After Ling Chen left the hotel, he went to a bar. He was so drunk that in the end he had to be picked up by Duan Qing Chu.

Ling Chen was muddle-minded from drinking, yet he kept calling Jiang Xun's name. There were tears in his eyes making him seem pitiful. He hugged Duan Qing Chu and sobbed, "Jiang Xun, don't leave me. I love you."

Seeing him like this, Duan Qing Chu also sympathized with him. However, he was no better than Ling Chen. Both were unable to obtain the one they love.

Duan Qing Chu supported him, "Ling Chen, sober up, Jiang Xun is already married."

"No, she hasn't. She still loves me, she can't get married. She won't marry my dad..."

Duan Qing Chu sighed as he helped him into the room. He wiped his face and laid him down on the bed before leaving.

As Ling Chen lay down and fell asleep, he had a dream.

In his dream, Jiang Xun kept loving him and never got involved with his father yet he gradually fell in love with the innocent and lovely Jiang Ya.

Although Jiang Ya kept pestering him, he also didn't refuse her advances. During his relationship with Jiang Ya, the balance in his heart increasingly tilted towards Jiang Ya to the point that he even felt Jiang Xun wasn't as cute as Jiang Ya.

When he was wavering between the two and didn't know who to choose, Jiang Ya committed suicide to convince Jiang Xun to let be together. Shocked by Jiang Ya's love for him, he decided to break up with Jiang Xun.

Seeing himself actually do such a thing in his dream, Ling Chen felt incredible.

Will he really take the initiative to abandon Jiang Xun? He couldn't help asking this question in his heart.

Although he had realized that he was dreaming, he couldn't wake up and the dream continued.

In the dream, Jiang Xun was crying from her heartbrokenness. Nonetheless, he only apologized to her and went to the sick ward to accompany Jiang Ya.

Eventually, he married Jiang Ya and invited Jiang Xun, but Jiang Xun didn't come. When they were holding the wedding, she packed up and left, never to come back again.

After their marriage, he and Jiang Ya didn't get along well. Jiang Ya's personality wasn't suitable for him at all. In the first two years, the two only had small quarrels and Jiang Ya didn't go too far. However, afterwards, as his company gradually blew up, he became increasingly busy. Then, Jiang Ya began to keep a strict control over him and was paranoid all day long. She would often come to the company to check in on him. No matter what he was doing, she had to see him. Due to that, he lost a few business deals, which made him miserable.

As soon as he resists the slightest, Jiang Ya would throw a tantrum or repeat the same trick, using her death to threaten him.

Ling Chen finally couldn't stand it and wanted to divorce her. Who knew Jiang Ya would actually commit suicide? She overdosed on sleeping pills and was barely revived back, so he didn't dare mention the divorce ever again.

In the end, he lived in pain all his life. Although he reached the peak of his career, he wasn't happy at all.


After Ling Chen woke up, he clutched his head, tears already filled his face.

This dream was too real as if it really did happen. When he thought of Jiang Xun being hurt by him in the dream, his original resentment against Jiang Xun was now replaced by regret and guilt.

He believed if Jiang Xun didn't take the initiative to break up with him, maybe the things in the dream would really happen.

His splitting headache was the result of a hangover, while his bleeding heart was something he deserved.

Ling Chen sent a long text message to Jiang Xun and Duan Qing Chu respectively before he left with some packed clothes.

When Jiang Xun received the text message, the system reminded her, "Ling Chen's favorability score has exceeded 90 and his regret for you has reached the original owner's request. He has already left."

Jiang Xun was stunned, then she opened the text message to check.

There was nothing in Ling Chen's text messages that Jiang Xun was interested in, because it was all about his remorse and confession of love.

Jiang Xun shook her head, these words didn't mean anything to her. But if the original owner saw it, she might feel a little more comforting, which was also her goal.

"This journey is about to end again." Jiang Xun sighed ruefully, "It's starting to become boring again, I want some more exciting and difficult missions."

This was also the system's first time to have encountered a person with such a strong professional ability like Jiang Xun. It heard from other systems that most hosts have to stay in a world for several years to complete the mission, and there are also those who have to stay for more than ten years. Who could be like her, completing a mission in just a few months and even complaining that it is boring?

For its own merits, the system had no choice but to coax her, "Don't worry, in the next world, I will choose a more exciting one for you."

"I'm looking forward to it." Jiang Xun pursed her lips and smiled.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she criticized, "Right now, my appearance is barely satisfying. However, it's not enough. I need more luck and more challenging superb-quality lucky sons of Heaven."

"But aren't you satisfied with this time's Ling Kong Leng?" The system asked, confused.

"He's okay. I am satisfied, but the grass is always greener on the other side. Once I obtain something, I won't cherish it anymore. Ay… … I'm also very distressed by this." Jiang Xun smiled charmingly, however she didn't look distressed at all.

"Alright, I see." The system was unable to complain and could only leave silently. It wanted to ask and learn from the other systems about how to deal with such a host.


After Ling Chen left, Jiang Xun told them about this when the Jiang parents called.

As a result, the next day, Father and Mother Jiang called in the middle of the night, saying that because of Ling Chen's departure, Jiang Ya couldn't stand the blow and cut her wrist to commit suicide. She is currently in the hospital as of now.

When she heard it, she thought it was ridiculous. This Jiang Ya really doesn't just have a regular obsession with Ling Chen.

She didn't go to the hospital and said if she better not visit, or else Jiang Ya might be aggravated once she saw her.

Although the Jiang parents were sad, they had to admit what she said was reasonable and agreed with her.

After Jiang Ya was rescued, she stayed in the hospital for a few days before being discharged.

Jiang Ya asked the Jiang parents to call and tell Jiang Xun that she had thought things through and wanted Jiang Xun to forgive her. Jiang Xun told them, "It's impossible to forgive her, but only because she is my sister, I let this slide. Some things can never be forgotten in a lifetime."

The Jiang parents had turned on the speaker, so when Jiang Ya heard Jiang Xun's words, she burst out crying.

Hearing her cry, Jiang Xun acted like she hadn't heard and coolly said, "Mom Dad, if there's nothing, I'll hang up first. I still have something to do on my side."

The Jiang parents looked at each other and saw the sadness, helplessness and regret on the other's face.

"Ay, then alright. Xiao Xun, take care of yourself."

Looking at Jiang Ya who was crying, the Jiang parents couldn't offer a single word of comfort.


Jiang Xun didn't have to worry about planning the wedding, everything was arranged by people who Ling Kong Leng hired. The professional wedding company has an entire team to help them plan the entire wedding process.

All Jiang Xun had to do was to pick out what she's satisfied with from their plan. Her mission has already been completed, and the reason for staying in this world was the same as before. She wanted to leave at the most appropriate time to give this world a perfect ending.

Jiang Xun sought out Duan Qing Chu and asked him to be her best man. Although Duan Qing Chu was surprised, he agreed without hesitation.

He wants to see Jiang Xun wearing a wedding dress and becoming the most beautiful and happiest person in the world. Even if that lucky man isn't him, being able to accompany her to experience the most important day in her life was enough to satisfy him.

After Ling Kong Leng learned about this, he interrogated Jiang Xun about her relationship with Duan Qing Chu and put on the appearance that he wouldn't easily spare her if she couldn't name a reason to his satisfaction.

Jiang Xun only responded with "we're just friends" and left it at that. Ling Kong Leng also couldn't do anything to her.

You must know that ever since they got married, Ling Kong Leng hasn't really lost his temper in front of her. Often when he gets angry, Jiang Xun will just give him the silent treatment. Ling Kong Leng realized that he was never able to bear it out longer than Jiang Xun. She could ignore him for multiple days and be fine, whereas his mind was filled with thoughts of her all the time.

Ling Kong Leng felt that he was really getting old. That's why after he met Jiang Xun, he married her that impulsively when in reality all he wanted was to settle down.

Everyone was shocked when they knew he was going to marry Jiang Xun. Most people thought he would never marry in his life, because he appeared too aloof. Even though there was no shortage of women around him, he acted like an ascetic monk. No one thought he would marry a dainty little wife.

It wasn't until they saw how Ling Kong Leng and Jiang Xun interacted that they couldn't help but lament that everything has its vanquisher.

A month later, Ling Kong Leng and Jiang Xun held a grand and luxurious wedding in a traditional castle in England.

Not many people came to the wedding, those who came were all relatives or friends.

Jiang Xun clutched Father Jiang's arm and held a bouquet in her hand as she slowly walked towards Ling Kong Leng, who looked at her from a distance with gentle eyes.

Accompanied by the sweet music, Jiang Xun was faintly looking forward to it. This moment has finally come.

Father Jiang placed her hand in Ling Kong Leng's hand and the two swear their oath in front of the priest.

Ling Kong Leng firmly stared at her and uttered the three words that he had never said in his life, "I love you."

When it was Jiang Xun's turn, Jiang Xun batted her eyes at Ling Kong Leng as she silently whispered internally: "Time to leave."

The system was prepared long ago and had just been waiting for her signal.

"Please wait, this world has already been frozen. The mission's completion is undergoing detection..."

"Congratulations on your successful and fast completion of the mission. The system is currently evaluating..."

"Achieving title: Attracting Bees and Butterflies, Title Ability: You'll accidentally get an opportunity to be alone with the target."

"This world will stop at this moment, your soul is currently being teleported to the next world..."


"Jiang Xun, who do you like? I saw you've been staring at Gu Li just now, do you like him?"

As soon as Jiang Xun entered her new body, she heard a gentle voice and subconsciously looked at the person next to her.

The one speaking was a beautiful looking mature elder sister with black long hair and a tender smile. She was the type that left a good impression on people at first sight.

As Jiang Xun slowly merged with the memory of the original owner, she looked at her and bashfully smiled, "I don't know, we've only met two days ago."

Black Long Hair froze and then said, "Haha, you this silly girl, we're participating in a dating reality show. Things won't work if the tempo's too slow. Everyone already has someone they like."

Jiang Xun shook her head, "But I really don't have one."

Black Long Hair paused. However, she still smiled gently, "Alright, when you are sure, you can tell me, I can help you."

Black Long Hair winked at her.

Jiang Xun let out an "en".

"Then I'll go back to my room first."

"Okay." Jiang Xun softly nodded.

When Black Long Hair walked far into the distance, she still didn't relax and remained looking like an obedient lady.

Because there were surveillance heads everywhere, her every move and even every expression will be exposed in front of the camera.

She glanced at the sky. The sun had gone down and the clouds on the horizon were dyed a dazzling orange-red.

Quietly, she observed the view while displaying her most beautiful side in front of the camera before slowly walking back to her room.

When she first entered this body, she retained a part of her memory. Therefore at first glance, she recognized the woman who had just spoken to her was named Bai Ran. She was a female guest on this show just like her.

"Amor, Who's the Lying Wolf?" is a large-scale reality TV dating show. Four young women and four young men were put in a villa arranged by the program crew. For the next three months, they will interact and have dates to find each other's favorite partner. However among the four men, there may be one or more liars. He will conceal his true identity to deceive the women's feelings. If a woman falls in love with him, then she is destined to be hurt.

When Jiang Xun entered the room, the first thing she did was to look in the mirror. This isn't something that'll change anymore, her appearance was what she cared about the most.

The moment she walked into the bathroom and saw herself in the mirror, she smiled.

There was no camera here, so her expression won't be seen.

This time her appearance was completely different from before. Although she was still beautiful, this time she had an otherworldly beauty air to her.

Her eyebrows were refined, giving off a hint of feminine charm and her eyes were big with a slight airiness. Whenever they spaced out, it gave people an elegant and ethereal feeling.

Her skin was fair and smooth, which seemed like it could be broken by blowing on it like an infant. However, because of the lack of some color, she appeared a little pale. Her smooth and long neck made her look more graceful.

In short, Jiang Xun was satisfied with her appearance this time. She was always regarded as a vixen because she was too alluring. This time, she was pleasantly surprised with this ethereally beautiful face.

With such a look, she would be happier doing this mission.

Then, Jiang Xun composed herself to receive all the memories. Soon, she opened her eyes again with a faint sneer at the corner of her mouth.

What happened to the original owner this time was really disheartening.

The original owner is 23 years old this year. After graduation, she opened up a flower shop. Due to photos taken of her in the flower shop arranging flowers being posted on the Internet, she blew up on the web. However, her personality was laid back and disliked conflicts. She was an obedient girl who liked to read and write, because her parents died earlier, so she was brought up by her grandfather. Last year, she became an orphan when her grandfather passed away and now lives by herself.

This time she came to participate in the show because the show crew moved her with their relentless invitations. Besides, she really wanted to change her monotone life and was also eager to find a person she likes.

Yet she didn't expect that this show would change her life completely. Not only did it shattered her heart, it also caused her to suffer from online violence, forcing her to finally choose to commit suicide to end her life.

The author has something to say:

Ling Chen: Xiao Xun, because I've wronged you, I'll be leaving...

Jiang Xun: Son, I still need a flower child for Mother's wedding. Would you like to come back?