For a while, Ling Kong Leng watched her until her face turned boiling red. Then he said, "Alright, you worked hard just now. Now take a rest, Secretary Lin will take you to your work station."

Jiang Xun let out a sigh of relief as if she was granted an amnesty. She sorted out the materials on the table, and left after neatly organizing everything.

Secretary Lin took her to his office and arranged a seat for her. The desk had all the office necessities available and appeared extremely tidy. It was probably arranged before she came.

After Jiang Xun sat down, Secretary Lin gave her some materials to translate. This time it wasn't in German, but in English along with some French documents.

Jiang Xun scanned it through, it wasn't difficult, especially the pile of English. She could probably finish it all in one hour. To be both a qualified drama queen and vixen, of course her professional ability must also be top-notch. She didn't only rely on her beauty to attract men, her individual charm and other strengths needed to be enough to subdue men as well.

Jiang Xun thought about things as she did her work and time flew by quickly. She had just finished her work when it was time to get off work.

Jiang Xun glanced at her phone. There was a Wechat message from Duan Qing Chu on it. He invited her to have dinner with him tonight. She was about to reply when her phone rang.

It was an unknown number. She thought it was Ling Chen, so she directly hung up.

She typed "Sure, what are we eating?" in the WeChat dialog box, and was about to click send when the landline on her desk suddenly rang.

Jiang Xun could only put down her phone and quickly picked it up.

Ling Kong Leng's low voice came from the handset, "Why did you hang up just now?"

"Huh?" Jiang Xun was taken aback, "You made the call?"

Ling Kong Leng was silent for a moment and then said, "Come here for a second."

Jiang Xun looked at the time and wanted to say she was off work now, but still didn't say anything in the end.


After thinking about it, she didn't immediately reply to Duan Qing Chu. Who knows what tricks the domineering president would pull out?

When she pushed open the door of the President's Office and Ling Kong Leng saw her, he asked, "Have you finished your work?"

"En, all done."

"Then let's go."

Ling Kong Leng stood up and headed toward the door.

Jiang Xun was stunned. What rhythm was this?

She remained in place as she asked suspiciously, "President Ling, where are we going?"

Ling Kong Leng looked at her, while he said flatly, "Out for a meal."

Jiang Xun glanced up at him in surprise, "Us?"

"En." Ling Kong Leng peered at her, "You did a decent job in the afternoon, I'll treat you to dinner."

Jiang Xun looked at him doubtfully and said a little awkwardly, "No need, it's only work."

"The restaurant has already been booked." Ling Kong Leng's face turned grim.

"But I have an appointment." Jiang Xun whispered.

"With Ling Chen?" Ling Kong Leng furrowed his brows.

"No." Jiang Xun shook her head, "It's a friend."

Ling Kong Leng stared at her without speaking and gave her a reply using his eyes.

Jiang Xun pursed her mouth and could only say, "Okay, I'll push it off."

"En." Ling Kong Leng never gave her an opportunity to refuse. Therefore when Jiang Xun said he would reject her appointment with others, he had no reaction, let alone being happy because of it. In his opinion, Jiang Xun definitely would have ended up having dinner with him.

He faintly ordered, "You, go downstairs and wait for me first."

This was exactly what Jiang Xun was praying for. She didn't want to head downstairs with him anyways. If everyone saw them walking together, they would definitely misunderstand about their relationship, especially her two classmates who passed the interview. She saw them in the dormitory group chat. There'll definitely be trouble if they knew.


When Jiang Xun was in the parking lot, she called Duan Qing Chu to say that she had something to do in the evening and would have dinner with him next time. Recently, Duan Qing Chu has been very busy, so it was hard to squeeze out some time today. Although he felt it was a pity, he didn't show it over the phone.

Jiang Xun could hear the regretfulness in his tone. She relaxed and told him she could eat with him tomorrow night.

As soon as she hung up the phone, she saw Ling Kong Leng the moment she looked up. He even changed into a black and white casual outfit as he walked toward her.

Without a suit, he appeared approximately twenty-six or even younger, even Jiang Xun couldn't believe he was almost forty years old. The main thing was that his appearance was too perfect and didn't have a single wrinkle on his face. Plus, his physique was exceptionally too. When wearing clothes, he appeared lean and when he didn't, he appeared even more impressive.

Jiang Xun seemed enthralled by him to the point where she didn't even blink her eyes. Her clear eyes just stared at him like a deer in a forest.

As Ling Kong Leng leisurely walked towards her and saw her staring at his face, he couldn't help but feel amused. As expected, any woman would like his face.

But for some reason, when Jiang Xun watched him like this, he didn't think she was as superficial as other women. Instead, he fell into a great mood. He even felt that she was different from the mass, even the distracted way she looked at him was rather cute.

"What's the matter?" Ling Kong Leng took out the car key and unlocked the car.

"Nothing." Jiang Xun regained her senses as if she had awakened from a dream. Afterwards, she looked away, a little bit embarrassed.

Ling Kong Leng gently curled his lips and opened the door to get into the car.

Jiang Xun was about to open the backseat door when she was stopped by Ling Kong Leng, "Sit up front."

She froze. Ling Kong Leng continued to add, "Help me navigate the route."

Jiang Xun let out an "Oh", and embarrassedly walked around to the other side to sit in the passenger seat.

Along the way, Jiang Xun completely played the role of GPS and realized that Ling Kong Leng was simply a road idiot. Every time they arrived at an intersection, she had to tell him to turn left or right. It didn't even help to tell him beforehand. However, he was a steady driver. Finally, the two arrived at the restaurant half an hour later.

Turns out, Ling Kong Leng did actually reserve a spot at the restaurant, and it was even the hardest Italian restaurant to reserve in the city. The original owner has never been here, but has heard that the Italian cuisine here was quite authentic and tasted delicious.

Ling Kong Leng seemed to frequent here often. As soon as he entered, he was recognized, and they were led upstairs.

Their seats were the best place by the window. The romantic candlelight and the music band playing created a good atmosphere. However, all the people here seem to be couples, which made Jiang Xun's expression become a little unnatural.

Ling Kong Leng handed her the menu, "Take a look and see what you want to eat."

Jiang Xun said, "President Ling should order instead, I'm not familiar with this store."

Ling Kong Leng thought for a while and said lightly, "En, do you have any dietary restrictions?"

"I have no restrictions."

"Then we'll just take the signature dishes here." Ling Kong Leng closed the menu and directly told their order to the waiter. Afterwards, he paused and thought for a while, "That'll be it. Also, open up a bottle of champagne."

"Do I have to drink?" Jiang Xun probed hesitantly.

"Just drink a little, the dishes here are perfect paired with champagne." Ling Kong Leng disregarded Jiang Xun's hesitation.

Jiang Xun also seemed accustomed to his overbearing behavior. After pouting her lips, she didn't say anything else.

While waiting for their orders, Jiang Xun felt Ling Kong was staring at her the entire time. She coughed unnaturally, and took a sip of water from the glass in front of her.

Her pretending to be calm appearance seemed extremely adorable to Ling Kong Leng. Therefore his gaze that stared at her became even more unscrupulous, causing Jiang Xun's face to gradually turn red.

"You seem to blush quite easily." Ling Kong Leng said in a great mood.

"Do I?" Jiang Xun took another sip of water.

"Want to see what you look like right now? You have 'sir, please take a taste' all over your face."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Jiang Xun bashfully turned away.

Ling Kong Leng laughed without speaking.

Jiang Xun lowered her head like she didn't want him to see her face.

At this time, the waiter came over with the appetizers and champagne before leaving.

Ling Kong Leng motioned her to taste the food.

Jiang Xun took a bite. Sure enough, it was very delicious. The amount was small, but it was appetizing, which made her look forward to the next dishes.

When Ling Kong Leng was eating, it seemed that he was upholding the rule of "no talking while eating." During this meal, the two of them ate both quietly and relaxedly.

Once done with the dessert, Jiang Xun wiped the corners of her mouth contentedly. Her mood became relieved as her expression also became pleased.

Suddenly, Ling Kong Leng said, "Be prepared for a business trip with me to France in a few days."

Jiang Xun no longer knows how many times Ling Kong Leng has surprised her today. Even though it was all pretend, she was still tired, okay? Jiang Xun dissed him internally, but still continued her performance.

"In the upcoming few days?"

"En, the ticket will be booked before tomorrow. Tomorrow Secretary Lin will tell you what to bring and handle the visa for you." Ling Kong Leng announced calmly.

"But, I was only just hired. Is this a bit sudden?" Jiang Xun stated.

"Nope. Didn't I tell you earlier today to be used to sudden business trips? You are my accompanying translator, you'll have to follow me wherever I go."

Jiang Xun's face turned grim as she remained silent.

Ling Kong Leng poured her a glass of wine, and then raised his glass to her.


Jiang Xun gritted his teeth and raised the glass in annoyance. She coughed after chugging the entire glass.

"This alcohol level isn't low." Seeing her drinking so urgently, Ling Kong Leng reminded her while frowning.

But it was too late.

Jiang Xun's physique was one that gets easily drunk. Of course, she only thought of it just now when she finished drinking.

As soon as she stood up after drinking, the alcohol got to her. This kind of person was commonly known as a lightweight.

However, even if she wasn't one naturally, she can still pretend to be so.

Ling Kong Leng didn't expect her to become dizzy with just one glass of wine. He was a little helpless and could only stretch out his hand to support her.

He also drank and couldn't drive, so he had instructed the chauffeur when he should pick them up. As he helped Jiang Xun downstairs, Jiang Xun leaned completely against him. With the familiar fragrance tickling the tip of his nose and the soft body in his arms, it reminded him of that night.

Ling Kong's eyes deepened. His Adam apple rolled, and the hand holding her tightened.

While Jiang Xun leaned on him, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if she had already anticipated that tonight wouldn't be calm.