To begin with, Ling Chen felt awkward when he saw the Jiang parents. However, hearing Father Jiang's words only made him feel even more awkward.

He answered, "No."

Father Jiang uttered disappointedly, "Then you're here to…?"

Jiang Ya hurriedly asked, "Have you seen my sister or brother-in-law? My sister just got married, did you know that?"

Seeing Jiang Ya this anxious to tell Ling Chen that Jiang Xun was married, the Jiang parents both looked at her disapprovingly. But since she already said it, there isn't much they can do. Not to mention, he'll hear it sooner or later.

Ling Chen's face turned ugly after listening to Jiang Ya's words, but he wasn't surprised at all. Clearly, he knew about it.

Then what does he plan to do, coming here?

Father Jiang was a little expectant. If Ling Chen was here to retain Jiang Xun, later he'll make Jiang Xun divorce and get together with Ling Chen no matter what. As for Jiang Ya, he won't let her cause trouble again.

"When Jiang Xun arrives, you guys will see." Ling Chen Leng said faintly.

He shouldn't have come so early. Jiang Xun hasn't even arrived yet.

Ling Kong Leng froze all his cards. Fortunately, he still had some cash on hand and a little more than 100,000 in WeChat red envelopes, or else he didn't know how he would make it through these few days.

"What do you mean?" Father Jiang asked impatiently.

Jiang Ya and Jiang Mu also didn't understand what it meant, and both looked at Ling Chen blankly.

At this time, the door was finally pushed open again.

When Jiang Xun walked in hugging Ling Kong Leng's arm, everyone's eyes first fell on Ling Kong Leng's face. After a long pause, they slowly shifted over and stared at the arm held by Jiang Xun.

This man is Jiang Xun's new husband? It seemed like Jiang Xun didn't just randomly pick a man to marry as they thought. This man was not only outstanding in appearance, but also had an extraordinary temperament. They could tell he came from at least a decent family background.

"Dad, Mom." Jiang Xun smiled.

Today, she was also dressed up today. Dressing in the same white like Ling Kong Leng, when the two of them walked together, they seemed like a pair made in heaven.

Jiang Ya glanced at the radiant Jiang Xun, a little jealous.

Jiang Xun said, "What are you all doing while standing? Let's sit down."

"Xiao Xun, you're here." Father Jiang and Mother Jiang sat down as they carefully observed Ling Kong Leng.

"En, this is Ling Kong Leng, my husband." Jiang Xun introduced him with a smile.

"Ling?" Jiang Ya's eyes looked back and forth between the faces of Ling Kong Leng and Ling Chen. Suddenly, she felt they appeared very similar, their facial features were basically the same. Ling Kong Leng almost seemed like Ling Chen a few years down the road, only more mature and imposing.

"Kong Leng, this is my dad, my mother, and this is my sister, Jiang Ya." Jiang Xun continued to introduce them to Ling Kong Leng.

Ling Kong Leng nodded and gave an appropriate smile. "Nice to meet you both."

When Father Jiang saw Ling Kong Leng, the tension in his heart relaxed a lot. The more he looked at his mature and steady appearance, the more satisfied he felt. But why did Ling Chen appear so similar to him? Moreover, Ling Chen's appearance must have a reason. Yet he never heard Ling Chen has an older brother before.

Father Jiang wanted to ask, but didn't know how to politely phrase it.

"Brother-in-law, you look a lot like Brother Ling Chen. Are you guys cousins?" Jiang Ya didn't worry as much as him. She always says whatever comes to mind.

"No." Ling Kong Leng's gaze fell on her face. That slight glance over made Jiang Ya feel Ling Kong's had dropped a pan of cold water on her.

"Then...you guys are?" Jiang Ya asked, not giving up.

"He's my dad." Ling Chen suddenly said with a leer.

His tone was bitter, mocking and unwilling.


Not only Jiang Ya, but the Jiang parents also revealed a shocked expression.

"Ling Chen is indeed my dog. Thus, I had him come too when the two families decided to meet today, so everyone could be reacquainted with him." Ling Kong Leng explained.

"How is that possible?" Jiang Ya was stunned.

The Jiang parents also had a frightened expression.

Seeing them like this, internally Jiang Xun was beaming. However, outwardly she still had to pretend to be calm.

"Ling Chen ge ge?" Jiang Ya looked at Ling Chen, not knowing what she was going to say.

Ling Kong Leng stared at Jiang Ya and nonchalantly stated. "In law, Ling Chen is your nephew. Therefore you should stop addressing him as ge ge, since you're messing up the seniority."

Jiang Xun wanted to laugh, but she only expressed an awkward expression as she nodded, "Ya Ya, your brother-in-law is right."

Jiang Ya's face seemed like someone shoved a dead fly into her mouth. When she looked at Ling Chen and then at Jiang Xun, she suddenly became flustered.

"You're Ling Chen's father?" Father Jiang felt like he was dreaming when he said this.

How could something be ridiculous?

Her daughter married the father of her ex-boyfriend, while his son-in-law he favored will soon become his grandson?

What the hell is this?

Father Jiang couldn't accept it in such a short amount of time.

Ling Kong Leng nodded, "Yes, is there any problem?"

Because Ling Kong Leng's aura was too strong, Father Jiang felt subservient to him and didn't even dare to speak loudly in front of him.

"Since everyone is probably hungry, I'll have the waiter serve the food." Jiang Xun said.

At a time like this, who still has the appetite to eat?

Father Jiang and Mother Jiang looked at each other, while Jiang Ya was still immersed in shock. Ling Chen's face was gloomy, whereas Leng Kong Leng's face was unreadable. Out of everyone, only Jiang Xun's expression was the most normal.

For the other three in the Jiang family, this meal was extremely tormenting. However, the Jiang parents were also relieved: Jiang Xun didn't just find a random man, but instead married a better man than Ling Chen. Although his age was on the higher side, he was superior to Ling Chen in every other aspect.

Ling Chen is a rich second generation, while Ling Kong Leng himself was the president and all of the Ling family's companies belonged to him.

Ling Chen was still a student and Ling Kong Leng had already entered his thirties, making him more mature and dependable. In addition, Ling Kong Leng was the most powerful person in the Ling family. Jiang Xun would not have to worry about her future life if she married him.

After the Jiang parents thought it through, they gradually accepted the reality of this all. At the end of the day, what's done was done and Jiang Xun didn't seem to be unhappy either.

In this case, they had nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Nonetheless, Jiang Ya's thoughts were different. She wanted to marry Ling Chen. Originally when she heard Jiang Xun had married Ling Chen's father, she had no other thoughts other than shock. Nonetheless, Ling Kong Leng reminded her Ling Chen was now her nephew and made her change the way she addressed him, making her entire person unwell.

What nephew, how could her Ling Chen ge ge become her nephew?

Moreover, if she marries Ling Chen, wouldn't she have to call Jiang Xun Mother?

The more Jiang Ya thought about it, the more she felt that this was Jiang Xun's revenge against her. How could she treat her like this?


After the dinner, Jiang Xun asked the waiter to serve the dessert.

All the dishes on the table were removed, and a plate of dessert was placed in front of everyone as well as some fruit platters.

By this time, the Jiang parents had already composed themselves and were asking Jiang Xun questions such as when they were going to hold the wedding and which relatives to invite.

Jiang Ya noticed that although Ling Chen was silently sitting on the side, his eyes had never left Jiang Xun and didn't even look at her once.

Jiang Ya was extremely uncomfortable. She was willing to give everything for Ling Chen, yet why did Jiang Xun want to stop her like this? Jiang Xun clearly didn't love Ling Chen since she was being ambiguous with Duan Qing Chu before. Now she's actually married to Ling Chen's father just to make Ling Chen and her suffer by preventing them from being together.

Jiang Ya gritted her teeth and impulsively blurted out, "Sister, how did you meet Brother-in-law? Did Ling Chen introduce you to him? Doesn't Brother-in-law mind the previous relationship between you and Ling Chen?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the atmosphere in the room became strange.

Father Jiang's face lost color as he didn't expect Jiang Ya to make a commotion again. He exclaimed, "Jiang Ya, do you know what you are talking about? Shut up."

"It's not like I'm wrong. Elder Sister only just broke up with Ling Chen ge ge, how can she marry Brother Ling Chen's father? Don't you think that's strange?" Jiang Ya exclaimed angrily, her eyes full of accusations and dissatisfaction.

Compared with Jiang Ya's loss of control, Jiang Xun seemed way too calm. She didn't get aggravated because of her words. Instead, she glanced at Ling Kong Leng, showing a helpless look.

"Dad and Mom, Elder Sister did this on purpose. She just didn't want me to be with Ling Chen. She's simply too much, I am her sister, how could she..." As Jiang Ya continued, tears fell down her face.

Suddenly, Ling Chen stood up. He had enough and interrupted Jiang Ya, "Jiang Ya, I will tell you one last time: with or without Jiang Xun's existence, I am not interested in you. You can't even compare with a single finger of hers. In the future, I don't want to see you ever again. Take it as if I'm begging you, don't show up in my life anymore, do you understand?"

Jiang Ya wailed and said in disbelief, "You're lying to me!"

Ling Chen sneered and ignored her. Instead, he turned toward Jiang Xun and Ling Kong Leng. "Jiang Xun, even if you marry my dad, my heart for you remains the same. I still love you."

Father Jiang and Mother Jiang were dumbfounded, while Jiang Ya swept the objects on the table in front of her on the ground, "Why?"

When finished speaking, Ling Chen left without looking at her.

Jiang Ya wanted to chase after him, but was pulled back by Mother Jiang.

Jiang Ya vigorously struggled, "Mom, you let me go, I have to get this straight."

Father Jiang was so furious that he slapped Jiang Ya's face.

With a "whack", a red handprint appeared on her face.

Smacked into stupefaction, Jiang Ya covered her face and stared at Father Jiang in disbelief.

Ling Kong Leng peered at them faintly, "Father-in-law and Mother-in-law, it seems that the level of teaching your daughter isn't stable. I'll be leaving with Jiang Xun first."

With sweat dripping down his forehead, Father Jiang attempted to recollect himself and nodded. "You guys go first. I'll properly discipline your sister well and won't let her cause you both trouble again."

Before Jiang Xun exited the private room, Mother Jiang abruptly stopped Jiang Xun. "Xiao Xun, before the wedding happens, how about you move back home?"

Jiang Xun glanced back at them, "I'll come back and visit you often with Kong Leng."

The Jiang parents revealed a disappointed expression and sighed, "That's fine too."

They could only find a way to make up what they owe Jiang Xun later on.

The author has something to say:

Jiang Ya: Elder Sister, I truly love Ling Chen. Please help me fulfill this wish.

Jiang Xun: Younger Sister ah, but if you marry him, you'll have to call me, Mother.

Jiang Ya (humiliated): As long as I can be with him, I am willing to do whatever I need…Mother

Jiang Xun (shaking her head): You're not worthy of my son. Tell me, how can I stop you from pestering him? Name a price, my husband has plenty of money.