"By the way, I forgot to ask, is there a superb quality lucky son of the Heavens in this world?" Jiang Xun almost forgot the most important thing.

"Yes, it is estimated that you'll meet him soon." The system said.

"Is he one of the male guests? Gu Li?" Jiang Xun's eyes lit up.

"No, you'll find out later." After the system finished speaking, it fell silent.

Jiang Xun liked surprises and mystery, so she didn't ask too much either.

The door to her room was knocked and Bai Ran could be heard outside the door, "Xiao Xun, I'm going to prepare dinner. Today's task is for us to prepare dinner together. Do you want me to wait for you?"

"No need, you can go first, I'll come right away." Jiang Xun replied.

Bai Ran said, "Then I'll go first."


Jiang Xun's tone wasn't affectionate, which Bai Ran felt was a little strange. After thinking about it, she still left.

Everyone's room wasn't that spacious. Within each were a white 1.5-meter bed, a double-door wardrobe and a small table. On the floor was a fluffy carpet, which made it seem extremely cozy. Beside the bed was a full-length mirror. Jiang Xun looked at the clothes she was wearing and hesitated. She opened the closet to see it full of ordinary sweaters and coats. It seemed that there were fewer skirts and the pants didn't show off her shape. Jiang Xun held her forehead and sighed, thinking a shopping trip was much needed. She recalled there was an opportunity to go shopping tomorrow.

In the end, Jiang Xun chose a slightly oversized turmeric sweater to change into. The reason she chose this one was because it made her skin appear more fair, giving people a very mellow feeling. Moreover, the collar was a v-neck, which revealed a little collarbone. The sleeves aren't too tight either. With a slight movement, her slim wrist could be seen. The original owner's appearance could easily arouse people's protective desire and possessiveness, but she has never made good use of it. Instead, this advantage has become a key reason for others to criticize her.

For her lower body, she wore pants, which is not very fitting. Fortunately, her legs are long and thin, so it still looked good on her.

As soon as Jiang Xun opened the door and headed out, she ran into Zhao Wen Yin. Zhao Wen Yin furrowed her brows when she saw her. She didn't want to acknowledge her and was about to walk around her.

"Are you heading downstairs, let's go together?" Jiang Xun invited kindly.

Zhao Wen Yin was stunned. This is the first time Jiang Xun took the initiative to speak to her. Although Jiang Xun still appeared as aloof as the previous two days, the feeling she gave others has changed. Her gaze contained an indescribable kind of softness.

Nonetheless, Zhao Wen Yin thought of what Bai Ran had just told her. She pursed her lips and arrogantly replied "No."

Jiang Xun nodded, "Alright."

She stepped back and made room for Zhao Wen Yin to pass first.

Zhao Wen Yin felt uncomfortable glancing at her indifferent appearance.

"Hmph, let me tell you, Gu Li is mine. Don't even think of snatching him away." Zhao Wen Yin accidentally spilled her true thoughts.

"I don't want to snatch Gu Li, do you like Gu Li?"

Jiang Xun stared at her with no expression, but her eyes were clean and she didn't look like she was lying at all.

Zhao Wen Yin was stupefied. She hesitated a little, but quickly recovered, "Liar, you obviously like Gu Li. I can see how your eyes are always on him, and Bai Ran… …"

As she continued talking, Zhao Wen Yin trailed off in the middle before glaring at her and sashaying away on high heels.

Jiang Xun watched her leave and said in a daze, "Have I been misunderstood?"


Her expression looked naturally dense, contrasting with her serene face. This scene was directly transmitted to the display in the computer room through the camera lens.

When she appeared on the first day, all the staff would be stunned when they saw her face. Now, although they were already immune to seeing her every day, they are still captivated by her beauty.

Everyone discussed,

Staff A: "Jiang Xun seems to be a little different from the previous two days."

Staff B: "En, it does feel that way. Is it because she's been shunned by the other girls and she wants to fix that?"

Staff A: "But she found the wrong person. Zhao Wen Yin's aiming for Gu Li and thinks that Jiang Xun also likes Gu Li, why would she be nice?"

Staff C: "However, does Jiang Xun like Gu Li?"

Staff A: "I feel like she does, yet also doesn't."

"What nonsense are you guys talking about? Where's the second machine? Why isn't it following Zhao Wen Yin? Is there anyone that can answer me? Have you guys been eating (beep)?" Qi Yi's voice exploded in the ears of all the staff.

Everyone shuddered and prayed for the person holding the No. 2 unit.

Qi Yi, the initiator of this show, is also the investor and producer. He not only decides the topic of the show, but also supervises the shooting of the entire show, controls the budget, the final edits, broadcasting style, subtitles and special effects. All the staff's salaries are given by him, thus he is the person with the most weight behind his words.

"Machine 3, aim at Jiang Xun's face. The others are going down to the dining room downstairs right now. Have the male guests come out? Let the male guests go in and wait first, then let the female guests come in again." Even though Qi Yi's voice sounded intoxicating as hell, no one can bear being yelled at by him all day long.

The cameraman's female assistant, who just arrived two days ago was infatuated the moment she saw Qi Yi, was sympathized by all the veteran employees. Still no one went to warn her because it wouldn't take even an hour until her heart would be shattered by Qi Yi.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, Qi Yi's yells caused her to break down crying.

At the time, everyone glanced at each other and thought; and like that they've already been working under Qi Yi for two years. This autocratic man was like an emperor of the olden days and has a horrible personality proportionally to his handsomeness.


The cameraman holding the camera followed Jiang Xun to the kitchen on the first floor. By now, most of the guests were basically there.

Jiang Xun's eyes swept across the people and then her attention fell on two of them.

Among the guests, there are actually two lucky sons of the Heavens. Unfortunately none of the two were of superb quality. Jiang Xun was a little disappointed, but the system wouldn't lie to her. Since she will meet him soon, she doesn't need to worry about it.

Jiang Xun's arrival made everyone take a few more glances at her. After all, she has this personal faire aura around her. Even if everyone doesn't hold any goodwill towards her right now, everyone is attracted to beautiful things. It is inevitable that they will be attracted by her face. Moreover, today she was dressed different than normal, not as plain, making her appear even more impressive.

Jiang Xun walked over silently and greeted everyone. However, after every time she greeted everyone, she stopped talking. The difference between her and the original owner was that when she stood quietly on the side, her eyes were still empty, but she had a sense of presence, making people feel like they wanted to be close to her.

Everyone responded differently, but they still gave her a response.

Jiang Xun paid special attention to the gaze Gu Li and Gu Yu gave her. Who made them the lucky sons of the Heavens?

Gu Li nodded to her and stood off to the side. He didn't speak nor did he look at Jiang Xun again. This is also normal since Gu Li himself is quite aloof. His personality was introverted and completely resembles a melancholy little prince from a comic. From the memory of the original owner, she knew Gu Li actually has a slight social phobia. His parents were the ones who signed him up. Rumors had it that his family is somewhat related to the producer of the show. After the show made an invitation to Gu Li, Gu Li's parents agreed after two days of discussion.

Gu Li only told everyone this during the recording of the sixth episode, but Zhao Wen Yin should have known it a long time ago.

Zhao Wen Yin knew Gu Li before coming onto the show and had always liked him. The two went to the same university, but weren't in the same department. Zhao Wen Yin was in the music major, while Gu Li was studying painting. This time Zhao Wen Yin participated in the show just for him with no intent of failure. Therefore, when she learned the original owner was fighting for Gu Li with her, she was that against the original owner.

As for Gu Yu, to be honest, Jiang Xun is more interested in him than Gu Li. He is the "wolf" arranged by the program group to deceive the women's feelings. Thus, when he says his family background is average and he is an executive of an Internet company, this identity must be fake. Yet no one knew what his true identity was.

The identity that the program group arranged for Gu Yu wasn't very appealing, so it gave him a bit more sense of authenticity, making him less suspicious. Moreover, his persona was a considerate salt type man. Up until the end, no one even doubted that he was the liar.

However since Gu Yu is a lucky son of the Heavens, his identity can't be simple.

Furthermore, the original owner suffered at Gu Yu's hand. Jiang Xun would naturally not let him go. If he was here to deceive feelings, then she let him taste what it was like to be flirted with and dumped. So what if he was the "wolf"? As long as he meets her, he can only become a dog.


"Shall we start cooking now?" Lu Jia, who was the most talkative, always played a role in breaking the tension.

Bai Ran said, "En, let's start now. Otherwise we'll be hungry later and won't have anything to eat."

"Which one of you guys is better at cooking, I've never done it before." Zhao Wen Yin expressed with her chin up and mouth pursed.

"It should be Jiu Xuan. Yesterday he said that he has a coffee shop open, his cooking skills probably will be good." Bai Ran looked at him with a smile, her gaze gentle.

"I can only make coffee and a little western food, which may disappoint you guys." Zhao Jiu Xuan stated helplessly, "But I can make salads for you."

"I'll do it."

Jiang Xun and Gu Yu voiced at almost the same time.

The two looked at each other. From Gu Yu's face, Jiang Xun could see a hint of surprise.

The eyes under his lenses are actually rather cold, but his bangs and glasses neutralized that and made him seem harmless.

Jiang Xun's instinct told her that this man would suit her appetite.

Bad men need to be disciplined by bad women.

Jiang Xun continued softly, "I can cook. You guys see what you want to eat, as long as it isn't complicated, I'll be fine."

No one thought Jiang Xun could cook. From her ethereal appearance that doesn't seem to need food, she gave people the feeling she'll definitely won't be able to cook. Although she said yesterday she was an orphan and lived alone, no one thought she actually could cook. At this time, when she offered, it truly surprised everyone.

"Then, let us be responsible for cooking. Everyone is responsible for washing and cutting vegetables along with washing dishes, is that alright?" Gu Yu's voice was deep and soothing, like an actor who dubbed an unparalleled immortal in a historical drama.

His voice actually doesn't match his visuals at all, but watching him pair with his voice was quite something.

Therefore, after the show was broadcast, Gu Yu's voice earned him a particularly large base of fans. Despite knowing he was a "wolf", many fans said that if they could hear him use such a voice to whisper sweet talk, they were more than willing to be deceived by him.

Jiang Xun nodded, everyone else didn't have any objections.

After the labor was divided, Jiang Xun looked at the whole table of dishes and then asked Gu Yu, "What kind of dishes are you good at?"

Her voice was cold, but it was clear and clean, which gave people a comfortable feeling. When she raised her head to look at Gu Yu, her eyes were extremely focused. She was staring straight at him, yet she had no expression and nothing in her eyes. On the contrary, it made people curious as well as wanting to try to sway her.

"I'm fine with anything, even the ribs, fish and lamb chops in the main ingredients." Gu Yu smiled and also stared intently at Jiang Xun's eyes.

The two of them just locked eyes with each other. As several seconds passed, no one looked away.

Just when everyone thought Jiang Xun would be embarrassed, Jiang Xun only indifferently replied, "Oh, then you do those three things and I will handle the others."

Gu Yu was stunned, then he nodded, "Okay."

His gaze towards her became more inquisitive.

The one advantage of having an open kitchen was that it was incredibly spacious. It wasn't a problem to accommodate more than a dozen people. The countertops of the cabinets were filled with various vegetables, which looks a bit messy, but this is what the show wanted. Everyone tidying up the mess together creates a better effect for the show.

Jiang Xun reached out and picked up a whole chicken from the table before walking to the side of the sink and abruptly stopped moving.

Gu Yu looked back and saw her standing there with an embarrassed expression on her face, a little dazed and suddenly felt that appearance of hers was quite amusing.

He walked over and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Xun turned her head to look at him and used an annoyed tone to say, "I didn't put on an apron, but I have chicken in my hand. Right now, I'm thinking about whether I should wash the chicken then my hands before tying an apron or wash my hands first, then put on an apron before going to wash the chicken."

Gu Yu was caught off guard.

The others standing next to them were also dumbfounded. Jiang Xun's words were simply too entertaining, wasn't it?

She seems to be a little of an airhead, completely inconsistent with her aloof personality.

Besides, didn't Bai Ran say she was very scheming? Yesterday when everyone was discussing how many times they've previously dated, she said she hadn't ever dated anyone and everyone believed it. However, Bai Ran accidentally let it slip that she knew her before and saw her being very intimate with a wealthy older man.

She seemed completely different from what Bai Ran had described.

Gu Yu quickly laughed, "Don't tangle yourself up worrying about it, I'll just help you tie it."

Jiang Xun furrowed her brows and said helplessly, "Alright then, thank you."

Gu Yu raised his eyes as a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes.