64 Part 2

After the third episode of [Let's Date, Who's the Lying Wolf?] ended, the hot search on Weibo was filled with headlines related to this program.

In the first three episodes, almost all the hottest topics of discussion were all about Jiang Xun. However, it always gets reversed. In the first episode, the original owner gained the most attention from the fans because she was the female guest with the highest appearance and the most heartbeat votes. In the second episode, she was misunderstood as a scheming b*tch with different faces with different people. Who knew the third episode would have another reversal? They originally thought she was an orphan with a poor family background and was trying to run a failing flower store. Her purpose in coming onto the show was to find a rich person. In the end, Renjia had a net worth of tens of millions with versatile talents and can even cook. She was simply perfect.

After watching this episode of the show, the haters consciously didn't speak. Jiang Xun's name stayed on the Weibo hot search for a few hours and attracted a lot more fans to watch the show as well. In order to see more of this fairy sister, they came to follow the show.

The original owner has gone viral on the Internet before and was nicknamed as "The Flower Shop's Fairy". Even now, when people search that, they can still find the previous photos taken by people passing by. Now Jiang Xun's nickname has been changed to "The Cute Aloof Goddess" by netizens. Mainly because she was simply too cold and cute in the third episode of the show. Most people thought that these two words couldn't be used on one person, but now Jiang Xun expressed these two perfectly at the same time.

Some relatives of ll fans worked in the program group, so they got inside information that the guests will be heading home to rest and not recording the show this week. Therefore, they organized the local fans in the ll fan WeChat group to buy Miss Jiang Xun's flowers. Didn't she say her flower shop business wasn't good? They can make business happen for her.

This idea was approved by everyone. A few other fans from out of town also said they would buy tickets to meet Miss Fairy herself, so everyone made an appointment to go there together on the weekend.

Sun Xiao Ya was also among them. She went to the local university and saw someone in the group summoning everyone to go together. Since she didn't have classes on weekends and had a little money left over this month, she wanted to go with them.

Because the other people in the dorm didn't like Jiang Xun that much and all had boyfriends to go on dates with, while she was a single dog, so she went alone. In the WeChat group, everyone agreed on meeting at the entrance of a well-known cafe in the city center to sign in first and then confirm their identities. They'll only leave after all their safety has been confirmed.

Initially, Sun Xiao Ya thought that there were at most seven or eight people who would really come. Many people said that they wanted to go, but some other business might come up at the last minute and they wouldn't come. But when she arrived, she saw a dozen young ladies, all of which, beautiful and dressed fashionable. Her arrival time was rather early.

The initiator was also a beautiful young lady. She stood upfront and counted the number of people. Before she came here, several of them had shown their photos, so Sun Xiao Ya recognized them at a glance. They have been in this group since last year. They are loyal II fans and could be considered familiar with one another. After confirming, they exchanged their ID names and started chatting with each other. Sun Xiao Ya also noticed that among them there was a young man who was wearing a black windbreaker. He was very tall, lean and pretty good-looking. Everyone called him Ah Ran.

Ah Ran is also an early ll fan. He has rarely spoken up in the group, but when it came to his nickname, Sun Xiao Ya had a little impression. This time when the group organized the trip to Jiang Xun's flower shop, he came along as he didn't have work on the weekends. Boys like him who liked this type of variety show were rare to begin with. Sun Xiao Ya couldn't help but take a few more glances at him.


In the morning, Jiang Xun got up before six o'clock. Yesterday, Gu Yu came to help her clean up the flower shop, so she contacted the flower delivery person to ask the other party to send the flowers early this morning. She was going to open the door for business. The original owner likes flowers the most and this flower shop is also her precious child. Jiang Xun can't take over other people's bodies and not help Renjia to take care of it. Besides, she also likes flowers herself. Maybe she can try arranging flowers to pass the time.

The name of the flower shop was "Yi Xiao Xun Hua". The signboard is an antique sign she specially invited someone to make and appeared very artistic. Standing at the door, she glanced up at it. She thought it was rather pretty. It seems that the original owner used up all her good taste here.

The flower shop was very small, but it was at least twenty square meters all filled with flowers and an enormous fish tank with plenty of goldfish. After turning on the lights, the flower shop seemed incredibly mystical.

Yesterday Gu Yu came to help, while Jiang Xun herself didn't do much. She exhausted him more than enough. It was obvious that he hadn't done any heavy work before, making Jiang Xun happier in ordering him around.

Gu Yu was miserable, but Jiang Xun had a composed face. She occasionally acted coyish with her dazed expressions. When he was working hard, she would stare at Gu Yu intently, like she was fascinated by him. Gu Yu was obviously delighted by this and his favorability value increased. However, because it hadn't exceeded sixty points, Jiang Xun couldn't get any luck from him yet.

After Gu Yu went back last night, he sent a message to her asking if she wanted him to come again. His intention of flirting with her couldn't be more obvious. Jiang Xun naturally said she wanted him to come.

Gu Yu replied he would come again today and let her wait for him.

The sky was slightly lighting up. Jiang Xun waited in the store for a while for the flower delivery person to come. There were not many flowers since Jiang Xun thought she couldn't sell that many if she bought more. Therefore, she only picked the ones she likes to arrange into a few bouquets. If she still can't sell them, she'll put them up on a group buying app with a discount.

But despite not asking for much, she still filled up the small flower shop. It took her a lot of effort to separate all the different kinds of flowers and unpack them in paper shells.

Her phone rang. It was Gu Yu sending a message to her: [There's a traffic jam on the road, will be there a little late.]

The corner of Jiang Xun's mouth twitched: [Eh, take your time, no hurry]

Gu Yu: [Eh, I'll try to come as fast as possible. ]

Jiang Xun planned to make Gu Yu misunderstand that she liked him very much now, and then surprise him after returning to the villa to see how long he can maintain his posture.

Setting aside the phone, she smirked. To make the flower baskets, she trimmed the base of each flower and placed it in a vase.

She made one based on the original owner's memories. It seemed pretty good. When she was about to make the next one, a customer came into the store.

It was a girl with long hair. She seems to be a student from a nearby university. Since the flower shop was located near a school, students were also the main source of customers. However, the spending amount of students is also slightly lower. Generally, they only pay for single flowers or delicate floral decorations. Large flower baskets and bouquets were relatively rarely wanted.

Jiang Xun greeted her before going on to do her own thing.

The long-haired girl casually looked at the flowers in the store, then she looked at Jiang Xun, as if she recognized that she was the girl from the variety show that she watched with her friends yesterday.

She furrowed her brows and asked tentatively, "Boss, are you that female guest on the dating show?"

Hearing her words, she knew that she held no kindness towards herself. Therefore, she didn't look up and only gave a cold "Eh".

The girl felt a little awkward. Her face also turned unpretty, but she couldn't say anything. She pursed her lips, "Your business is truly not that good. It's too isolated. If it weren't for me coming here for business, I wouldn't even have realized there was a flower shop here."

Jiang Xun ignored her.

Seeing Jiang Xun was still ignoring her, she was a little angry. Yesterday, when Jiang Xun said in the show that she had several suites, she felt that it was only for the show's effect and definitely was fake. If she did have several suites in that place, why would she still run a flower shop? At the time, her friends also agreed with her.

Who knew that today she would actually enter Jiang Xun's flower shop? In such a small place and such a small shop, who would open it here if they were really rich people? It's simply too fake.

With this thought in mind, the girl's expression toward Jiang Xun became a little contemptuous, lying even on a show.

The girl took out her phone to secretly take a few pictures of the flower shop. What she didn't know was that the location of the flower shop had already been discovered by netizens when Jiang Xun was nicknamed "The Flower Shop's Fairy".

While she was taking pictures, Jiang Xun glanced up at her coldly, "Taking pictures is forbidden here."

The girl unwillingly put away her phone, a little uncomfortable to be seen through.

Her gaze shifted and fell on the flower basket that Jiang Xun had just made. Her eyes lit up, that flower basket was so beautiful.

"How much is this flower basket?" The girl thought to herself that if she bought this flower basket and put it in the dorm, she could flaunt it off to her friends that she bought a flower basket made by Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun casually responded, "Eight hundred twenty."

In fact, she didn't make it that expensive. It was only twice as expensive as the usual price, she didn't want to sell it to her at all.

"That expensive! Are you trying to rob me? No wonder, your business isn't good."

Jiang Xun didn't get angry. Suddenly she smiled and looked at her, "If you can't afford it, I can give you a discount."

Jiang Xun's smile was so dazzling that the girl was stunned. When she recovered, her face turned blue with anger, "Who can't afford it, your price is obviously too high."

Jiang Xun nodded, "Oh."

Jiang Xun had an expression like "I knew you couldn't afford it".

The girl gritted her teeth and couldn't vent out her anger. "You're too much. Relying on how popular you became on TV, you're selling this so expensive. No one will buy it."

"If you can't afford it, then go." Jiang Xun said lightly as she lowered her head to continue making flower baskets. She was extremely dexterous and quickly made another one. It was even better looking than the one before.

Seeing how beautiful the flower basket was, the girl snorted, "Will you sell it for 300 yuan? Noticing how you have no business, I'll help you promote it once I buy it."

She felt she was already being nice enough, but Jiang Xun didn't even look at her. "Nope, eight hundred twenty, no bargains."

The girl's eyes widened in anger as she shouted, "How can you be like this? I'll tell everyone on the Internet about this, how you're ripping off your customers!"

As soon as her voice fell, she heard a noisy voice outside the door. Subconsciously, she looked back, only to see a bus stopped at the door. More than twenty people came down one after another, standing in front of the flower shop. Among them was a tall girl in a black leather jacket pointed to the sign, "Yi Xiao Xun Hua? This is it, right?"

"Yes, yes, right here."

Filing in, when the girls saw Jiang Xun, they shouted in surprise, "Ah, it's Jiang Xun!"

"Jiang Xun, I like you so much! Goddess, we're all your fans."

When Sun Xiao Ya walked in, she instantly saw Jiang Xun. She was even more beautiful than she was on TV. Her beauty was simply unhuman. Her skin was fair to the point it almost glowed without any blemishes. She was also very lean. Her sitting there wearing a white embroidered skirt, surrounded by flowers, was truly otherworldly.

"Jiang Xun is so beautiful ah." She couldn't help but sigh.

"She is pretty good-looking."

Sun Xiao Ya heard the voice of the boy next to her and looked back. It was Ah Ran. His voice was really nice to listen to, Sun Xiao Ya's face unconsciously turned red because of it.

She stepped forward and said to Jiang Xun, "Jiang Xun Jie Jie, we're all here to buy flowers."

"Yes, we're here to take care of your business." The girl in black leather added with a smile.

Sun Xiao Ya saw the flower basket next to Jiang Xun, "Wow, this flower basket is so beautiful. Jiang Xun Jie Jie, how much is this?"

Jiang Xun said in a good mood, "I'll give you a discount, two hundred eighty."

The previous girl's face promptly changed. When she saw so many people coming in, she wanted to talk to them. However, when she heard others asking for the price, she stopped. Unexpectedly, the price Jiang Xun gave was lower than her offer.

She was outraged, "How can you be like this? You just said eight hundred, but now you change the price as soon as others come. What do you mean by this?"

The girl in black leather said, "Who are you?"

Sun Xiao Ya exclaimed in surprise, "This caused eight hundred? You don't need to give me this much of a discount."

Eight hundred is really expensive, but it wouldn't be good for Jiang Xun if she lowers it this much. If she can't afford it, she just won't buy this. Buying something else is fine too.

"Just ignore her, I'll sell it to you for two hundred eighty and eight hundred for her."

That girl angrily shrieked, "Why?"

"I find you unpleasant to the eyes."

The author has something to say:

Gu Yu: "Do you like me?"

Jiang Xun: "I do like you!"

I like to abuse you. Wait for your sister to abuse you until you doubt life