After Ling Kong Leng helped her into the car, he directly embraced her in his arms.

Although Jiang Xun was physically drunk, her subconscious mind was completely conscious under the influence of the system. Therefore, her current appearance was entirely different from normal people when she was drunk. Her drunken state was much more alluring; her eyes were misty, her vermilion lips were slightly parted and the faint red clouds on her cheeks were simply inviting people to commit crimes.

Ling Kong Leng admitted although he wasn't a perverted old man, but nor was he some saint. If he still didn't have any reaction while holding onto such a femme fatale, then there must be a problem with some aspect of his body.

His expression remained calm and composed. However, if the chauffeur observed carefully through the rear view mirror, he'll find that Ling Kong Leng's hand was moving all over Jiang Xun's body.

Naturally, Jiang Xun let him act as he pleased. As she laid in his arms, it was relaxing and comfortable. She has been trying to find the most comfortable posture as soon as she got on the car. Now in this way, she lost the desire to move around. After all, she'll be able to eat that tasty delicacy later. Even though she filled up her physical body earlier, she still hasn't gotten mentally satisfied yet.

She was a little eager to move. Moreover when she did that, some luck aura would flow to her. Such a pure aura was extremely nourishing. After doing it with Ling Kong Leng last time, she found that her entire body became more beautiful and even the luster on her skin grew brighter.

She nibbled her lower lip and inadvertently let out a seductive breath. Ling Kong Leng's gaze grew unpredictable as his movement stopped for two seconds. Then he ordered the chauffeur, "Drive faster."

Jiang Xun pursed her mouth at the right time and said coyly, "Where are we going? I want to head back to the dorms."

"We're not going back to the dormitory." Ling Kong Leng's voice was still so gentle at this time.

For a split-second, the chauffeur froze and showed a surprised look before stepping on the accelerator and speeding up again.

Jiang Xun stretched out her hand to hit him, "Where are you taking me?"

Her voice made it even more unbearable for Ling Kong Leng. It was gentle like a pool of spring water and sweet like cotton candy, which was completely different from the way she usually behaved.

Furthermore at this time, she was like a powerless cat whose claws had been clipped. Although she kept beating him, she didn't have any strength behind it. Ling Kong Leng held her small hand and rubbed the top of her head with the other hand. He coaxed her, "Good girl."

Jiang Xun shook her head, "Don't touch me."

Ling Kong Leng replied, "Okay, behave."

Yet he had no intention of letting go of her.


When Jiang Xun woke up the next morning, her body was already cleaned and tidied up. However, the pain between her legs was unbearable, making it a struggle for her to get out of bed.

Her clothes have been changed too. Who knows when Ling Kong Leng bought this set of silk pajamas? When she wore it, her breasts were only partly covered, which revealed her well-endowed and sexy figure.

Jiang Xun didn't know whether she should laugh or be in tears. She didn't expect Ling Kong Leng would buy something like this to keep at home after that day. Maybe he bought it after she mocked him about it the previous time.

By the bed, there was a bright colored high-waisted A-line skirt. It was C Family's newest Autumn outfit. This attire was truly too young. It felt like the taste of a girl who has just entered her twenties.

Do all old men like girls to dress young and beautiful? The domineering president has a straight male taste, but it does please her.

Thinking that Ling Kong Leng had served her so earnestly and gave her more luck aura yesterday, she ignored her pain and quickly stood up. After she changed her clothes and checked herself out in the mirror.

She liked the enormous mirror in the wardrobe next to the master bedroom very much. Seeing herself in the mirror made her love this mirror more.

She was really a jade-like beauty. Her skin didn't have any blemishes on it and was as smooth as tofu. It was so fair and tender that even she couldn't help but touch herself again.

When Jiang Xun exited the bedroom, Ling Kong Leng wasn't there. There was only an auntie who came to clean up. The moment she saw Jiang Xun, she called out respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Ling has gone to the company first. He instructed me to make breakfast for you and to call him after you have eaten. Also, you don't have to go to work today, just make sure to take a good rest."

The auntie was quite savvy, and had no other meaning visible in eyes. Jiang Xun nodded with complex emotions on her face; surprise, sorrow and distressed all rolled into one. She uttered in low spirits, "Thank you, I understand."

This auntie would definitely describe what she looked like after waking up to Ling Kong Leng, and she was also willing to pretend for him.

Fortunately, the system told her there wasn't any camera in the room. Otherwise, she would have to act the moment she woke up, which would have been incredibly tiring. Early in the morning is the perfect time to let yourself just be you.

Once she freshened up, she ate breakfast under the presence of the auntie while pretending to be in a state of shock. Although she praised the food internally, outwardly she ate incredibly slowly and appeared as if she had no appetite. Seeing that, the auntie could picture how the evil domineering president forcefully obtained this beauty. Last night, he probably used his social status to threaten and cornered her into giving up her body, causing the beauty to be devastated. However, she's trying to pull herself together. Even though she had no appetite, she was making herself eat at least a few bites.

The auntie couldn't help but want to come forward to comfort her, yet she was afraid she might say the wrong thing and irritate her instead. Therefore, she could only watch her silently. Remembering Mr. Ling's questioning later, she'll definitely exaggerate how pitiful Miss Jiang seemed, so that Mr. Ling will cherish her even more.


Jiang Xun left after eating, and the chauffeur dropped her at the school dormitory.

She didn't call Ling Kong Leng. No way would she be taking the initiative. Although she was satisfied, he was the one who took advantage of her when she was drunk. Right now, she should be both upset and livid. In this situation, ignoring him is the correct response.

When Jiang Xun returned to the dorms, there was only one other dormmate inside as the other two were working at Ling Yuan.

This roommate was preparing for her postgraduate entrance examination and didn't want to snatch seats at the library, so she stayed at the dorms all day long to study. Seeing Jiang Xun coming back, she was rather surprised, "Aren't you supposed to be at work? Didn't you pass the interview yesterday?"

"I wasn't feeling well, so I came back to rest."

Indeed, Jiang Xun did seemed a little weak, but she also had the radiance of spring all over her body, which was strange.

"Then go sleep for a bit. Have you eaten breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine with some rest." She really needs to make up her sleep.

The dormmate said "Oh", and then continued reading. The dorm became nearly silent as she gradually drifted off the sleep again.

Jiang Xun managed to slept all the way until noon. She only woke up because she heard the sound of the door closing when the dormmate returned upstairs after picking up her takeout order.

This time, she slept exceptionally well. She got up, completely re-energized, and her pain also eased up some.

"You woke up? I bought something to eat, want some?" The dormmate lifted the takeout bag.

"No thanks, I need to go out for some business." Jiang Xun smiled.

Her brilliant and enchanting smile made the roommate stunned in amazement. After a few more seconds, Jiang Xun had already left the house with her purse.

The dormmate patted herself and lamented, "If I were a man, I would have pounced over right then."

As Jiang Xun went out, she called Duan Qing Chu and asked him where he was. He just happened to be at home, so Jiang Xun invited him out for lunch to conveniently brush up his affection level.

Duan Qing Chu's home was close to the school, and he arrived before long.

Jiang Xun then got into Duan Qing Chu's car. The two debated where to eat before finally deciding on Japanese food.

When they arrived at the restaurant, the business was busy and it happened to be lunchtime, so they had to wait. Since they both weren't hungry yet, they grabbed a waiting number by the door and sat outside, waiting.

Today, Duan Qing Chu was still as handsome as ever. Wherever they went, there would be girls secretly peeking at him. However after they saw Jiang Xun next to him, the infatuated expressions on their faces became disappointed.

When together, the two's rate of head turning was high. Even though they were only sitting at the entrance of the restaurant, many people still glanced back at them.

Yet the two of them handled the situation calmly and weren't affected at all, they were already used to it.

"You said you were going for an interview the other day, how was it?" Duan Qing Chu asked her.

"En, I started work yesterday. Because I worked overtime, the director let me take a day off today." Jiang Xun fluttered her eyes.

"Really, working overtime on the first day?" Duan Qing Chu was an artist and knew nothing about working, so he was just having a small talk with Jiang Xun. There was no other meaning behind his words.

Jiang Xun smiled, "Yeah, I'm an accompanying interpreter. I have to follow wherever the director goes, meaning I'll have to go on a business trip in a few days."

"Where to?"

"Abroad to France. I'm not sure when I'll come back, so I invited you out today." Jiang Xun sighed, "I also didn't expect for me to go on a business trip so soon."

Duan Qing Chu was a little bit disappointed, but because Jiang Xun wanted to see him before leaving, he got slightly comforted. Didn't this mean Jiang Xun actually cares about and misses him?

Complicated emotions flashed through his eyes, but he could only reassure Jiang Xun, "Just take it as vacation, the scenery there is breathtaking."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too." The expression on Jiang Xun's face is very vibrant. She was always so full of energy, like the warm sun in spring that brings him warmth.

She acts differently in front of him, Duan Qing Chu thought.

He had seen the way Jiang Xun got along with Ling Chen. She never acted this alive. If Ling Chen couldn't protect her and make her happy, let him be her knight and allow her to be a haughty little princess.

Duan Qing Chu said, "Can I call you when you're over there?"

"Of course you can, as long as you don't think the international fee is too expensive." Jiang Xun winked playfully.

"Where do you work at? I can shuttle you if I'm free." Duan Qing Chu offered.

"No need, I'm planning to purchase a car soon and drive myself." Jiang Xun replied, "In Ling Yuan Group."

"Ling Yuan?" Duan Qing Chu was a little surprised, "Ling Chen's father's company?"

"Well, yes, but Ling Chen doesn't know." Jiang Xun shrugged.

"Why would you work there?" Duan Qing Chu asked.

Jiang Xun had long prepared what to say beforehand, "My roommates helped me submit a resume with them, and I didn't expect to be picked. They all wanted to go, so I went with them. In the end, I got hired. Thinking it was just an internship for two months and it wasn't permanent, I decided to just go along with it. Plus, Ling Chen wouldn't go to Ling Yuan anyways. This has nothing to do with him."

Duan Qing Chu nodded, "I see." Indeed, Ling Chen had said he didn't want to inherit the family company and planned to start his own business.

At this time, the waiter came and brought them inside to their seats.

The two of them sat by the window and ordered a few dishes each. While they waited for the food to arrive, they talked and laughed.


Today, Jiang Ya was having lunch with a new group of friends. Ever since that banquet, her dormmates, Li You and Yang Yue'er, have ignored her. In a fit of anger, she broke off their relationship and made some new friends.

Now some of them said they heard that there was a particularly delicious Japanese restaurant here and wanted to try it, so they all came together.

Who knows they would have to wait? Jiang Ya hated waiting the most. It feels too embarrassing to sit at the door and was about to suggest going to another restaurant.

"Hey, is that Duan Qing Chu from our department!" A girl recognized Duan Qing Chu and exclaimed, thrilled.

Duan Qing Chu was her male god and she rarely saw him, so this girl was very worked up.

Jiang Ya furrowed her brows. In her impression, Duan Qing Chu was Ling Chen's good friend, so she immediately turned around to look.

Who knew Duan Qing Chu would be sitting across from Jiang Xun?

She was a little shocked, and suddenly recalled Jiang Xun also appeared with Duan Qing Chu at the banquet that day. The relationship between the two seemed unusual. Moreover, currently they were talking and laughing rather intimately.

Jiang Ya's new friends didn't know Jiang Xun. When they saw Jiang Xun sitting opposite of Duan Qing Chu, they all began discussing who she was.

"Is that Duan Qing Chu's girlfriend? She's so gorgeous."

The girl who liked Duan Qing Chu instantly stopped her, "Impossible, my male god is very aloof and has never been in a relationship. I already inquired about it."

"That doesn't mean he can't have a relationship now. Sigh, you should give up. That woman is way too stunning."

"Yeah, look at them. That look in their eyes, there's no way they're not a couple."