Jiang Ya listened to them gossiping and almost didn't react in time. My sister's with someone else?

Didn't she love Ling Chen ge ge? She has always been reluctant to let him go and acted like she was deeply in love with him. It turns out that she was only pretending! She just doesn't want her to be with Ling Chen ge ge?

Jiang Ya's face changed as she used her phone to take a bunch of photos from multiple angles.

"Jiang Ya, what are you doing?"

Jiang Ya, "Nothing, I'm sorry. It's just something suddenly came up. I'll be leaving first, you guys continue, my treat. Bye-bye."

The moment she stepped out, Jiang Ya called Ling Chen. However, Ling Chen didn't answer it. Jiang Ya wanted to smash her phone out of anger. Yet thinking about it again, she could only send Ling Chen a text that it was something related to Jiang Xun, something very important.

After a while, Ling Chen replied and asked her where she was.

Jiang Ya quickly said a location. She didn't plan on telling Ling Chen that Jiang Xun was here as well, in case Jiang Xun might explain herself later. What should she do if the two reconciled again... What if she misunderstood? Then it would do more harm than good.

Jiang Ya felt her reasoning was correct. Besides, if Jiang Xun makes a fuss, she might even be dragged in.

Therefore she made the appointment with Ling Chen somewhere else and took a taxi over.

About half an hour later, Ling Chen drove to the agreed place.

Jiang Ya habitually acted coy as soon as she saw him. She trotted over and held onto his arm, saying softly, "Ling Chen ge ge, you're finally here. I have been waiting for you for so long, have you eaten yet? I ordered us something to eat. "

Ling Chen appeared a little awkward. He wanted to break free from her, but she was holding too tightly onto him and looking at him with such an innocent expression.

"Waiting this long a while for you made me hungry."

Seeing her like this, Ling Chen already didn't feel she was cute. He only thought Jiang Xun broke up with him because of her. Now she was still pestering herself so much that Jiang Xun wasn't willing to talk to him or answer his calls.

This time, if she didn't say she had something important about Jiang Xun to tell him, he wouldn't have come.

"Didn't you say you have business with me?" Ling Chen pushed her hand away and sat down opposite her, with a very alienated tone.

Jiang Ya immediately pursued her mouth as she glanced at him pitifully, and said aggrieved, "Ling Chen ge ge, you have really changed! You weren't like this before. Did I do something wrong?"

Ling Chen didn't want to hear her say these things. He furrowed his brows in annoyance, "Don't do this, I still have business to do. Just cut straight to the point, what's wrong with Jiang Xun?"

Jiang Ya saw that he was only thinking about Jiang Xun and became livid. She snorted and grounded her teeth before taking out her phone from her bag and showing Ling Chen the photos she had just taken.

"My sister got together with Duan Qing Chu, I saw them dining together quite intimately."

Ling Chen exclaimed in disbelief, "Impossible."

However he still subconsciously took Jiang Ya's phone. When he saw the photos, his face changed.

He knew Duan Qing Chu and Jiang Xun like the back of his hand. Duan Qing Chu has never shown such an expression to any woman. His personality was one that was slow to warm up and slightly aloof. Even towards him, who has been friends with him for this many years, he still acts reserved. However, the Duan Qing Chu in the photo was watching and smiling at Jiang Xun with such a tender expression.

He couldn't even lie to himself that Duan Qing Chu didn't like Jiang Xun.

Especially when Jiang Xun was smiling so happily. So beautiful, but she was facing another man.

Ling Chen felt these photos were extremely conspicuous. His heart throbbed in pain as his face turned ugly.

Knowing that he believed her, Jiang Ya became secretly overjoyed. She added fuel to the fire, "In fact, that day my sister ran out, she never returned. I think she might be staying at Duan Qing Chu's house."

Ling Chen didn't speak. He continued to flip through the photos while his breathing became increasingly heavy. Currently, his mood was too complicated. He didn't expect Duan Qing Chu to be fascinated by Jiang Xun. What about Jiang Xun? Did she like Duan Qing Chu too?

When did this happen? He speculated it was probably that day's banquet. He was simply too negligent. Although he was skeptical at the time, he didn't think too much about it. He still firmly believed Jiang Xun loved him so much that she would never leave him no matter what.

Who knew Jiang Xun was actually hell-bent on breaking up with him? These past few days, she has been giving him the silent treatment.

All kinds of questions flashed in Ling Chen's mind, making him distraught. He didn't know what to do.

"I heard my mother say she already broke up with you, right? My sister isn't sincere towards you, I am the one who likes you the most..."

Yet Jiang Ya was still chattering excitedly. Finally Ling Chen couldn't help but roar, "You shut up!"

Jiang Ya was stunned. She froze for a moment, "What's wrong, did I say something wrong?"

Ling Chen didn't want to vent his anger on Jiang Ya either. However every time he saw her, it was hard not to think that she was the cause. If it weren't for her, Jiang Xun would never have broken up with him, nor would she get involved with Duan Qing Chu. They didn't have any previous interactions!

It was because that day, when he promised to accompany Jiang Ya to the banquet, everything changed.

He glared, "Even so, I still don't like you. I only love Jiang Xun."

After he spoke, he put down the phone and left. Jiang Ya hurried forward to chase him, but was stopped by the waiter at the door who asked her to pay the bill first.

When Jiang Ya hastily finished settling the bill, Ling Chen had already left in the car.

Jiang Ya stood on the side of the road. Her face pale as tears streamed down, "How could this be?"

"The only thing I did was liking you. Why are you like this? Is my sister that good? She already doesn't love you anymore..."


After Ling Chen got into the car, he called Duan Qing Chu, but Duan Qing Chu didn't answer. When he called again, it said the phone was currently busy, meaning the Do Not Disturb mode was probably turned on.

Ling Chen took a deep breath and slammed his hands on the steering wheel, making them red.

Ling Chen parked the car on some curb and didn't know where to go. His mind was too overwhelmed. He recalled his memories with Jiang Xun bit by bit as his heart felt like it was bleeding.

He couldn't let Jiang Xun just leave him like this.

He wants her to return to him. This time he will definitely cherish her!

When Ling Chen made up his mind, his eyes became firm. He restarted the car and drove to Duan Qing Chu's home.

He waited downstairs at Duan Qing Chu's house until seven o'clock in the evening before Duan Qing Chu finally came back.

When Duan Qing Chu saw the look in Ling Chen's eyes, he knew something was up.

Duan Qing Chu thought he also needed to talk to Ling Chen.

What's doom to come will always come.

"Let's head in first." Duan Qing Chu said.

They grew up together and have been brothers for so many years that they can understand each other with a single glance.

Ling Chen nodded. Although he was furious, he still resisted his urge to explode. He wanted Duan Qing Chu to give him a proper explanation.

The two entered the house and started negotiating frankly after sitting down.

"Are you with Jiang Xun?" Ling Chen took the initiative.

"No, how is it possible? She just broke up with you." Duan Qing Chu said lightly, "It's just my one sided love for her."

Ling Chen furrowed his brows. Although he didn't quite believe it, Duan Qing Chu's words still held some credibility. He sighed in relief and stated in a serious tone, "I didn't agree to break up, and I won't break up with her."

"No one can make the decision for her, she has already decided to end the relationship." Duan Qing Chu's eyes were clear. He stared at Ling Chen, and said with a little dissatisfaction, "What's more, you're the one who didn't cherish Jiang Xun nor did you treat her properly. Therefore she broke up with you. Yet now you want to coax her back."

"A friend's wife mustn't be coveted. If you still treat me as a friend, don't do this to me." Ling Chen's eyes became sharp.

"I will only treat Jiang Xun better. As for who she chooses, it's up to her. You shouldn't have come to me to talk about it. If you want to salvage the relationship, you should compensate the harm you caused to her." Duan Qing Chu wasn't moved.

A remorseful expression appeared on Ling Chen's face. He gritted his teeth, "I know, I will make her return to me."

However, Jiang Xun has been ignoring him. He didn't know how to tell her how much he regretted the way he treated her and how much he loved her.

"Right now, she's not living at Jiang's villa. Do you know where she is staying?" Ling Chen asked before leaving.

Duan Qing Chu replied, "You can ask her yourself."

Duan Qing Chu didn't know that Jiang Xun had blocked him. Ling Chen grounded his teeth while his chest became stuffy, but he still said, "I can't contact her at all."

Seeing him look so dejected, Duan Qing Chu was taken back for a second. As a friend, he felt uncomfortable, even though it had nothing to do with others that he liked Jiang Xun. But from a friend's perspective, he did indeed let Ling Chen down.

He hesitated. In the end, he told him, "Today, I heard Jiang Xun say she is working at Ling Yuan now."


Ling Chen drove home from Duan Qing Chu's place. He didn't see Ling Kong Leng when he arrived home. He suddenly remembered Ling Kong Leng hadn't been home for some time now. He had many properties around the city and often changed places to live.

He struggled for a while and ended up deciding to phone Ling Kong Leng.

The phone connected, but it was only answered a few minutes later.

Ling Kong Leng's voice came from the other end, "What's the matter?"

Ling Chen opened his mouth, a little nervous, "Dad."

"Just say it, what do you need?" Ling Kong Leng's voice was emotionless and held no warmth.

"I have something to tell you. Last time you said you wanted to see my girlfriend."

"En? What about it?" His tone changed a little.

"She's working in Ling Yuan now. Her name is Jiang Xun, do you remember..."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Kong Leng interrupted him, "En, I already seen her. What do you want to say?"

"Ah? You already seen her?" Ling Chen didn't expect Jiang Xun to have met his father.

He thought about it, "Dad, what do you think of her?"

Ling Kong Leng was silent for a moment, "Not bad."

His tone seemed to contain hints of a smile, making Ling Chen suspect he was hearing things.

For a while, Ling Chen brewed his emotions until he finally said, "Dad, I want to be engaged to her. Will you agree?"

The author has something to say:

​Ling Chen: Dad, let me tell you, you are about to get a daughter-in-law.

Ling Kong Leng: Son, let dad tell you, you already have a mother.