"I don't dare." Jiang Xun bowed her head to hide her expression.

The atmosphere became subtle. Although it was obviously serious, yet there was an ambiguous seed fermenting.

"Translate these, I'll need them today at three o'clock." Ling Kong Leng handed her a thick pile of documents classified by sticky notes, and then continued to flip through his files.

Jiang Xun took it over and skimmed it. It was all in German with quite some professional terms, which even she found obscure and difficult to understand. It seemed rather technical, so she also needed to research more information to translate it.

"Three o'clock this afternoon?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Ling Kong Leng said flatly without raising his head.

Jiang Xun pursed her lips, "No problem, I'll finish it as soon as possible."

"It must be given to me by three." Ling Kong Leng said in an irrefutable tone.

"I understand."

Ling Kong Leng stared into her eyes, "I read your resume and your previous translation works. I'm sure you can excel at this job, which was why I decided to hire you. Hopefully you can treat this job seriously."

This was the so-called domineering president who can stand without any backache?

Jiang Xun muttered internally: enjoy your president prestige while you still can now you haven't completely fallen yet. Once you become my faithful dog, I'm afraid there won't be another chance again.

She remained quiet. Then she nodded silent as she moved toward the sofa to sort out the documents.

"Wait a minute." Ling Kong Leng called to her.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xun looked back, puzzled.

"Work next to me, this computer is for you." Ling Kong Leng pointed to the other computer on his desk.

There were two desktop computers and a laptop on his oversized desk. Even if Jiang Xun occupied a corner, it wouldn't hinder him at all.

But why did he have to let her work right next to him? Jiang Xun couldn't help but ask him.

"The information is urgent, I need to immediately read whatever translation you have done." Ling Kong Leng looked at her, "Are there any more questions?"

Jiang Xun shook her head. She could only bring a chair over and sat down beside him, while Ling Kong Leng had stopped talking to her. He had turned his focus back to the files attentively and switched on the computer from time to time to check his emails as well as replying to all the emails in English. The speed which he types was exceptionally rapid like he was busy.

Jiang Xun's gaze fell on his fingers. The joints were distinct, slender and clean. It was rather pleasant to look at, causing Jiang Xun to remember the feeling of his fingers sliding on her body.

She only zoned out for a few seconds before retracting her gaze and earnestly translating the documents. She edited the translated part into a new document and printed it out to put aside for sorting.

Occasionally, Ling Kong Leng would pick up the translated documents and leaf through them. Ling Kong Leng did know German, although he wasn't proficient, he could still see that she translated well. The text was simple and unadorned along with being concise and clear. None of the professional terms were even off by a single word. It can be seen that she was extremely careful. Furthermore, looking at her translation speed, her efficiency was quite high too.

Ling Kong Leng watched her with appreciative eyes. There aren't many girls who had such a beautiful appearance and good family conditions, who were still willing to work this hard on their education. He has seen many outstanding women, let's first forget they weren't as beautiful as her. Just by her ability alone, she was enough to impress him.

Jiang Xun noticed Ling Kong Leng's gaze, however she didn't look up. Instead, she silently continued to work.

She was deeply aware that when she was serious and focused, she was much more attractive than usual.

After she was half-way done, she raised her head and flexed her fingers and shoulders. At this time, she inadvertently stretched out her hand to twirl the hair around her ears. Her fair wrists slightly brushed across her cheeks and her eyes were a little faraway, causing a moment of mysterious charm, especially when she glanced in Ling Kong Leng's direction. That starlight in her eye stole his soul. Although it was only a few seconds, it still left a profound mark in his heart.

"Are you tired?" Ling Kong Leng's tone was much softer than before.

"I'm alright."

Jiang Xun immediately sat upright when she saw him. She looked away, and returned her attention back to the documents. The allure just now felt like it was only his hallucinations, which made his longing for it increase.

Jiang Xun lowered her head and thought to herself, seducing people was truly as normal to her as breathing.


The original owner's professional ability indeed wasn't exaggerated. Although the documents were a little troublesome, Jiang Xun soon found her pace. Plus, her translation speed was decent. Since there was still an hour before three, she estimated she could be done by then.

However, at this time, Secretary Lin suddenly knocked on the door and came in.

"President Ling."

"What's the matter?"

"Just now Christian from Germany called and said he wants to start the video conference half an hour earlier. He has an emergency. If we can't accommodate, then he plans on rescheduling…..."

"This can't be delayed another day. Tell him, we can start in half an hour." Ling Kong Leng said solemnly.

Secretary Lin nodded and walked out.

Ling Kong Leng looked at Jiang Xun, "Did you hear that? Only half an hour remaining, can you finish it?"

Jiang Xun shook her head, "I can't finish the translation in half an hour. It'll take at least an hour. If all fails, can I find someone to help? For example, my classmates."

"No need, I'll do it. Give me half." Ling Kong Leng decided.

He already read the files he needed to look over. Because this video conference was vital for this cooperation, he must ensure everything was foolproof. The documents were recently sent and he wasn't satisfied with the translator he hired before, so it got passed to Jiang Xun. Who knew the meeting would be advanced again? He could only personally help.

Jiang Xun saw his serious expression and understood that this matter was probably critical, so she didn't dare to take it lightly. She quickly sorted out the rest of the documents, and divided a part of it to Ling Kong Leng, "Youdo this, leave the rest to me."

She gave Ling Kong a slightly easier part. Since it was more difficult to translate this for a non-German major, she decided to do more by herself.

Ling Kong Leng glanced at her, "Let's get started."


When the two of them worked together, their speed was indeed much faster, but half an hour was still pushing it. Once the time came, Ling Kong Leng opened the video on time, even though there was still a little bit not finished.

Ling Kong Leng fluently communicated with the other party in German. Jiang Xun took a peek and saw a dozen Germans sitting around a long conference table on the computer screen with at least a dozen pairs of eyes watching Ling Kong Leng.

Jiang Xun stepped aside to speed up the translation of the remaining pages, while Ling Kong Leng spoke to more than a dozen people alone with an undiminished momentum.

His eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts and his voice sounded magnetic, giving people a trustworthy feeling, but also full of appeal. Although he didn't smile, it didn't make people think he was aloof. It was like he was a completely different person than normal.

This made Jiang Xun's impression of him changed yet again, and her curiosity about him grew stronger. She wanted to explore all the other sides of him.

This kind of thinking is actually mutual, since the attraction between men and women almost all derives from this. When you are curious about the opposite sex and even want to know more about them, it often means that you care about him and want to obtain them.

While she was attracting Ling Kong Leng, she was also attracted to him.

This was such an allure the sons of supreme luck had that caused many women to fall in love with them. While the hearts of other women are sincere, only Jiang Xun has no sincerity. Instead, she had just a heart full of curiosity. Her sole purpose was to research men to see them and make them crazy for her.

At the same time she admired Ling Kong Leng, she didn't forget her job. Page after page of documents was translated and passed on to Ling Kong Leng, which he quickly scanned during the others' speech and reacted accordingly. The two cooperated very well. Finally half-way through the conference, Jiang Xun finished the translation of all the documents.

Ling Kong Leng also successfully clinched the project and scheduled a time to sign the contract.

After finishing the video call, Ling Kong Leng glanced at Jiang Xun, who had been standing beside him, "You were looking at me the entire time just now?"

Jiang Xun's eyes flashed with a guilty conscience. It was obviously a reaction to what he had said. In Ling Kong Leng's view, she was much cuter like this.

"I wasn't. Besides, you've been watching the screen, how could you see me watching you?" Jiang Xun refused to admit her actions.

"Because it reflects here, so I could see you." Ling Kong Leng gestured to the silver metal ornament next to the computer.

Jiang Xun frowned in annoyance.

Ling Kong Leng said in a very good mood, "I noticed that you have been watching me for quite a while, especially once you finished translating the documents."

Jiang Xun's cheeks flushed, "You saw wrong."

"Oh? Really? I recall there being a surveillance camera installed in my office, do I need to check the security footage?" Ling Kong Leng stared at her, not letting go of any expression on her face.

Jiang Xun anxiously objected, "No need."

When she finished speaking, she lowered her head and whispered, "I, I was watching you."

Ling Kong Leng narrowed his eyes as a dark light flashed in his profound eyes. He felt a faint heat through his body: how precious, I want to...

The author has something to say:

Jiang Xun: Don't you think I'm so lovable and want to do R18 things to me?

Ling Kong Leng: So lovable that I want to f*ck you