"Yeah." As Duan Qing Chu hugged her, his heart felt completely satisfied. A warm current rushed through him like the perfect breeze in spring.

Jiang Xun slowly turned around. Her entire body basically sticking against his chest, "Why were you drawing me?"

Duan Qing Chu responded, "I had you stuck in my head, so I decided to put these images on paper."

Jiang Xun remained silent.

Duan Qing Chu watched her while holding his breath. His heart was pounding incredibly because of his nervousness.

When Jiang Xun raised her head and locked eyes with him, Duan Qing Chu felt as if he couldn't breathe.

He stared at Jiang Xun's face. Then his eyes landed on her lips, causing him to involuntarily lean over and kiss her.

That was something he could only dream of doing.

The moment their lips pressed gently together, Duan Qing Chu was shocked by her softness.

So fragrant, soft and sweet.

As if bewitched, he nibbled her bottom lip and carefully savored her taster. Besides, Jiang Xun didn't push him away either.

This greatly encouraged Duan Qing Chu, making him embrace her tighter and kiss her even more passionately.

Jiang Xun waited until he was at the height of his desire before abruptly pushing him away. She said in a panic, "I...we can't do this..."

Her incoherent appearance was simply too cute.

The warm way Duan Qing Chu glanced at her could literally set her on fire.

Jiang Xun sensed a stream of lucky aura flowing into her body. The soreness from being filled felt extremely comfortable. The sudden surge made her thrilled.

"I like you." Duan Qing Chu confessed.

Jiang Xun stared at him with wide open eyes. Duan Qing Chu felt tempted by her appearance and a need to kiss her again.

Jiang Xun shook her head, "But, but Ling Chen and I..."

Duan Qing Chu interrupted her, "You're going to break up with Ling Chen, right?"

Jiang Xun thought about it and nodded, "Yes."

"Then do you like me?"

Jiang Xun replied embarrassedly, "I don't know."

"I can wait for you. Once you break up with Ling Chen, I will start courting you." Duan Qing Chu released her and promised sincerely.

Jiang Xun glanced at him, as if she was very moved.

Seeing he wasn't being resented, Duan Qing Chu was already delighted, "It's getting late. Let's wash up and head to bed early."

Jiang Xun agreed.

"There's a bathroom here in the room. You can shower first while I'll go get the blanket."

"Okay." Jiang Xun blushed like she didn't know how to interact with him anymore. In Duan Qing Chu's eyes, she appeared all the more adorable and charming.


Jiang Xun slept exceptionally well that night.

The next morning, when Jiang Xun was still sleeping, there was a knock on the door. Duan Qing Chu asked, "Jiang Xun, are you up?"

Jiang Xun stretched lazily and let out a soft "en."

Outside the door, Duan Qing Xiao could already imagine Jiang Xun's sexy and seductive sleepy appearance.

"Come in." Jiang Xun sat up.

Her voice tickled Duan Qing Chu's heart.

He opened the door and saw Jiang Xun's slightly lidded eyes, like she wasn't awake yet. She bit her pink lips while her shirt slipped below her shoulders, showing off her sexy fair collarbones. Duan Qing Chu gave her this long t-shirt to wear last night, which revealed her straight and long legs. Although it managed to cover her butt, it couldn't cover the scenery between her legs.

Maybe because her eyes were too gentle and dazed, so she gives people a sense of innocence. Even though the view itself was sinful, she didn't appear lascivious at all.

"I bought you an outfit. After you change into it, come out for breakfast." Duan Qing Chu lowered his voice, not daring to make eye contact with her.

Jiang Xun softly answered, "Okay."

She drew out the ending, like a cat.

The clothes Duan Qing Chu bought for her fitted surprisingly well. Jiang Xun observed herself twirling in the mirror and was quite pleased.

When she finished freshening up, she exited the bedroom. At the same time, Duan Qing Chu also walked out of the kitchen. Seeing Jiang Xun, he frozed as amazement flickered through his eyes.

Although Jiang Xun didn't apply any makeup on her face, she was still gorgeous. The white high-waisted suspender dress showed off her figure perfectly while she gave off a noble and refined temperament.

He also deliberately wore a white suit today. Therefore, he matched Jiang Xun extraordinarily well like they were wearing a couple outfit together.

"Do I look good?" Jiang Xun asked with a smile.

When she laughed, two cute dimples would appear on her cheeks to the heart. It made her entire figure glow and others to feel warmhearted, making people reluctant to glance away.

"You look good." Duan Qing Chu's gaze was like a torch. After confessing last night, Duan Qing Chu was pretty much infatuated with her.

The breakfast was personally made by Duan Qing Chu. Granted that it wasn't sumptuous, the food still appeared delicious.

To begin her day, Jiang Xun first drank a glass of milk. The white froth from the milk clung to her top lip, and these traces made her seem extremely cute.

Duan Qing Chu lost himself to a daze as he stared at her.

"Why are you just watching me? You should eat too." Jiang Xun smiled shyly.

"En." Duan Qing Chu nodded, but his gaze never shifted away from her.

After the meal, Duan Qing Chu cleaned the table and then headed into the kitchen to wash the dishes. Jiang Xun kept following him and wanted to help, but Duan Qing Chu refused.

While Duan Qing Chu was washing the dishes, Jiang Xun observed at his side profile and was attracted to his serious look he had while doing the housework.

She couldn't resist taking a few pictures with her phone. Since Duan Qing Chu didn't notice her, she became bolder and tried to shoot from a different angle. Who knew Duan Qing Chu would suddenly turn around? It shocked her into dropping her phone, so she hurriedly reached out to pick it up.

Duan Qing Chu also stretched out his hand to help her, causing their hands to meet in mid-air. Jiang Xun immediately retreated two steps back, however she accidentally tripped.

Duan Qing Chu tried to grab ahold of her, but was taken down by her instead.

The two fell onto the ground. Their faces close enough to kiss each other with the slightest movement.

Jiang Xun put her hand on Duan Qing Chu's waist, causing his breathing to instantly become rapid and his movements to become stiff.

Neither of them moved as they kept this position for a long time.

Suddenly, Jiang Xun spoke up. Her voice seemed as if she was both smiling and not smiling, "Are you ticklish?"

Duan Qing Chu shook his head, "No."

Jiang Xun then said, "Well, I'm very ticklish. So can you move your hand?"

Duan Qing Chu quickly removed his hand. But because he lost his pillar of support, he fell onto her.

The two pressed even closer together.

Jiang Xun stretched out her hand to push him off. However when her delicate little hand touched him, Duan Qing Xiao actually felt a weird tingle of excitement.

"You, get off," Jiang Xun whispered.

Her actions tugged at Duan Qing Chu's heart. A shiver rushed through his entire body as the eyes staring at Jiang Xun became increasingly fervor.

"Don't look at me like that."

Her voice was neither high nor low, as if she was injured but also panicked and shy, which led people to overthink the situation.

Their faces were only a few centimeters apart, so Duan Qing Chu could even see the fine fuzz on Jiang Xun's face.

Her skin was really tender, like some white and firm jelly. Her eyes were so captivating that they pierced straight into his heart and disturbed the originally calm pool of autumn water.

As if bewitched, Duan Qing Chu even lowered his head and kissed her.

The moment their lips touched, an electric current raced through Duan Qing Chu. His brain went blank as he kissed her all the more eagerly.

Jiang Xun half-pushed and half-placed her hand against his chest. But with her little strength, it was more like her teasing him than her rejecting.

"...Don't..." Jiang Xun's voice disappeared into Duan Qing Chu's mouth. Her delectable taste drilled into his bones, making it difficult for him to control himself.

The kiss lasted for a few minutes, Jiang Xun felt that her entire mouth was swollen, while Duan Qing Chu continued as if addicted and danced passionately with her tongue.

Because she couldn't breathe, Jiang Xun's face became a ruddy red. It only made her even more attractive. With her exuding an alluring fragrance, Duan Qing Chu couldn't stand it anymore, "Xiao Xun, I..."

When Jiang Xun got the chance to recover her breath, she pushed Duan Qing Chu away using all her strength. Her eyes reddened in an instant as tears suddenly burst out.

Duan Qing Chu panicked. The lust faded from his body, and he immediately became sober. Just now, what did he do?

He quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I..."

This was the first time Duan Qing Chu was so at a loss. It wasn't that he had never seen a woman cry before, it's just that Jiang Xun's tears made him feel particularly distressed.

Jiang Xun's crying was quiet to the point where she made no sound. However, her eyes and nose turned red while her eyes teared up.

Duan Qing Chu reached out to wipe away Jiang Xun's tears, "Don't cry."

Jiang Xun shook her head without talking and stood up silently.

She bowed her head with a smile on her face. Her eyes flashed with excitement due to the surge of luck aura rushing through her body and warming her up.

System: "Duan Qing Chu's affection value for you has reached 80%. This rate of increasement is simply too amazing."

Duan Qing Chu couldn't see her face and thought she was still upset. Suddenly, he felt a strong urge to kiss away her tears, press her under his body as before and touch her to his heart's content. Still he was afraid that he would frighten her.

Jiang Xun rubbed her eyes. Then she glanced at Duan Qing Chu, "Why did you do that?"

At this time, the system hasn't left yet. Hearing this sentence, it couldn't help but quietly roast her, "Obviously, you were the one who was seducing him and now you're actually here playing the victim. Sure enough, you are a natural b**ch, six six six."

Duan Qing Chu held her hand, and inexperiencedly said, "Because I want to kiss you, I like you."

Jiang Xun was stunned. She didn't know what to do.