65 Part 1

The girl's embarrassment turned into anger, her face flushed, "You're simply too much."

Without waiting for Jiang Xun's words, someone else couldn't stand it. "The flower shop is Jiang Xun's and she made the flower baskets. She can sell it as much as she wants. If she doesn't want to sell it to you, then she doesn't have to sell it to you. Is there anything wrong?"

"You guys!" The girl was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Hurry up and leave, don't take up space, if you're not going to buy it."

Being stared at by many people made the girl both embarrassed and ashamed. She turned her head to glare at Jiang Xun and stepped on her high heels to run away.

Before she walked out of the flower shop, she heard many girls say "I want to buy the flower basket too, do you have any more?"

Jiang Xun nodded, "I will make it for you now if you want it. What kind of flowers do you like?"

"I can still choose the flowers myself?"

Jiang Xun said, "Yes."

Everyone was pleasantly surprised, "Then I also want a flower basket. Will two hundred twenty be too cheap? You won't be losing money, would you?"

Jiang Xun was silent for a while, as if thinking, then shook her head, "No, the cost is very low."

Everyone: Fairy Xun is really cold and cute, so adorable ah.

"Then I'm going to buy ten!" said the woman in black leather jackets generously. She decided to give it away as gifts, relatives and friends, one for each person. She's just afraid there won't be enough.

"I want five." These people are generally well-off financially. Otherwise they won't have the leisure to support Jiang Xun, who they have only been a fan of for a few days.

Moreover, everyone had an idea of the price of these flowers. Two hundred and eighty per flower basket is really not expensive. Plus, they were so good-looking too. It can increase their good mood when they bring it back to look and are also perfect as gifts.

Sun Xiao Ya thought about the money in her pocket and decided that just one would be fine.

Because she was the first to say that she wanted to buy it, Jiang Xun first asked her if she wanted her own flowers, or just buy this ready-made one.

Facing Jiang Xun's bright and clear eyes that made people have a good impression, although her expression was as cold as it was on the show, the aura on her body didn't make people afraid to approach her.

Sun Xiao Ya smiled embarrassedly, "No need, I'll just buy this, this one is very beautiful."

As soon as her voice fell, she heard someone by the door shout, "Is that Gu Li?"

Everyone looked over in surprise. A black car was parked on the road across the shop entrance. Isn't that tall and lean boy who got out of the car Gu Li?

He was wearing a beige hooded sweater. When he walked over from the other side of the road, he faced the sun. His exquisite handsome face made him the focus of the swarm of people crossing the road.

"That's Gu Li! It's really Gu Li, why did he come?" The questioner also felt the question she was stupid once the words left her mouth. Of course he came here for Jiang Xun's sake.

But no one cares about her stupid question. Everyone was all immersed in their surprise. Among these people, there were plenty who liked Gu Li. After all, they were all appearance fans on the show and Gu Li's appearance can completely make them lose control, screaming.

"He definitely came here to find Jiang Xun."

Sun Xiao Ya had a decent impression of Gu Li. Moreover, there were two classmates in her dorm who were fans of Gu Li, so she also squeezed to the door of the store to take a look. Sure enough, it was Gu Li.

Seeing everyone taking their phones out to take pictures, Sun Xiao Ya also took out her phone and held it up to Gu Li to take a few photos. However, everyone was excited and squeezed together. Her camera couldn't focus properly, so the photos she took were all fuzzy.

Just as she was sighing bitterly, she saw a hand stretched out in front of her and whispered, "I'll help you."

Sun Xiao Ya looked back and saw it was Ah Ran. She became short of breath, while her heart was beating like thunder.

Everyone has yet to wake up from the surprise of Gu Li coming to find Jiang Xun when suddenly someone shouted, "I think I see Gu Yu too!"

"No way!"

"Fairy Jiang Xun's charm is so great. I just knew I didn't fan the wrong person. Do both the two boys I like like my goddess?"

"Did Gu Li and Gu Yu come together?"

"They didn't come together, they came separately. The two of them didn't even park their cars together!"

"Is this the arrangement of the program group? Do you guys see any cameras?"

"No, if it's the program group, someone must be here holding a camera to film. Gu Li and Gu Yu don't have anyone behind them."


There was a lot of discussion about the arrival of the two male guests, causing the flower shop to be noisy. However, Jiang Xun still acted like nothing had happened. She was thinking about how many flower baskets she had just sold. It seemed that there were more than thirty at once, she was going to be busy today.

Gu Yu and Gu Li met at the door of the flower shop. The moment they locked eyes, the fans held their breath and almost screamed. This was so exciting ah!

That hostility between them is way too obvious. Did these two people make it clear that they are both fighting for Jiang Xun?

The show hasn't reached this point yet, but they can know the plot in advance. How can they not get excited?

Gu Yu was also handsomely dressed today. He wore a light gray cardigan over a shirt, exposing his neat collar and making him seem a bit academic. He also had a very good-looking appearance. Among the fans present, there are also many fans who liked him. While staring at him, the more they thought he looked better in person.

Gu Yu: "You came to find Jiang Xun?"

Everyone: Gu Yu's voice is also so pleasant to listen to.

Gu Li nodded. Seeing the door was crowded with people, he then glanced up at the name of the store, a little nervous.

Someone joked, "Jiang Xun is inside."

Gu Li froze as a faint red cloud floated on his cheeks and he whispered, "Thank you."

Everyone: Damn, Gu Li turns out to be this cute? I've become a fan.

Everyone gave way to Gu Li. When Gu Li looked inside, he saw Jiang Xun sitting on a low stool carefully arranging flowers.

She was lowering her head, causing her silky hair to cover a small part of her face so that her beautiful features were half covered and half exposed. She was surrounded by bright flowers, while her slender fingers carefully trimmed the flowers, sometimes lowering her gaze and sometimes furrowing her brow. There was a soft light on her cold face and interest flashed in her eyes.

Jiang Xun's current appearance was really captivating.

Gu Li's face flushed even more. When he looked at her, he didn't want to do anything else at all.

Hearing the voice, Jiang Xun looked up. Seeing Gu Li, she nodded and then continued to do her own thing.

Gu Li had told her he would be coming before coming, so she wasn't surprised. However, Gu Li didn't say when he would come, nor did Jiang Xun expect that he and Gu Yu would run into each other.

Gu Yu followed him in. After seeing Jiang Xun, he was amazed by Jiang Xun just like Gu Li.

Gu Yu thought after he had known her for several days, he should have been accustomed to her beauty. Yet every time he saw her these days, he would still be surprised.

"Are you busy?" Gu Yu walked to her and helped her sort the branches and leaves on the ground aside, opening up a space. Then, he brought over a low stool and sat down beside her.

His series of actions dumbfounded Gu Li.

How could Gu Yu just sit beside Jiang Xun like that?

Although he was angry, he was feeling more upset at himself. He clearly came earlier than Gu Yu, so why did he let him get closer to Jiang Xun first?

Gu Li's eyes darkened. He scanned all around, but didn't find a third stool.

While Gu Yu naturally picked up a flower and handed it to Jiang Xun, "Is this fine?"

Jiang Xun saw he was holding a white peony, which did match the flower basket she was making, so she took it and nodded, "Yes."

When Gu Li saw this, his eyes almost turned red. Internally, he was incredibly jealous and getting anxious.

His little thoughts all fell in the eyes of the fans watching. Everyone couldn't help but want to help him.

But before everyone could think of a way to help him, Jiang Xun suddenly looked up at Gu Li, "What are you doing standing there? There are stools inside, go get one to sit on."

Gu Li's furrowed brows immediately loosened as he smiled. His anxiety and sadness just now dissipated and was blown away by a gust of wind. He hurriedly went to the storage room inside to get a stool and deliberately took one that was the same color as Jiang.

On Jiang Xun's right was Gu Yu, and on her left were a few flower buckets, occupying a large area. When Gu Li was still entangled, not knowing what to do, several kindhearted fans picked up his thoughts. After discussing a few words, one of the girls smiled, "Goddess, you've worked so hard, let us help you sort some things out."

Before Jiang Xun could react, they moved the buckets with flowers on Jiang Xun's left to the front and volunteered to clean up the remaining branches and petals on the ground.

The fans also thoughtfully said to Gu Li, "Don't stand in the way ya, go sit next to Jiang Xun and help."

Gu Li went into a daze for a few seconds before nodding like he woke up from a dream and gave them a grateful look, which almost melted their hearts.

Seeing Gu Yu deliberately talking to Jiang Xun intimately, somehow Gu Li found the courage to sit down extremely close to Jiang Xun and took the initiative to help Jiang Xun get a scissor.

When his fingers touched Jiang Xun's fingertips, it was as if electric current was flowing through him. The tip of his nose could also smell a faint fragrance. He didn't know if it came from the fragrance of flowers or Jiang Xun's body.

System: "Gu Li's favorability value is increased by one, increased by one… … and it continues to increase."

When Jiang Xun heard the prompt from the system, she seemingly unintentionally looked up at Gu Li and said softly, "Help me grab that tulip over there, the yellow one."

The moment she looked at him, a current flowed in her eyes. The fleeting charm in her eyes made Gu Li's body tense and heart beat wildly. He stared at Jiang Xun, not moving.

"Congratulations, Gu Li's favorability value has exceeded 70."

Jiang Xun blinked, "What happened to you?"

Only then did Gu Li reach out his hand in a daze to get a flower and hand it to Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun shook her head, "You grabbed the wrong one, this is a carnation."

Gu Li's face flushed. Glancing at the flower in his hand, he quickly exchanged it for a tulip and handed it to her.

The system then said, "Gu Yu's favorability value has already exceeded 60."

In her heart, Jiang Xun laughed. Men ah, they are all possessive animals. When they get jealous, they become even more jealous than women.

She looked back at Gu Yu and saw that he was watching her and Gu Li with freezing eyes. However, when he noticed Jiang Xun's gaze, he quickly lowered his eyelids and hid his emotions.

Even so, Jiang Xun has seen through him. The luck of the two sons of the Heavens was steadily drilling into her body at the same time. Luck from different people wasn't the same. Jiang Xun already has previous experience of absorbing the luck many times. Therefore she could feel the gentle stream belonged to Gu Li, while the other slightly more overbearing one came from Gu Yu.


After the ll fans went home, they became determined in fanning Jiang Xun. They all praised Jiang Xun's beauty in the WeChat group and said that Jiang Xun had a straight-forward temperament along with being even more likable than what they saw in the show, which made the other II fans jealous. Especially when they brought up that they met Gu Yu and Gu Li. Everyone in the fan group went crazy and regretted not going with them.

The ll fans who have been there all bought flowers from Jiang Xun's shop. Most of them bought flower baskets. Until later on she ran out of baskets, so they could only buy the bouquet specially packaged by Jiang Xun, which was also very beautiful. In short, no one returned with empty hands. Going back. Plus, they also took a lot of pictures of Gu Yu and Gu Li. As soon as they said they took pictures in the group chat, someone from the program group came up and told them not to post it online. After all, the episode hasn't yet been broadcast to that point and would impact the show.

Only then did everyone learn that there was still a staff member of the program group lurking in the fan group. They quickly promised they wouldn't post it out randomly and were just going to keep it for themselves.