Jiang Xun asked hesitantly, "Do I have to choose now?"

Lin Wen said with a smile, "Just talk about your opinion of them and which one you think best fits your ideal type."

Jiang Xun shook her head. After thinking about it, she replied, "I don't know."

Lin Wen was stunned, "Is there not anyone you like?"

"No." Jiang Xun said without even thinking about it.

Lin Wen had a slight headache. Qi Yi told her she had to get an answer, but Jiang Xun said no. It's not like she could force her to choose one. The interview still had to continue, so Lin Wen could only ask about Jiang Xun's family.

After the interview, all the guests went back to their rooms to rest. The male guests had another task, which was to vote on WeChat. They needed to send the name of the girl that they were attracted to to the director and then the director would announce the result of the votes in the girls' group chat.

This time was different from before. Qi Yi suddenly changed the rules and asked the director to directly announce which male guest voted for which female guest. Previously, only the number of votes each female guest received was announced, allowing them to guess who voted for them. Now, they told the female guests clearly who liked you.

Additionally, the four female guests couldn't tell the male guests they knew who they voted for.

Such changes make the show even more exciting. It could push the conflict between the girls to the verge, giving people a sense of nervous anticipation.


Jiang Xun went back to her room and took a shower before coming out to check WeChat, while the others were all waiting by their phones. Her indifferent attitude further showed that she indeed wasn't attracted to any of the male guests and she was telling the truth in the interview just now.

There was only one message in the WeChat group: [Gu Li abstained his vote, Jiang Xun got Gu Yu's vote, Lu Jia got Yan Xiao's vote and Bai Ran got Zhao Jiu Xuan's vote]

After reading it, Jiang Xun froze for a bit and then slowly went to dry her hair.

She didn't have the habit of blow drying her hair. Therefore, after wiping away the moisture, she just let it be. Her long, slightly damp hair draped behind her head. Although it looks a little messy because she didn't use a comb to straighten it out, it was still beautiful like a hibiscus with dew.

Jiang Xun glanced at the time. It was only nine o'clock, she didn't want to sleep at all.

She was a little bored. Lying on the bed, she thought about tomorrow's arrangements. The two lucky sons of Heaven definitely can't be passed up, but she can't let them feel comfortable. Who told them to wrong the original owner? She had to avenge the original owner.

However, with so many cameras here, her movements were restricted, making her feel confined. Whatever she does will be exposed in front of the camera, unless she sneaks to a place where there is no camera.

There were only a few places without cameras. In the rooms of these guests, except for the bathroom, there were no blind spots. Outside the rooms, cameras were basically everywhere. Jiang Xun can't do anything secretly, so she could only openly flirt. Although it wasn't impossible, the progress will be slower since due to the program group's arrangement, she can't just go on a date with whoever she wants.

The room felt a little stuffed. She got up to slide open the window and happened to catch the night view outside the window. The courtyard of the villa was filled with lights, flashing beautifully. She simply lay on the windowsill to watch the night view. The swimming pool's water downstairs was very clean. Under the light, it sparkled. The flowers in the yard were also blooming. When the wind blew, the fragrance of flowers would float over.

She looked quietly for a while and was about to close the window, when she suddenly saw a dazzling light coming from the room on the right.

Jiang Xun immediately reacted.

The superb son of Heaven!

He finally appeared.

Jiang Xun hurriedly called the system to adjust the light of luck aura to a weaker visibility mode. Otherwise it would be the same as the last time where she could only see something like a high beam headlight and wouldn't see the appearance of the son of Heaven at all.

As soon as the light weakened, Jiang Xun could see the man clearly.

His temperament gives people a gloomy feel. He had a pale face, but his features were extremely handsome like a vampire who has lived for hundreds of years, noble and aloof. If someone gave him a glass of red wine, he might appear even more like it.

His whole body exudes an air that no one should come near, making people afraid to have any thought about him. But as long as someone looks at his face, they'll be attracted to him uncontrollably like a black thorned rose.

She recognized him at a glance, that was the producer of the show— — Qi Yi.

Jiang Xun didn't expect it to be him, but she didn't feel surprised when she thought about it.

Qi Yi, this person, was also considered a legendary character. But the original owner knew very little about him. She only knows that he comes from a well-off background. After returning from studying abroad, he set up his own company and created three phenomenal explosive variety shows. Known as a super A-level gold medal producer, most of the rumors about him were about his notorious temper. At the shooting site, he was often an existence that terrifies everyone. She heard that he has never been soft on celebrities either. Once, he even scolded the most popular celebrity on the time to tears on the spot.

With the exception of these, the original owner didn't know much about him. All these were what she heard from Bai Ran gossiping about it.

By the way, she also heard that he wasn't in good health, his physique was quite poor.

Jiang Xun's gaze followed him intensely. She only saw his face pale, while his left hand was holding his stomach, leaning against the wall. He seemed to be in unbearable pain.

Jiang Xun fluttered her eyes and was a little excited. This man seemed to fit her appetite perfectly. Sure enough, a bad man could arouse her desire to challenge even more. What's more, Qi Yi was not an ordinary bad man.

She narrowed her eyes before pulling out a small medicine bottle from her suitcase and then opened the door and walked out.

Jiang Xun hurried straight to Qi Yi's location, fearing that he would be gone if she was late.

When she saw that luminous body again, she let out a sigh of relief. He was still there.

His expression seemed to be more painful. Judging from where he was holding his hand, it should be his stomach acting up.

Jiang Xun quickly headed over and stood in front of him, saying softly, "Are you okay?"

Qi Yi furrowed his brows as he raised his head a little dissatisfied. However, he was met with a pair of ethereal eyes, like the only shining star in the darkest night. It was especially dazzling.

Her expression was faint, but there was a trace of anxiety in her eyes. Her beautiful face glowed under the moonlight. Her skin looked particularly fair like this, but it was a healthy color.

Seeing Qi Yi not speaking, she asked again, "Do you have a stomachache? You seem to be rather uncomfortable."

Qi Yi didn't expect to meet her in this situation. In the master control room, he could see her every day. He knew her extremely well and had read all her information no less than ten times.

Yet when Qi Yi looked at her at the moment, he felt that her in person was much better than on screen.

Qi Yi took his hand away from his stomach and said coldly, "I'm fine."

"Are you really fine?"

"Eh." He never got involved with the guests on the show. Today's meeting was already unexpected. "At this time, you should stay in your room."

Jiang Xun seemed to not hear his dissatisfied warning. Instead, she took out a medicine bottle from her pocket and placed the medicine in his hand.

Her fingers are warm and really soft.

A voice sounded in Qi Yi's heart.

"When I'm feeling uncomfortable, I eat this and then it'll stop hurting. I'll give it to you." Jiang Xun closed his hand before releasing his hand and added, "Your hand is very cold."

Qi Yi glanced at the medicine bottle in his hand with an inexplicable gaze. He slowly raised his head and stared into her eyes. His expression was a bit strange as if he didn't understand her sudden concern.

"Do you know me?" Qi Yi asked.

Jiang Xun said, "Are you a staff member? I haven't seen you before."

Qi Yi didn't say yes or no.

"Remember to eat, I'll be leaving now." Jiang Xun left without looking back.

Qi Yi watched her leave until her figure disappeared in the corner. He felt a strong stomach ache again that was so painful that he couldn't speak, but it didn't seem to be as painful as it was just now.

Qi Yi glanced at the medicine bottle again. Then, he turned around and walked into the master control room. Looking at the trash can in the corner, he hesitated for a few seconds but didn't throw it away.

His stomach was still twitching violently, torturing him. This is an old problem. He had just finished stomach medicine and his stomach hurt so badly that he didn't want to be seen by other people, so he went out to endure it. Who knew he would meet Jiang Xun?

He didn't want to admit that he was a little touched when she placed the medicine into his hand just now.

How long has the word 'touched' not appeared in his life?

Qi Yi's expression became strange. He held the medicine bottle and stood for a while. Then, he set the medicine bottle on the table to grab a glass and poured out hot water.

When he poured the water, Lin Wen happened to walk over to discuss her plan with him.

Seeing him picking up the medicine bottle, she couldn't help but take another glance.

"President Qi, are you sick?"

Qi Yi nonchalantly replied, "Eh."

The more Lin Wen stared, the more familiar she felt the medicine bottle was familiar, "This medicine… …"

Qi Yi had already poured two of them in his hand. Hearing her tone was off, he paused to look at the words on the bottle.

He was in too much pain just now, so he didn't pay attention.

At this moment, his face immediately froze when he saw it. His expression turned gloomy and scary.

The words written on the bottle were: "Oriental Girl Eight Flavor Pain Killer Tablets"

"President Qi, you... … did you grab the wrong medicine?"

Lin Wen suddenly shuddered as a chill ran through her, giving her an ominous premonition.