you tell me what happened?"

Jiang Xun paused before replying, "My younger sister likes Ling Chen, whereas Ling Chen had kissed her yesterday."

Duan Qing Chu was in shock, "How could this be?"

Jiang Xun's eyes turned red, "I don't know either. She requested me to hand over Ling Chen to her."

Duan Qing Chu frowned, "How can she do this... Then what are your thoughts?"

"I..." Jiang Xun bit her lower lip, as if enduring pain. Her eyes were watery, "I want to break up with Ling Chen."

Seeing her like this, Duan Qing Chu's heart felt distressed and wanted to embrace her. However, he really didn't know how to comfort her, especially when he heard that Jiang Xun was about to break up with Ling Chen. It actually made him secretly happy. He felt both ashamed of his own selfishness and angry that Ling Chen hadn't cherished Jiang Xun.

"Did you tell Ling Chen?"

"Not yet, I just ran from home. I didn't want to see my younger sister nor do I want to stay at home." Jiang Xun covered her face, appearing extremely vulnerable.

"Then you can stay here for a few days. I have a guest room here, I'll help you clean it up later." When Duan Qing Chu finished speaking, he was a little embarrassed, afraid she would realize his inner thoughts.

Jiang Xun gratefully responded, "Qing Chu, thank you so much. I won't stay long, one night will do. I can move into the dormitory. It's just that I rushed out too suddenly tonight and I had nothing at the dorm."

Duan Qing Chu nodded, "En, then I will help you clean up the room."

"Let me help you." Jiang Xun blinked, "Which room is it?"

"This way, upstairs."

"Do you live upstairs, too?" Jiang Xun asked.

"Yes, there aren't any bedrooms downstairs. I changed the previous bedroom into a studio and study room." Duan Qing Chu said.

"Can I take a look?" Jiang Xun was quite curious.

"Sure, where do you want to see?"

"The studio, you paint as well?" Jiang Xun asked.

Duan Qing Chu replied "Kind of..."

Just when he started his sentence, he started trailing off. Thinking of the things in the studio, he quickly corrected himself, "The studio is a bit messy."

"That's okay. I'll only be looking, I won't touch any of your things, or... is it inconvenient?"

Duan Qing Chu hesitated and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Xun blinked. She jokingly said, "Could it be that you were painting something like a nude model?"

"No, I don't draw those."

"Well fine. If it isn't convenient, then I won't go in."

Duan Qing Chu heaved a sigh of relief, nodding, "Let me show you your bedroom upstairs first."



The decoration upstairs was mostly similar to the style downstairs with the exception of some bright colors. There was also a living room. Although it was smaller than the one downstairs, the wall was filled with photos taken by Duan Qing Chu. All of which were hung up in exquisite frames. The photos each had a different style, but they displayed his distinctive style.

"Do you often go out to take pictures?" Jiang Xun asked.

"Sometimes, do you like them?" Duan Qing Chu saw her interested expression.

"En, I want to learn too." She said sincerely.

"I can teach you." Duan Qing Chu show a faint smile.

"Alright, do you have any other photos? I want to see."

"There's some on my computer and some in the camera," Duan Qing Chu said.

"Can I see?"

"Yeah, then you have to head downstairs to the study room. Follow me."

The study room was rather spacious with several large bookcases full of books along with various photos and magazines. Jiang Xun flipped through them and found many photos of Duan Qing Chu. The feeling of his still photos was completely different from that of himself, he was more aloof and masculine. Under the lens, his eyes were ice-cold and determined, which was extremely eye-catching.

Duan Qing Chu turned on the computer to show her. After scanning the photos, she asked him, "These seem to have been taken a while back. Do you have any recent ones?"

"En, those are in my camera. I haven't exported them yet."

"Can I see those?"

Duan Qing Chu nodded, "En."

He ran outside to the car to fetch his camera and transferred the photos to the computer. Jiang Xun clicked open the folder. She immediately spotted the photos of herself.

Duan Qing Chu had forgotten these photos he took. But it was too late for him to block her, Jiang Xun had already seen them.

Jiang Xun fell into a contemplation, "This is me?"

Under the dim light, Jiang Xun was the focal point of the whole street. Her appearance was shockingly beautiful with her expression fragile and helpless. Even her sitting posture showed her feeling aggrieved , yet she was still ever so mesmerized.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I took them without your consent."

"Why did you want to take pictures of me?" Jiang Xun looked back at him.

Duan Qing Chu's heartbeat slowed by half a beat. He replied honestly, "I thought it was a photogenic scene, so I can't help but want to capture the moment."

"Really? You thought I was beautiful?"

"En." Duan Qing Chu glanced at her and said seriously.

The two locked eyes. Then, Jiang Xun probed him, "Then do you like me?"

They were so close together that the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

Duan Qing Chu's breathing became hot. He didn't know how to answer her.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Xun smiled, " I was just kidding." Then she turned her attention back to the computer.

Duan Qing Chu's heart tightened. He almost blurted out that he like her, but missed his best opportunity to confess.

He kind of regretted his action, and sighed secretly.

"I need to use the bathroom." After a while, Jiang Xun stood up.

"En." Duan Qing Chu was still immersed in his emotions just now. He responded in a low voice.

Jiang Xun exited the study room and revealed a charming smile. Just now Duan Qing Chu's affection level had increased.

She didn't go to the bathroom, but directly opened the door to the studio. She didn't expect that there would be so many sketches of her inside.

Smiling, frowning, pouting, elegant... Every picture was of her. The most noticeable one was the side profile one in the middle.

Most of the rest weren't completed, but this painting was incredibly detailed and lifelike.

Soon Duan Qing Chu recovered his senses and walked out of the study. The studio and the study room faced each other, so he immediately saw Jiang Xun staring blankly in front of that picture in the studio.

Duan Qing Chu was taken aback. He felt extremely nervous as well as a little anticipation.

He slowly approached her before gathering the courage to hug her from behind her.

He felt Jiang Xun's body froze, although she didn't push him away.

Duan Qing Chu called her name both firmly and nervously, "Jiang Xun."

Jiang Xun didn't turn her head around. She only answered, "En, you drew these?"