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Quick Transmigration: She's a Heartbreaker: Ch 52, The Belle Dissed by All the Netizens

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When Gu Yu stood behind Jiang Xun to help her tie her apron, the camera immediately zoomed over to film a close-up.

Yet Jiang Xun kept her back to Gu Yu, washing the chicken seriously.

After Gu Yu finished tying it, she didn't react at all.

In the monitor room, Qi Yi watched the screen with a sullen face, "Unit 3, focus the camera on Jiang Xun's face. Okay, that's enough. Let's take another shot of Gu Yu's reaction."

The staff all stare unblinking at Jiang Xun's serious and charming profile on the display screen, thinking, Jiang Xun's face really can't be argued. If she were in a girl group, the visual position would definitely be assigned to her. Furthermore, when this week's episode is aired, the audience's evaluation of Jiang Xun probably will change drastically, because her performance was much better than the previous two days. However, in reality, she didn't speak much. So where did she change? No one could particularly put a finger to it, they just felt her aura was extremely unique, not that difficult to get close to but still retain that ethereal feeling to her.


When handling the chicken, because Jiang Xun's sleeves were too loose, it would slip up as soon as she raised her arm and slip down the moment she lowered her arm. It was rather inconvenient. She looked around and whispered Gu Yu's name.

"What's wrong?" Gu Yu walked over to check up on her.

Jiang Xun was a head shorter than him, so he had to lower his head down to face her.

"Can you roll up my sleeves for me? It keeps falling off." Jiang Xun's expression was solemn, but her tone was soft whereas her expression was calm.

Gu Yu gently smiled at her, "Okay, wait a minute and let me wipe my hands."

"Eh." Jiang Xun lifted her hand and placed it in front of him.

Her hands are slender and fair, and her nails were also clean and beautifully manicured. They are a faint pink, which is simply adorable. Her wrists are slender as well and looked very frail.

Gu Yu reached out to help her roll up her sleeves and couldn't avoid touching her arm. Her skin was cool, but incredibly smooth and delicate. You can imagine how tender her skin was just by touching it.

"What are you going to make?" Gu Yu asked.

Jiang Xun said, "Since we have so many people, I can use the oven to make a Big Plate Chicken."

Gu Yu agreed, "En, that sounds good."

"Gu Yu, I finished washing this one. Do you need to use it now?" Lu Jia walked over with a pot of washed potatoes.

Gu Yu looked back and faintly stated, "The potatoes have to be peeled."

Lu Jia looked at Jiang Xun, "But I don't know how to, how about you teach me?"

As soon as Lu Jia's voice fell, Jiang Xun suddenly raised her head and glanced at Gu Yu, her gaze held an unspeakable feeling. It seemed melancholy, but also expectant and a little lost. In short, it was extremely complicated.

Gu Yu felt he was moved by her eyes and froze for a moment. When he carefully examined her again, she was no longer looking at him and was instead focusing on marinating the chicken.

Watching her, Gu Yu felt a strange feeling growing in his heart.

"Gu Yu?" Seeing him stare at Jiang Xun in a daze, Lu Jia pursed his lips and called to him upset.

"Leave it there and I'll peel the skin later. I have to deal with the lamb chops first and can't get free." Gu Yu said.

"Then... … Is there anything I can do for you?"

Lu Jia has had an extremely good impression of Gu Yu ever since she came here. Since she had a proactive personality and did whatever first came to mind, she wanted to take advantage of this cooking opportunity to close the distance between them.

"Um… … then you can cut this for me, thank you."

Gu Yu casually arranged a job for Lu Jia. Lu Jia was a little reluctant and wanted to stay with him, but she had already said she would help, so she couldn't say no. Therefore, she could only accept it and went to the other side of the sink.

As for the other guests; Gu Li went to clean up the table and Zhao Wen Yin followed him. Bai Ran and the other two male guests were chopping and washing vegetables, talking and laughing, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

Jiang Xun remained within two meters of Gu Yu's side, which Gu Yu also felt was very strange. Because no one went over to talk to them two, the two just kept themselves busy.

From time to time, Gu Yu would ask if she needed anything. The times Jiang Xun would accept his help were few and far in between. Her expression was always faint, and her serious appearance as she cooked was particularly attractive. Many times, Gu Yu would space out watching her.

A tacit understanding seemed to form between them. Although they talk very little, the atmosphere surrounding them was extremely harmonious.


Looking at the pair from the monitor room, Qi Yi furrowed his brows, "Make something happen for me, it's too plain right now. We're a reality love show, not a soap opera series." His gaze scanned back and forth on the display to find a material that'll attract him. "Unit 2, zoom in at Lu Jia and pay attention to the look in her eyes when looking at Gu Yu and Jiang Xun... …Yes, that's it."

Staff A: "Look at Lu Jia's jealous eyes, there's a feeling of hatred out of love."

Staff B: "I'm kind of looking forward to the audience's reaction after the broadcast of this episode. Jiang Xun has a big turnaround. In the previous episode, Lu Jia and Gu Yu had already had a little chemical reaction. However, Lu Jia in this episode blended into the background for the two of them and has no sense of existence at all. Just now she came to talk to Gu Yu and was actually sent away. Did you see her expression?"

Staff A: "Yes, yeah, she did look a bit pitiful glancing back at every few steps. However, she can't really do anything. Jiang Xun simply has too strong a sense of an existence. Even though she has done nothing, Lu Jia can't cause any waves in front of her. If it were Bai Ran, maybe the effect would be better."

Staff C: "Speaking of which, Bai Ran hasn't made it clear who she has a good impression towards yet. Who do you think she will choose? Tomorrow is the time for the first date."

Staff A: "How about we make a bet? I bet that Bai Ran also likes Gu Yu, I really want to see a love quadrangle ah!"

Staff B: "I'm betting on Zhao Jiu Xuan, they seem to be in tune with each other."

Staff C: "Zhao Jiu Xuan obviously looks like a 'wolf," Bai Ran shouldn't be that stupid."

While their discussion was in full swing, Qi Yi's voice suddenly entered their headsets, "Where is Lin Wen? I want her here now."

Within two minutes, Lin Wen entered from the outside.

Lin Wen is one of the live directors of the show. She is responsible for interviewing the female guests. During the shooting, she also needs to control the shooting process. However, Producer Qi Yi is still at the top of the command ladder and oversees everything

"President Qi, what's the matter?"

"Wait until they finish eating, then conduct individual interviews, especially Lu Jia and Jiang Xun. Have you remembered all their information? Sort out some essentials for me."

"Got it." Lin Wen nodded.


After busying around for nearly an hour and a half, the ten dishes were finally finished.

"Great, this all looks so delicious!" Lu Jia exclaimed at the table, "Gu Yu, are you really not a chef?"

"I had the same thought, this is completely on a professional level." Zhao Jiu Xuan asked with a smile.

Gu Yu shook his head, "No, but I did think about opening a restaurant myself."

"That's awesome, then we will definitely come to support you." Bai Ran praised admirably.

"Shall we start eating now?" Zhao Wen Yin was also quite satisfied with the table of dishes in front of her. She had been helping to wash the dishes for a while just now in order to behave in front of Gu Li. At the moment, she was both tired and hungry.

"Jiang Xun hasn't come yet, let's wait for her." Gu Yu looked back at Jiang Xun who was still busy in the kitchen.

"Yes, it seems that Jiang Xun has also made a few dishes." Zhao Jiu Xuan smiled.

The dining table was rectangular with four chairs on each side, but instead of men and women sitting separately, they sat casually. When Jiang Xun came out of the kitchen carrying food, there was only one seat left.

The seat was on the far right with Lu Jia on the left and Gu Yu on the opposite side.

Jiang Xun set down the entire platter of Big Plate Chicken on the table before taking a seat.

"It looks delicious, which ones did you make?" Bai Ran asked.

Jiang Xun pointed to five or six plates, "These, this is Ma Po Tofu, this is Twice-Cooked Pork, this is Eggplant Pot… …"

She looked the same as usual without showing pride or conceitedness. However her earnest appearance when she introduced her dishes instead made her seem cute in a dense way.

"Jiang Xun is also very amazing. Have you taken lessons before?" Yan Xiao asked.

"En, I learned home cooking from my grandpa before." Jiang Xun nodded.

Bai Ran said, "Jiang Xun is so virtuous. I have always wanted to learn how to cook, but I'm always too busy."

"Me too, but it seems very difficult." Lu Jia .

"Do you guys prefer girls who can cook more?" Bai Ran looked at the male guests.

"It isn't something high on my list, since I don't think it's important. If it is someone I like and she wants to cook, I can help her. If she doesn't want to, I can just learn how to cook or go out to eat together, even takeaway's fine." Zhao Jiu Xuan revealed a gentle smile.

"Wow... … I agree." Bai Ran smiled and cooperated.

Zhao Wen Yin looked at Gu Li and asked, "Gu Li, what do you think? Do you prefer someone who can cook?"

Gu Li hesitated for a while, seeming as if thinking, "If it's delicious, it would be nice."

"Then how about you taste the dishes made by Jiang Xun?" Bai Ran said.

Zhao Wen Yin's face changed as she pursed her lips. All her thoughts were written on her face.

Gu Li glanced at Jiang Xun, who just happened to be looking at him too. The two didn't lock eyes for too long before Jiang Xun looked away and silently stretched out her chopsticks to grab a piece of her own dish and put it in her mouth.

"I think the taste is okay, pretty delicious actually."

She had an indifferent tone and a composed expression. Somehow when she said those lines, it felt specially cute like a Kuudere girl in the 2D world.

"Then I'll try it too." Yan Xiao blinked expectantly. He picked up a piece of chicken and took a bite. His eyes lit up as his expression became astonished, "Hey, it really is delicious."

Everyone extended their chopsticks. What Bai Ran said just now was ignored by everyone, and no one obsessed over the topic.

After a while, Lu Jia suddenly asked Gu Yu, "Gu Yu, your cooking skills are so good, do you often cook?"

"En, I tend to enjoy the process more." Gu Yu smiled, his smile was as warm as the warm autumn sun.

Zhao Jiu Xuan shrugged and said self-deprecatingly, "I don't like cooking, it's too much trouble. I just feel like I have to do a lot of preparation beforehand and wash the dishes afterwards. I dislike doing dishes the most."

"It's also amazing to be able to make coffee. I feel the coffee bean culture is very extensive, but I just can't smell the difference." Bai Ran said.

"It's okay, come to my coffee shop any day and I can teach you."

"En, alright."

"It must be very hard to start a business on your own? After I graduate, I plan to start up my own company without relying on my family." Yan Xiao exclaimed.

For a moment, Zhao Jiu Xuan's face turned awkward. However, he quickly smiled and said, "It's okay, it was hard at the beginning, but now things are getting better."

Bai Ran looked at Jiang Xun, "By the way, Jiang Xun, yesterday you said that you had a flower shop. What made you want to open a flower shop? It probably is extremely hard to open a shop by yourself."

"It's alright." Jiang Xun shook her head.

"Then can you handle it alone?" Zhao Jiu Xuan asked, "When I started, my family had to help and it was only later that I managed to hire more people. Even now when the business is good, it still sometimes overwhelms us. From time to time, I need to fill in as a waitress."

Zhao Jiu Xuan's words lighten up the atmosphere.

'I won't get overwhelmed, business is mediocre."

Hearing Jiang Xun say calmly that the business in her store wasn't good, everyone was taken aback before they all revealed a meaningful smile.

"Then if your flower shop's business isn't good, are you making money?" Bai Ran looked worried.

"I'm not making money." Jiang Xun was still composed.

The staff in the computer room couldn't resist laughing.

Qi Yi skimmed the female guests' information in his hand. He frowned and fell into contemplation, staring at Jiang Xun.

Bai Ran gave an "Ah?" before sighing, "Then how are you surviving? Since you are alone and have no relatives, if you need help, you must tell us."

"No need."

"It's okay, if we can help, we will definitely help you."

"My family had left me a few suites in the metropolitan area, I can still sustain myself through collecting rent." Jiang Xun's tone was calm as water.

Bai Ran's face stiffened a bit.

Zhao Wen Yin asked, "Metropolitan area? Which community is it in? I live in Wen Lan Yi Pin, which happens to be the city center."

Jiang Xun thought for a while, "What a coincidence, I have two sets in the Di Hua community next to you and I think I have one in your community with another slightly further away."

Zhao Wen Yin's face also changed.



Kuudere girl (三无少女): a character archetype usually seen in anime that doesn't show facial expressions, feelings and talks very little.

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Just an amateur translator.

Got tired of waiting for other people to pick up the novels, so I thought why not me? Feel free to give feedbacks and advice, since I definitely appreciate them!


The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead

QT: The Villainess is Delicate and Soft

QT: She's a Heartbreaker





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