The houses in Di Hua Community were more expensive than Wen Lan Yi Pin with an average price of more than 100,000 yuan per square meter. One suite costs tens of millions, yet she had several.

If these houses are rented out, the monthly rent won't be a small sum. On the other hand, how much can a small flower shop make in income? Compared with the rent of these houses, it was only a drop in the bucket. No wonder Jiang Xun said even if the flower shop doesn't make any money, there is no need to worry about having no money to spend.

Having such a huge fortune at this young of an age and a fairy-like beauty as well as being an orphan made her an ideal partner for many.

"Moreover, the income from the flower shop is enough for my expenses, so I don't usually go out much."

After Jiang Xun finished speaking, everyone's gaze towards her changed.

Bai Ran laughed unnaturally, "That's good, I was really worried."

"Bai Ran seems to care about Jiang Xun very much." Gu Yu looked up at Bai Ran and said softly.

"I saw how she doesn't like talking and doesn't seem to be very happy these days, so I was worried she has something on her mind." Bai Ran stretched out her hand and stroked the hair strands round her ear, calmly showing her intellectual beauty, "But it's good it's nothing. I always worry too much."

Zhao Jiu Xuan glanced at Bai Ran. The feeling he had towards Bai Ran could be seen from his eyes, "But personalities like Bai Ran's are very caring. Bai Ran has probably always been popular, right? Like the school belle on a college campus that many people pursue."

"It's nothing like that, I was actually quite low-key at school. Plus, I'm a person who reacts slowly to emotional matters. Sometimes I don't even notice that others have crushes on me. If it's not a direct confession, I would only feel like they treated me as a friend. And that's why I hadn't dated much in school, and now that I have work, I have even less time." Bai Ran explained as she smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Ah… …that's a pity," Zhao Jiu Xuan smiled.

"Yeah, I still haven't made much progress since. My friends keep telling me that, so this time they signed me up for the show behind my back." Bai Ran sighed, blinking distressingly.

Zhao Jiu Xuan stared at her in a daze, "It's pretty nice to have friends like those. They have a personality similar to yours, so it's no wonder you guys get along together."

"Bai Ran was signed up by her friend, what about Jiang Xun? Why did you come to this show?" Lu Jia had many questions in her heart, feeling that Jiang Xun was different from what she had imagined.

Jiang Xun thought for a while before replying, "The program team invited me to come. If I didn't agree, they would hang around in my store every day so that I couldn't do business. The business already wasn't that good to begin with."

Everyone was stunned: can she say that? She seems to be rather reluctant. Why did they feel it was funny for some inexplicable reason?

However, everyone thought this section would definitely be edited out.

In the master control room.

Qi Yi pointed to the footage that Jiang Xun had just said, "Leave this section for the preview of the next episode."

"Is it okay for her to say that? Won't it affect the authenticity of the show?" Someone brought up.

"Do you think the audience are that stupid? Not all the reality show participants signed themselves up." Qi Yi glanced at the speaker indifferently, then turned on the intercom, "Where's Lin Wen? Is the script for the interview ready? Lin Wen, you specifically ask which male guests Jiang Xun likes. Be sure to get everything you can from her. Then... … Lin Wen, Ye Zi, and Chen Xi; there's only an hour away from the daily interviews. Take special care to ask all their opinions about Jiang Xun, especially the male guests. Also, send the program plan of this episode to my mailbox tomorrow morning before the work begins. Put your heart into it. Whoever satisfies me will get this episode's bonus, thirty thousand in cash."


Back at the dining room, everyone was full. After cleaning up the table together, everyone sat in the sofa area to discuss tomorrow's itinerary.

The program group arranged for all eight people to go out together. Whichever two people group will be determined by a lottery draw. And then they would decide their schedule for tomorrow.

When doing the lottery, Jiang Xun was the last one to draw. In the original owner's memories, she got a group with Yan Xiao and the two went to an amusement park. However, the original owner couldn't connect with Yan Xiao, this big boy at all. Therefore Yan Xiao basically played by himself and didn't talk much to the original owner. The two didn't say more than twenty sentences to each other the whole day. In the end, the footage that was shot was mostly useless. When the show was broadcast, their time together was almost entirely cut out. There was only a short scene of her and Yan Xiao getting along, which was rather awkward.

This time Jiang Xun didn't get Yan Xiao. It was probably due to the butterfly effect that the order of everyone's draw has changed, so the result of these combinations was completely different from her memory.

Lu Jia: "I'm in a group with Gu Yu."

Zhao Wen Yin: "I got Yan Xiao."

Bai Ran: "I'm with Zhao Jiu Xuan."

Jiang Xun opened the note in the ball and Gu Li's name was written on it.

She… … she didn't do this on purpose. Since he brought himself right to her mouth himself, it wouldn't do if she didn't eat him.

Jiang Xun glanced at Gu Li, "I'm with you."

Such groupings seem to be quite interesting. Only she didn't know if it was completely random or some trick the program group pulled.

After dividing into groups, they sat in their individual groups and discussed.

Jiang Xun walked to Gu Li, asking as she sat down across from him, "Do you have any ideas?"

Gu Li's appearance was truly beautiful. Jiang Xun rarely uses the word "beautiful" to describe boys, but seeing Gu Li, it was the most appropriate word for him after much thinking.

His facial features seem to have been carefully crafted, yet it didn't make him feel feminine. On the contrary, he was very handsome. His eyes were like stars and his gaze was slightly soft, while he had sharp eyebrows, a tall nose bridge and a particularly attractive lips shape.

However, in Jiang Xun's memories, it was the first time she saw such a melancholy and beautiful man like him.

He was indeed aesthetically pleasing. Even if he didn't speak, just him sitting quietly made people happy. She didn't know how such a man would taste, it should be rather inexperienced and innocent.

Gu Li sensitively felt Jiang Xun staring at him, causing him to look away uncomfortably.

"Do you have a place you want to go?" Jiang Xun asked again.

Gu Li shook his head without looking at Jiang Xun, not knowing where to put his eyes.

Jiang Xun paused and looked back at the other people. The other four groups of guests were all sitting separately, but weren't too far away from one another. She saw Zhao Wen Yin watching her with an ugly expression and appeared incredibly unhappy. Bai Ran and Zhao Jiu Xuan seemed to be conversing pretty well, whereas Lu Jia was obviously happy to be in the same group as Gu Yu and was excitedly talking.

Jiang Xun thought for a while before saying, "Then how about we just stroll around tomorrow? I have something I want to buy. Afterwards, we can find a place to sit and read books. What do you think?"

She did want to buy some things, like clothes, and then pick out a few daily necessities. It was good to have drawn Gu Li. Jiang Xun felt that Gu Li wasn't like other male guests. He was very quiet and even if he went shopping with her, he wouldn't have any objections.

"Eh." Gu Li nodded.

Jiang Xun's suggestion surprised him. He thought that tomorrow's date would give him a headache because girls tend to like something romantic or let the guys decide where to go. If it was the second option, he didn't have a clue of where to go.

"Then it's settled."

As Jiang Xun stood up, the on set director, Lin Wen, walked over with the camera following behind.

"Let's head to the balcony over there." Lin Wen greeted Jiang Xun.

Since this was a routine interview they did daily that everyone knew about, Jiang Xun directly headed to the balcony with her.

Gu Li didn't expect her to be this straightforward. Their discussion was already over when the others seemed to have just begun. He looked up in confusion but only saw her back.

His impression of Jiang Xun isn't actually in depth. Due to his own personal reasons, he didn't dare to look at strangers. Therefore when they first met, he didn't notice more than a few female guests and even now he still couldn't tell some people apart. This was also the biggest reason why he didn't cast the heartbeat vote yet.

However, yesterday he also heard Bai Ran talking about Jiang Xun and thought she wasn't a good girl. So when he knew he was going on a date with her, he was still a little worried. Looking at her now, he suddenly felt like she was an extremely straightforward and frank person, pretty easy to talk to.


The balcony has a pleasant environment with flowers and other plants placed throughout as well as a porch swing. Next to that was a high table filled with products from their sponsors. It was obvious where the advertisement placements would be.

"Then let's start asking the questions now." Lin Wen said.

"Eh." Jiang Xun nodded, looking at the camera with a natural expression.

"How are you feeling today? Are you satisfied with the dinner?" Lin Wen started with some small questions to make this feel more like a normal conversation, giving Jiang Xun time to relax.

"Maybe more at ease than the previous two days." Jiang Xun answered.

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment before following her words and asking, "Maybe? Why do you say maybe?"

"I don't know." Jiang Xun had a lost expression. After thinking, she said again, "It's only my own feeling."

Her voice was very soft and when she spoke, the corners of her eyes drooped. Her mouth was also tightened into a straight line. Under the camera, she appeared a bit lonely. It was the first time that Lin Wen saw her like this. She didn't seem as aloof as she was when she was with the others. On the contrary, she seemed a little child-like, that people couldn't help remembering she was actually an orphan. Although she is beautiful and has a large sum in inheritance, she was probably also very lonely and helpless. Coming to this strange place and meeting strangers. Yet, these people weren't even friendly to her in the past two days.

"Were you not happy the first two days?" Lin Wen attempted to induct her.

"I wasn't unhappy." Jiang Xun lowered her head.

"Is it because you were not used to everything? Are you afraid of being alone?" Lin Wen continued to ask. An idea flashed in her mind about the plan for this episode. She keenly grasped this idea and quickly conceived a plan in her mind.

Jiang Xun shook her head. She looked firmly at the camera. Her eyes were bright but her inner struggle could be vaguely seen and seemed to be talking to herself, "I'm not afraid, I can do this."

Lin Wen was startled by the look in her eyes. This girl was completely different from what she had imagined.

She was like a lonely crane, aloof and indifferent. Although she is alone, she is reserved and graceful, occasionally showing a little helplessness and fragileness. But the moment it was noticed by someone, she'll swiftly put on a cold shell, which made people unable to see through her. Additionally, she was surprisingly cute in nature. While she rarely speaks, as soon as she does, people become strongly attracted to her.

Moreover, how did she only discover this tonight? These are all Jiang Xun's shining points ah. So unique and different that people can't help but notice. Why are they only seeing them now?

Lin Wen felt a little weird about this.

"Can you tell me your opinion of the male guests?" Lin Wen didn't forget Qi Yi's order.

"What opinion?" Jiang Xun dazed.

Again, Lin Wen couldn't help resisting laughing. Why was this girl so cute? When the audience sees this, they'll definitely feel the same as her. She seems to be a little slow on catching what was going on. It doesn't feel like she was joining a blind date show at all.

"In other words, which male guest are you most interested in?" Lin Wen stared into her eyes.